Getting sleeved in October!!



  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    I am still only down about 12ish pounds since surgery 10/14, but down 55 from my high. I think the problem is I haven't been walking. It's my own fault. I have every excuse in the book. I hate that it is dark when I get home. I have pretty severe neuropathy and my feet just hurt too much by the end of the day. And then the general stressers My house is a f-ing pit and I blame my husband for most of that. I'm not perfect (!), but his lack of cleanliness has been an enabler for me. My husband is in school (1st semester of grad school) and I have learned that he doesn't handle stress well - and this is a stresser on me. He will be done tomorrow and after he has a couple of days to de-stress, we are going to have a "come to Jesus" talk about a few things.

    I get to take the 4 hour round trip drive to my surgeon's office for the 6 week check in, so dreading the lecture. The thing is, what I'm NOT doing is the stuff I was supposedly supposed to get in the habit of during the 6 months leading up to surgery. Physically/surgically I feel great. Tolerating everything I've eaten, even had my first salad last night.

    Ok, that is my venting for the day. smiley:
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    @GoDasher , have you thought about doing something in the morning? I've been hitting the gym pretty hard on work days. The gym I'm a member of happens to be on my way to work, so I am there by 5:15am to get in about 40 minutes, then again on my way home to do weights and about 40 more minutes of cardio. My weight loss has been slower than I'd like, but I'm happy where I am. My highest was in Aug, I'm 58 pounds down from there. My surgery was 10/15 and I'm 35 down from there.

    It makes me laugh at this point because I'm so gung ho about working out. I have my membership at the primary gym I go to. I see a trainer once a week there. My surgeon gave us a free year membership to a gym associated with the hospital system he's with. And now, my mom is in for a month and scored me a 1-month free membership to the gym she's affiliated with. I feel like a gym rat. :wink:
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    @NicoleL874 I love that you have become a gym rat! That is what I want to be! My primary care doc's big concern was substituting one addiction for another -> food for drugs, alcohol, sex (meaning not your sig other!), etc. My goal is to substitute working out!

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Eh, go slowly when you do finally start. I have apparently jumped in too hard too quickly. Right from the start, in the hospital, I noticed a pulling in my right heel/ankle area. It's progressively gotten worse when I'm not working out. Apparently, I have Achilles insertional tendonitis. (the spot on the heel where the Achilles tendon connects) I have to get a soft compression sock and I have to cut back on my walking to let it heal. BLECH. So, I guess once a day for a while. *sigh*

    If the gym were closer and/or the weather better, I may transfer addictions. But, I don't want to drive the 20 minutes when the mood strikes, lol!
  • robbhtrd
    robbhtrd Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, I had gastric sleeve surgery nov.9,2015..I am down 60 pounds. I just started walking 2 miles aday at the gym.....
  • GoDasher
    GoDasher Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome @robbhtrd! Congratulations!