Side effects?

KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
I have noticed that the last two weeks I have felt like I was "coming down with something" in the evenings on fast days. The only difference between these two weeks and the 8 before is that I am back to work at school. Does anyone else ever feel like or have any other side effects? I think I am going to make sure I have a bit bigger lunch when I fast and see if that helps. Any other suggestions?


  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    It could be due to several things....not dividing the daily cals, the way that is best for YOUR body, drinking more water and flushing out minerals like sodium / potassium (add a bouillon and see if it helps), drinking less caffein and going into 'withdrawal' symptoms.

    The only side effect I had, was an irregular cycle. That seems to have been due to losing weight and not due to fasting, as it has come back after 1yr of maintainance and I still have 2 fasts a week.

    Some go well with not eating all day. I need lunch. At the beginning of fasting, I divided my cals more or less evenly between lunch and dinner. Now I usually have 100-150 for lunch and the rest for dinner and normally do quite well. I stay away from grain carbs on fast days and try to stick to veggies, berries and lean protein sources. If I'm wobbly a bouillon usually helps me.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,546 Member
    Thanks for the response. I am going to try having a few more calories overall for my fast tomorrow and eating a higher portion at lunch. I hadn't thought of the salt loss angle, I will try some bouillon if I start feeling off in the afternoon. I also walk an extra 2-3 miles a day when school is in session, so I think the extra few calories might help.
    As a side note, I have also had cycle weirdness while losing, but I didn't when I was fasting and maintaining.
    I always feel so much better the day after a fast, I can take a few side effects if necessary. :)