Breakfast or not

I tend not to be hungry at breakfast time on feast days so just leave it till lunch time. Just wondering if I should eat three meals on feast days though or does it matter?


  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's a personal choice. If you're not a morning eater, you're just not a morning eater :) If you're not hungry in the morning, save those cals for later.

    You won't hurt your body by having a longer food free time. I would think the contrary is true as long as your diet is otherwise balanced and varied.
  • mrsgreen5686
    mrsgreen5686 Posts: 34 Member
    I also find myself struggling to eat on non fast days breakfast I either throw a slim fast shake down my neck or a banana something quick and easy. But some days I just don't bother at all like flumi_f said just leave the calories until later on. Although having breakfast does start off your metabolism quicker and sets it off for the rest of the day
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I usually only have coffee (with molasses/sugar and cream) for breakfast on fast days and then a light (about 200 cals) lunch, a light (about 200 cals) dinner, and a light bedtime snack. I don't want my WOE to get in the way of our family meals or seem too radical for my kids, so it's important to me to eat lunch and dinner with my family when they're home. Now that school starts tomorrow, I guess I'll see what meals fits my schedule best.