Epsom Salt Baths



  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member

    Thank you for explaining this.

    I workout at a gym next to a LabCorps

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @KETOGENICGURL don't know if that test is offered here (Saskatchewan), but will check with Dr when get labs done again. Thanks for the info.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    What liquid are they using, I'm looking into that route rather than the pills

    Auntstephie… there are many liquid Mgs on the market..AND I found a jar of Mg as fruit flavored crystals to mix into water which I like..at HFS..

    I use REMAG product, a liquid..you begin with 1/2 tsp in a qt of water, as example, and sip during the day..now I use 1 tsp in 16 oz..same thing. http://drcarolyndean.com had a HUGE website blog*, with lots of articles, also Dr. Sircus has a site, and on Facebook look up : Magnesium advocacy group. * unfortunately Dr. Dean's blog is NOT searchable…that would be most helpful..she bit my head off in an email, and refused to answer!!! when I asked her a question..because I can't find it over years of posts.

    after showering I use a Mg gel applied all over, and on feet and 'hot spots"(my injured r hip) …sports PTs use it as massage oil..the spray is milder to start with..the gel more concentrated, and can sting raw or abraded or sensitive skin ( like crook of elbow)…but you adapt.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    @KETOGENICGURL thank you, I didn't know that about applying gel to trouble areas I will have to look into that as well, I have some nagging problems with my low back and neck, I read an article that says magnesium helps for low back pain, given that I haven't been taking the most absorbable one recently and my low back pain has flared up considerably, I feel it must be related.