

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    My goal for September was to break my low of 142. I hit 141.5 today. So, new goal will be 140! That will be ambitious though. Can only keep on, keepin' on. Can't eat less and can't exercise more.

    @Rebamae I still have 11.5 pounds to go to maintenance (I think) or 130 pounds.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Happy for you Charlie, nice to see new lows!!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    edited September 2015

    I did 45 minutes on the stationary bike at the gym today, thanks to the nice lady who took the bike next to mine and then chatted for 20 minutes, so I was distracted and lost track of time. So, after I got back, and before lunch, I measured my blood sugar, and while it's not "low", it is lower than it has been since mid-June when I switched meds. It may have been a result of the exercise, and/ or the fact that I have aggressively eliminated more carbs from my diet. (these same carbs didn't bother me when I was on my other meds)

    I am just relieved to see a lower number. Even if it's "high". :p

  • charrisonwms
    charrisonwms Posts: 22 Member
    Goals for September.

    Morning prayer and meditation daily
    Drink more water.
    At least 6.5 hours of sleep daily
    Exercise 5-6 days a week
    Drop 8 lbs
    Enjoy the skin I'm in, every opportunity I get.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Congratulations Charlie and Cris for your lower numbers! Cris, my dad had diabetes. He was thin all his life and never was really into sweets or other high carb/glycemic foods. His dad had diabetes too. Sometimes it's just the way the genes fall. ....take it easy on yourself...
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Congratulations Charlie and Cris for your lower numbers! Cris, my dad had diabetes. He was thin all his life and never was really into sweets or other high carb/glycemic foods. His dad had diabetes too. Sometimes it's just the way the genes fall. ....take it easy on yourself...

    <3 Thanks, Jan.
    The consulting RN at my doc's office told me that too, after he peeled me down off the wall.

    I am reading a book called
    "Diabetes Burnout: What to do When You Can't Take it Anymore."


  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy Thrilling Thursday to each of you! and hopefully those thrills are all positive B)

    I have had the tummy "thing" for the last three days. I am hopeful today will be better.

    I am going to have Thursdays as my goal check. So here I go:

    *I want to see at least a 6.3 lb decrease on my scale on September 30th!
    *Drink 13 glasses of water / day
    *Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me
    *Follow Paleo totally everyday
    *Plan menu's on Fridays
    *Declutter the office - completely
    *Upper body strength training every other day
    *Start walking 10 min 3 X a day, then increase as my leg will allow.
    *Mindful that July 16, 2016 is only 44 weeks away

    1. I have lost 5 lb but that probably is due to eating chix noodle soup and yogurt most of the day.
    2. I am drinking lots of water but need to keep track of how much
    3. I have been having yogurt later than 9:00
    4. Nope, not with chix noodle soup and yogurt
    5. I did plan menus but of course haven't cooked any of it.
    6. Have not worked on the office - been in the chair most all day sleeping
    7. Same as above
    8. Same as above
    9. This has been a positive week for losing but not the way I like it. We will see if it stays off once I start eating again.

    I hope I get to visit and catch up with you this evening!

    Onward and downward we go o:)
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited September 2015
    mxchana wrote: »

    1. Getting in an average of 45 minutes of exercise daily --- a minimum of 30 minutes every day without fail and a total of 315 (or more) each week. (Did well with this in August and intend to keep it going strong.)

    2. Meditating daily.

    3. Using my self-hypnosis course faithfully each day.

    4. Reporting my actual accomplishment of above on a weekly basis.

    1. EXCELLENT - due to a major lawn raking and mowing project, I have blown way past my exercise goals this past week. I owe it all to the incompetent lawn care folks we had to fire.
    2. BETTER - 5 out of 7 days if only for 10 minutes, sometimes more.
    3. SAME - avoiding her but did twice. Going to do it right after I finish this, too.
    4. GOOD - a day late but here I am.

    Over my two-week vacation away from home, I gained 11 pounds. Yeah. So far since coming home, I have lost 2.5 of those gained pounds. How I hate having to lose again, weight I already lost!! But the only way is one day at a time. *sigh*

    Where is that magic pill? Well, until I find it I will just keep recording my food and recording my exercise and coming back to these challenges. ~ Kathy

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Goals for September.

    Morning prayer and meditation daily
    Drink more water.
    At least 6.5 hours of sleep daily
    Exercise 5-6 days a week
    Drop 8 lbs
    Enjoy the skin I'm in, every opportunity I get.

    I really, really like your last goal. Good luck and good focus to you to obtain them all.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    September Challenge

    Follow my strength training program, developed by my trainer, I meet with her later this week to determine what will be added and subtracted from what I am currently doing. Along with her program for me I will continue to attend Body Flex classes, at least once a week and also continue using the core exercise alternatives to crunches. The goal of all this is to increase my weights and to be down another inch around my waist by the end of September.

    Haven't met with the trainer to revamp my progam, we had to cancel due to my husband's condition. I will reschedule next week. I did get to Body Flex and will be at tomorrow's BF class as well. I am doing core exercises whenever I start to feel boredom or a lot of stress taking its toll. I never thought I would say this, but exercise is helping me with the stressfulness.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    One day below the 5 mile goal. Increased length of pt exercises is putting off my weight training goal, but a lot of those include resistance bands. So I'll think positively about it. Still working on this eating back calories thing. Yesterday was a disaster, as I ate junk instead of good food to get the calories eaten.
    Woohoo! You ladies are making big life plans, with anniversaries, trips, supporting your parents. Congratulations!
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Walk 5 miles a week.
    Do my Super Body workout 5 times a week.
    Meditate at least 5 times a week.
    Keep doing what I'm doing with diet.

    I purposely set my goals a bit low so that I was assured of success. I might need to rethink that and challenge myself a little more.

    Walk 5 miles/wk - yep! (will beat my goal this week easily)

    Super Body workout 5 times/wk - yep!

    Meditate at least 5 times/wk - yep! +2 (meditating is definitely becoming's become a 'need/want to.' I don't feel the day has started right if I don't sit for a while.)

    My eating plan is working just fine. I eat 3 meals with no snacking, no sugar and very little grain or legumes. I want to keep my carbs below 100g/day. I do get hungry before bed and wake up hungry, but I have no cravings and am staying within my calorie goals for the most part. I'm trying to get my hormones (insulin, leptin, glucagon and cortisol) in balance and working right.

    All in all, I'm pretty pleased with myself. o:)

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    All in all, I'm pretty pleased with myself. o:)

    You should be! Good for you!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Whoops, messed up check in this week. Met goals except that the 40+ minutes of ankle/hip pt is taking up a lot of the time I usually do other exercise. Am adding on to get the strength training.
    Physical therapist says no jogging, but you know, you see more on walks than when trying you go faster, and my speed is 4 to 4.5 mph when the dog isn't along. :-)
    Now on final taper off cortisone.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    sharondtd wrote: »
    you see more on walks than when trying you go faster, and my speed is 4 to 4.5 mph when the dog isn't along. :-)

    Holy moly! It is literally impossible for me to 'walk' 4.5 that speed I'm running. Short legs.

    I'm doing good with the walking...more like 7 miles/week than 5. I decided to only do my Super Body wo every other day. Meditating is still a 'must do' daily. Food choices are good and I'm staying within my goals there. I'm not as hungry at night anymore and sometimes have to 'force feed' calories to get above 1000/day. It is hard to get enough calories when I don't eat grains or I eat a lot of nuts!

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Well its midmonth and I am going to change my goals. what the heck. I have been dealing with two issues lately. For one, I have been FINALLY taking my painting seriously. Now, I am no great artist, but I do tole and decorative painting and currently am working on some small pieces of furniture and a couple of mailboxes. It's a lot of fun, I am learning a lot, but by the time I take care of the house, do my exercising, deal with the medical issues we have been working on, and paint for 2-3 hours a day, well the day is gone! That has not helped with my consistency, but I am working on mastering the new schedule. Second, I started having a problem with GERD a few months ago. I try to deal with health issues naturally as much as possible, so I cut down on wine, gave up coffee, and gave up spicy foods. Amazing results! So now my only real goal is to get back on a consistent schedule that includes the goals I started the month with!

    Jan, I have not had to force feed myself to get above 1000 calories since I was three. You go girl! lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Mid month check in report on my challenge this month, so far:
    My personal training sessions are on hold till we finish up with DH's dr. visits etc. I am getting in lots of steps these days. I am attending the Body Flex classes and doing strength training with DVDs and I am still doing the core work exercises.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Start wearing my new pedometer, join the Gym on Monday!!!!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm three days behind in reporting on my challenge --- due to the holidays I am behind in every area of my life! However, I have been doing well with my goals, the best so far this month.

    1. Getting in an average of 45 minutes of exercise daily --- a minimum of 30 minutes every day without fail and a total of 315 (or more) each week. - EXCELLENT - I am blowing past my goals on most days, due to a lot of yard work. There are two out of the last 10 days that I did not meet my minimum, due to holidays. But in spite of that, I am extremely happy with my exercise efforts.

    2. Meditating daily. - KA-CHING! - Finally, LOL ... it helps that this is a time of year with a big emphasis on ritual / spiritual practice.

    3. Using my self-hypnosis course faithfully each day. - VERY GOOD - Finally getting this really in gear. One travel day (8½ hours in the car) and two holidays on which I don't use electronics = three of the last 10 days I did not use the course BUT that is much better than I have been doing. I do feel a difference in my reaction to food at times. I'm still not wild about her voice but I am appreciating the information and content of the hypnosis recordings.

    4. Reporting my actual accomplishment of above on a weekly basis. - LATE! - But here I am, reporting even if late.

    ~ Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Kathy, great work.

    Everyone is doing so well this month. I love our group <3