Fake Sweeteners - seriously



  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    I like how in our group we can share sanely on this and other similar topics.

    I am drinking my third coke zero of the week right now.

    The general awareness of what goes in my body now is good.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    I like how in our group we can share sanely on this and other similar topics.

    I am drinking my third coke zero of the week right now.

    The general awareness of what goes in my body now is good.

    Agree. That's why I stay! I've left several heavy handed (aka stress inducing) groups. Not worth the trouble. Opinions can be shared and respected even if disagreed with here.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Confused on how second hand smoke studies relates to AS complaints filed with the FDA. I do believe SHSmoke is a straw man... a political football..…just like concerns over reducing carbon dioxide is now the rage in some eco-circles.

    But when thousands of people do report problems with AS like aspartame I paid attention, i get a headache, red flushed/rashy cheeks, buzzy feeling on my tongue..so I avoid it. other will jump in and say they drank it for decades…this does not negate the issues many DO have.

    Like many things we won't know the true effect of what ALL the 'unnatural' modern events in our culture will do to 4th generation.. EMF waves, radiation, food additives, meds, people bringing long dead diseases back into the country, etc. etc.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    I opened a bottle of Sweetleaf Coconut drops yesterday and used 5 drops in a protein powder/kefir shake... and later had diarrhea. Same thing this morning with 5 drops in my coffee. I didn't have any problem with the powdered stevia I have used in baked goods like MIMs and oopsie bread. Seems like this happens to some people -- anyone else had this?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited August 2015
    I went heavy (an oz or two) of MCT oil last Aug and it was sad times about an hour later. Still can not do MCT to this day but go through a lot of coconut oil every month now. I have loved coconut for at least 60 years. Since I can remember mom made me a coconut cake (very moist) every birthday until I left home. We always had coconuts under the Christmas tree as a kid.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited August 2015
    Ah. I am just going to say what I think. I try as hard as possible to avoid anything artificial. I drink water all day long. I drink plain almondmilk (a lot of people can't). I don't drink juice, rarely drink soda (once every couple months-literally). Yeah, I eat Carbmaster cultured dairy blend, which has a couple colors and AS, but also has real fruit and protein. Hard to find a decent lc friendly yogurt.

    Anyways, anything that is not natural is bound to do some damage. If you only do it once in a while, or if it is minute compared to your daily food regimen of goodness, I think the body can handle it. It is when too much of that crap gets consumed that damage is caused.

    If you drink soda all day long while sittin on your *kitten*, you deserve rotten teeth, diabetes and gout later on down the road, if it is an action of ignorance.

    All in all...everyone is fascinated with the latest study, the latest documentation from some government or nutritional science source. Your (the average MFPer) mind can't be changed unless several studies say the same thing, and only if they are pristine in context. I say, just make a change that you want to make based on how it works for your goals, and what gives you results when you have none. Why do you need an opinion poll? 95% of us are idiots, myself included, when it comes to nutritional science and biochemistry when compared with the likes of Dr. Donald Layman, Dr. Eric Westman, Dr. Phinney or Dr. Richard Johnson, to name a few. Why come on here and ask us? We are just going to google, cut, and paste.

    I have been attempting a high fat diet with moderate protein for the last year of my life. It has been a roller coaster ride, but I got to where I was going. In the last couple weeks, my goals have been changing because of new evidence that I have uncovered about myself, and questions I have asked that I didn't really care to seek answers for through the forums. The only time I do that is if I have done the research myself as much as possible, still am undecided on an action, and need input from testimony or a perspective I have yet to see in order to make that determination and experiment.

    I want to build more muscle while dropping fat at the same time, and according to a leading nutritional science professor's laboratory research, this can be done if the macros are precisely measured and timed. I am going to try taking in protein based on fixed amounts, rather than a percentage, because the hypothesis is that protein should be held constant no matter who you are or what your weight loss goals are.

    In closing, it doesn't have to be what an MFP member, study, or bunches of studies, have to say. Create a question, find out who the authorities are on the topic, and see what they have to say! Maybe they have something to say that isnt filled with a bunch of biochem jargon and incomprehensible variable values. Most of them are doctors, after all. They probably have websites, books, videos, etc. That's what I think.

    Also, if you have to artificially sweeten whatever you are eating or drinking, that is something of comfort because you can't consume the food or drink the way it is. Unfortunately, that is a psychosomatic problem that has contributed greatly to obesity: things have to taste good to consume.

    Food is fuel for the body, that is all. Anything else is just for entertainment purposes to keep us sane and happy. Most the foods I eat already have enough flavor in them, so I don't need to add to it. Also, I am one of the few that can drink from any water tap all day long. I taste very little difference in waters, so I can only decipher big differences.

    Sorry for the long-winded monologue, but thank you for reading.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Sugar alcohols do cause upset tummy in some more than others. There is some magic number to cross that seems to make bad things happen!

    I have used stevia in drinks, especially protein powders I tried but they tasted like sawdust.

  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    I finally found a sweetener that isn't very sweet. :smiley:
    Great Value 0 calorie sweetener made with stevia extract.
    1 packet in a 20 oz coffee is just about right.

    Now and with all new foods I have to check my bg# 2 hours
    afterwards to make sure it's a good fit.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    I finally found a sweetener that isn't very sweet. :smiley:
    Great Value 0 calorie sweetener made with stevia extract.
    1 packet in a 20 oz coffee is just about right.

    Now and with all new foods I have to check my bg# 2 hours
    afterwards to make sure it's a good fit.

    Pre-breakfast 99
    Post-breakfast 104

    Coffee & stevia are in :smiley:

  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    I only use fake stuff in my drinks and in a high fat jello pie I make when I'm trying to get extra fat in. Dessert I use berries to sweeten (same with smoothies) as my sweet buds are way down in sweetness level desired. I usually mix even diet drinks half half with ice or fuzzy (carbonated) water. Just can't seem to find a way around it that's practical.

    My motto is moderation with them.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    I finally found a sweetener that isn't very sweet. :smiley:
    Great Value 0 calorie sweetener made with stevia extract.
    1 packet in a 20 oz coffee is just about right.

    Now and with all new foods I have to check my bg# 2 hours
    afterwards to make sure it's a good fit.

    Pre-breakfast 99
    Post-breakfast 104

    Coffee & stevia are in :smiley:

    What was your breakfast?
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    I finally found a sweetener that isn't very sweet. :smiley:
    Great Value 0 calorie sweetener made with stevia extract.
    1 packet in a 20 oz coffee is just about right.

    Now and with all new foods I have to check my bg# 2 hours
    afterwards to make sure it's a good fit.

    Pre-breakfast 99
    Post-breakfast 104

    Coffee & stevia are in :smiley:

    What was your breakfast?

    My breakfast was: 3 scrambled eggs with a tablespoon of heavy cream, cast iron cooked
    in a tablespoon of butter. Topped with a 1/4 cup shredded taco blend cheese.
    Coffee with stevia

    500 cals, 5g carbs, 0g fiber, 25g protein & 41g fat

  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I think that, like anything, moderation is key. For those who shouldn't really be ingesting much real sugar, artificial sweeteners can be quite helpful.

    Personally, I try not to rely on them that much. I know that my Greek yogurt is sweetened with them, but the low carb content and protein punch is worth it for me. I rarely drink diet soda. I prefer water with a decent amount of lemon. I do sometimes have one of those fruit-flavored seltzer water. Water all the time does get a bit boring...it's nice to mix it up a few times a week.

    I think that anything, when used in excess, can become unhealthy. Honestly, I'm more concerned with the crappy air I breathe everyday. Ick.
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    I'll be so happy when I get my house-- I have so many plans to grow a nice garden like I had long ago. Stevia will be one of the first things. Then I'll just throw the leaves and water in the Vitamix and strain the liquid with a nut milk bag. Then I'll know there isn't anything in there that I don't want to ingest.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I'll be so happy when I get my house-- I have so many plans to grow a nice garden like I had long ago. Stevia will be one of the first things. Then I'll just throw the leaves and water in the Vitamix and strain the liquid with a nut milk bag. Then I'll know there isn't anything in there that I don't want to ingest.

    We bought a stevia plant recently with some other herbs. It grows beautifully.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    There is no way I will ever consume Aspartame or Splenda again, but I will use very tiny amounts of stevia and xylitol or real sugar.....but very rarely. I find that I don't want a sweet taste in my food very often. Just don't need any sweetener very often, so usually skip sweet altogether.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    If love to get to the place where I could drink coffee black (mainly cause I'm impressed by it, lol) but I'm no where close yet! And now that I'm LCHF I'm loving heavy cream. I do think Ima try to halve my sweet dosage again tho.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I have a FB friend who is on a mission against Splenda/aspartame. She's posting and tagging me in post after post. I DO thing they aren't the best choice, and maybe dangerous, but I think of them as the lesser of two evils.

    Being a diabetic I can't do sugar or honey. Being a low carber, I don't want to waste carbs on them but I still want some sweet sometimes.

    Her posts go to sites I don't consider real legit. But I am wondering if I'm doing serious damage to my body. Has anyone here studied this out and have real legit sources to share?

    I'd include stevia in the fake stuff cause it's the processed stuff or TRUVIA which is readily available in foods I would buy (yes I'm aware you can grow it but I don't mean the plant).

    I have gone up and down this whole gamut a few times now. I've posted this in other related questions, but what it comes down to for me is this.

    I am insulin resistant with a strong side effect of postprandial solemnolance. I am not diabetic. However, I react to:

    Aspartame - sore throat, headaches and cravings (tastes bad) - less reaction if paired with heavy fats.
    Splenda (sucralose) - hard crashes, headaches (if liquid), and HARD cravings
    Stevia, liquid, with dextrose or maltodextrin - headaches (liquid - natural flavors), hard crashes, strong cravings
    Erythritol - hard crashes, moderate cravings.
    Other sugar alcohols - severe gastro distress, crashes, cravings
    Xylitol/SA in Trident gum - consumed in very limited quantities - no major reaction, in large quantities, same as erythritol.
    Monk Fruit - Too Pricey for me right now.

    Only one I have found that doesn't affect me in headaches or crashes - though it still does trigger milder cravings if used too much - is Sweet Leaf Stevia packets. However, I'm terrified to try the liquid drops because they include those scary natural flavors that give me migraine-like headaches.

    Walden farms - headaches, crashes, cravings
    Torani - tastes bad, crashes, cravings

    So for me, I stick with the sweet leaf stevia packets/powder. It is the only one my body will partially tolerate. I have isolated each of the sweeteners above and verified reactions... So I don't know if they affect my BG, but it would stand to reason considering they do spike my insulin....

    As most other said, find what you tolerate, use it as little as possible, and live your life...
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Maybe it is just a dense guy thing but I found if I drink something like coffee or tea without sugar for a couple week I am as free from fake carbs as I am real carbs. I was getting stomach discomfort from some sweeteners so I just stopped all.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My thing is that I love tea, but tea does not always love me. The tannins in tea cause a weird chemical-type reaction in my mouth that is not...enjoyable. A single sweetener packet or half of one minimizes this for me. I guess I can try just heavy cream to see if that helps. My body is currently boycotting coconut oil for some reason.