Keto for energy?

mrsroddy1228 Posts: 93 Member
hi friends,

I need energy. Haha. What have been your experiences with Keto and energy levels?


  • britzen
    britzen Posts: 143 Member
    The past 2 weeks, I've had to turn wildland firefighter and noticed even going full tilt boogie more many hours I had energy all day, even eating a normal caloric amount when we got food, as long as I was hydrated. But my macros are 85f/10p/5c.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    edited August 2015
    Same here. I've just returned from the south of france, where we run wilderness retreats: lots of running around maintaining basecamp, daily long walks to check up on questers. Incidentally, I went on a two day fasted quest myself (our regular questers go for 4 days) Easy peasy! Cool thing was that when I returned after my retreat and upped the calories a little, I immediately had enough energy to run the afternoon shopping and cooking round. Frankly, I hadn't expected that. My mental state in the field was energetic and alert, well adjusted.
  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    Energy is fine once your body becomes adapted to what it's burning for fuel. That takes a few weeks minimum. I suspect it's also why people tend to throw in the towel on keto when they start feeling like crap, not powering through the change & realizing it's only temporary.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    If you drop your carbs too fast, you can feel like garbage. I went from 120g to 30g over 6 weeks with no problem. I just dropped a little per week. I have gobs of energy. I have a lot more energy now than I ever did on a higher carb diet. Right now, my doctor controls my diet, so my carbs vary a lot more than I want. My daily numbers are 101g protein, 10-30g carbs per day (depending on what my doctor is requiring of me that day, and the rest is fat. I don't even track fat right now.

    My diary is open, but please note I'm on a doctor-supervised diet, so portions, calories, etc. aren't what you should be doing!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    for me, I think my body must have been celebrating, because the boost in energy and mental clarity came on about Day 4... But this ^^^ All of it... Better sleep quality, too.
  • dorje77
    dorje77 Posts: 92 Member
    The first days I was completly out of gas.

    My training performance (I'm doing Freeletics, that is a High Intensity Functional Training) slowed consistently, but I insisted.

    After 2 weeks, I finally experienced the first keto-boost! :D

    Now I can tell that also HIIT training in ketosis is possible, and with good results. :)
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Energy is fine once your body becomes adapted to what it's burning for fuel. That takes a few weeks minimum. I suspect it's also why people tend to throw in the towel on keto when they start feeling like crap, not powering through the change & realizing it's only temporary.

    Agree with @JodehFoster. And to add, people forget eating more salt, especially if training a lot. Salt is critical for cell function.

    To OP. I used to eat a full dinner 3 hrs before gym 3x/week. Still there were episodes of almost fainting from low bloodsugar while in class. Always carrying emergency snacks.

    Now I do IF, start eating at around 2-5 pm, have 1-3 meals within the eating window. Train 1-2 hours/day, sometimes fasted.

    I will probably never go back to a high carb diet. Being Fat Adapted rocks!


  • dorje77
    dorje77 Posts: 92 Member
    I do IF either: one meal per day only (around 3Mcals) and training fasted in the morning - with tons of energies!

    Something impossible with carbs. :)
  • 1234usmc
    1234usmc Posts: 196 Member
    I have been low carb, not keto, for about 2 months now. My energy is still terrible. I went for a fasted run this am and felt horrible. Got home, finished my work out, ate some almond flour pancakes and cut grass. Felt like I was literally going to pass out cutting grass. I don't log or strictly count carbs but I know what I am eating. I probably stay between 40-100 a day. Usually closer to the lower end. If I am low carb, but not keto, will my body still use fat for energy? Bcuz I know I don't have carbs for energy and I am just blah. I have my blood work done in the am. Hoping my a1c and fasting BS are both lower. Curious to see what my lipid panel says also. My wife is not supportive of low carb, I have tried to explain to her how thinking has changed. She cooks and eats to help, just not supportive in the sense that she thinks keto is unhealthy. curious if I should check for keto or just assume I am not there. I work out 5 days a week, I figured that would help burn off excess carbs to get me to keto also. All I know is I need some freakin energy.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    How's your salt intake?
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @1234usmc If you want more energy, forget the pancakes and the grass for breakfast :D
    Substitute 3 eggs with a little salt and a big steak - you will feel much better.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    For me to "get over the hump" of getting into ketosis or out of low carb low energy he!!, I had to track everything. Yes, I know this sucks, but carb creep is a huge factor. 5 carbs here, 7 carbs there, adds up quickly, even though you think you're doing low carb. You're probably lower carb than ever before, but for the metabolism of some folks - 50 grams - 150 grams of carbs can be a danger zone of low energy, added cravings, and such. There is no way of pre-testing to know if that fits you or not.

    So first, TRACK EVERYTHING. I did this for 6 weeks, then felt confident enough to stick with the foods I know are low-no carb.

    Then, I had to get to basics. Eggs, bacon, sausage, steak, roast, chops, etc. Get rid of frilly-frou-frou stuff. Get ride of substitute recipes. For me personally, almond flour trips my insulin response just as if I'd had sugar and junk. I'm not sure why yet, but I've isolated the reaction to it. I dropped all bread and bread substitutes. Made only super simple fat bombs, etc. I ate very little "optional stuff." Lots of cheese and butter and cream cheese and sour cream. Adding in all the faux-foods and substitutes can work for some, but until you are well established, stick to lettuce leaves or cream cheese crepes for wraps, etc.


    I know you say your wife is not on board because she doesn't believe it is healthy. My fiance is the same way, but he doesn't sabotage any of my food, luckily. I know that some people, meaning better, might sneakily push the carb limits on others. Not saying your wife is doing that, but if she really believes you are hurting yourself, she might be suffering from good intentions. Like for me, I can have half a plate of broccoli, but 1/4 cup of carrots spike my sugars. Etc.

    So essentially, until you track everything, we're all playing guessing games anyway.
  • 1234usmc
    1234usmc Posts: 196 Member
    Went to endocrinologist today for follow up. Waiting to see what my blood work says, I asked the dr about low carb/keto to see her thoughts. She is young. So I thought she might be on board. She said it will definitely lower my sugar but in her opinion it's not worth what the fat and cholesterol will do. She was strongly pushing metformin again, based on June bloodwork. I am anxious to see these results. Thanks for all of the imput. You are right, carb creep probably gets me more than I think. 5g here and there from peanuts or cauliflower or almond flour etc. Everyone says more salt but I just finally came off of BP meds. How will it effect my bp?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited September 2015
    It really depends on what causes your high blood pressure. if you were able toncome off meds due to diet and exercise, it is unlikely that salt would affect it. but if it is genetic and underlying it might blip a bit. but continuing on plan should help level it out.

    Worst case? Up salt. monitor pressure for a few days. see how you feel. Adjust from there.
  • CyprusRoots
    CyprusRoots Posts: 6 Member
    I've never had so much energy on keto. At work it's great, I get loads done, I used to feel tired and lethargic all the time whilst eating carbs and sugar and I used to think I was lazy but not anymore.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    It's like being a little kid again. I miss it. I hate myself right now for putting myself out of ketosis and no longer being adapted. I feel like a slug right now!