100+ to lose and an aching metabolism!

Hi group! Im Ashley. My journey has been a rollercoaster for sure! The last year has been crazy to put it lightly. After losing 60lbs and getting to 200lbs from 260 I became pregnant October 2013 after trying for 6 years. Gained 30 back during pregnancy until at about 30 weeks pregnant April 2014, I was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive rare cervical cancer which led to me delivering my son 10 weeks early so I could begin what would be an intense 10 months of chemotherapy and radiation. During those 10 months my weight skyrocketed back up to 265 due to all the steroids I was pumped full of and a combination of hypothyroidism, pcos, early menopause due to the hysterectomy I received during all of this. Needless to say, my body has been through a lot in the last year and a half. I'm 1 year 4 months in remission and ready to get back on the saddle and get healthy again. This time the weight is not wanting to budge. At 30, my body is now acting like a 50 year olds. Ive been back on the wagon 4 days now and have lost 4lbs. I am doing paleo/gluten free and semi-low carb. I've found having an autoimmune disorder this way of eating has been successful for me. Good luck to everyone!!


  • MelaniLight
    MelaniLight Posts: 738 Member
    Good luck, Ashley!! My goodness, you have certainly been fighting an uphill battle with your health issues. I have and autoimmune disorder as well, and feel so much better when I am following a strict gluten and dairy free diet. My doctor actually recommended that I switch from Primal to Paleo...I'm so glad that I actually listened to her. Anyway, positive thoughts and hugs to you!
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Wishing you a successful journey Ashley!!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    If you have all of those health issues, NEVER cheat with wheat! Eat any other cheat food but steer clear!! Are you following the Autoimmune protocol? You probably should at least until you have more time to heal. I feel for you! Good luck! et me know if I can help, I have been at this a long time.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story Ashley! You've had a lot to endure, so you're body will take time to recover, but you're losing, so that's good. Best wishes on your journey!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Kayden…you are the perfect example of someone looking at your weight and having NO CLUE why you hit 265 at such a young age… no one can understand all the effects of all the drugs.

    …..hopefully your family and friends are supportive..and the best news is you have an adorable munchin to love all your life!! ( and being healthy for him is an even bigger reason to persist..best of luck to you!)

    I had a woman friend years ago who had to make the same decision for the same reason….she was brand new in a very harsh stock market job (up at 3 am daily on the west coast to serve her clients) …but she had to get pregnant NOW as they needed to do some serious chemo treatment… she was no where ready in her busy career to have a child at age 24 (and in the days of "women's lib") but it was her one and only chance..so she took it and also had a healthy son.