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  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    The only reason I stay off the main forums is because the weight loss info there is too full of opposing information.

    So much better to just focus on low carb.

    I'm a member of fitbit but I only go there searching and looking for fitbit info. I have never posted there.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited September 2015
    Being an offender of the rules myself this week, and feeling pretty cruddy about it, I BEG everyone to not mention "you know what" anymore and limit the discussion to a far, far away place in Internet land that is nowhere near our dear food/fitness logging site and even further away from our soft and fluffy LCD group that we wouldn't want to get disbanded due to negative mention of "they who shall not be named".
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    There are lots of good ideas shared in this group

    I would have not gotten as involved in being fat adapted if it were not for our buddy Wab and the rest of your knowledgeable and helpful folks
  • jennybird99
    jennybird99 Posts: 60 Member
    Just a practical question, here.
    I do all my MFPing on my iPhone. All my interwebbing.
    I am a member of this group from the day I signed up, but CANNOT see any other groups now. Nor any of the blogs y'all post, just the
  • jennybird99
    jennybird99 Posts: 60 Member
    Oh for crying out loud.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Just a practical question, here.
    I do all my MFPing on my iPhone. All my interwebbing.
    I am a member of this group from the day I signed up, but CANNOT see any other groups now. Nor any of the blogs y'all post, just the

    I pretty much use the phone app too. If you use it in safari you will see things that don't show up in the app. It's the only way to get to people's blogs that I know of from mobile.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Hey, all, something I wanted to share that is tangentially related. The book I'm listening to/reading (Change Anything - I've talked about it a few places) has a great principle about relationships. This comment, I've applied personally, but it made me thing about it here. While we all need to vent frustration sometimes, I've found that there is a whole level of different between venting and b-witching about something.

    For example, I'm sure any of you who are in or ever have been in a relationship have a had a partner (or sibling or parent or child) who drove you absolutely bat-crap crazy sometimes. Needless to say my fiance does this for me quite regularly. Rather that b-witch to a friend and rant and rave about how horrible he is, I try to just let of my frustration in general. Because I find that the more I focus on how horrible he supposedly is, the more I BELIEVE it, FOCUS on it, and make it my own bent version of reality.

    I think that while individuals anywhere may have been abusive or bullies or know-it-alls, or heck, even just judgmental pricks, but there are also individuals who forged our paths to places like this, offered a kind word, or had intelligent advice. I try not to lump all those things together, because it just makes me full-on cranky, and let me tell you, that's not pretty.

    I find that whatever is my focus because the tone of my day. If I focus on what not to eat, it becomes an obsessive thought I can't hardly shake. But if I focus on what I get to eat, my day is brighter and almost celebratory. If I focus on some silly bickering I had with my guy last night, I get cranky. But if I think of the deep connected conversation we had after the bickering, it sets my day aglow. Etc., etc.

    As I said, I don't like being a super cranky crazy mental person, but it happens. And when it does, I have to shift my focus. No judgment here...just another frame of perspective, given this convo... Hugs, all.

    Agree! Focusing on negatives associated with anything, in my opinion, just magnifies it ten fold. I figure this is what we see in personalities labeled as pessimistic. It can also be emotionally draining being around someone that is obsessively negative. I guess I've generally found it pretty natural to be positive about things. At times, so much so that I it set expectations too high and was even naive. I think there is a benefit to being aware of negatives and finding a good balance of the two types of thinking. But leaning on the optimistic end. ;)

    I definitely fall into the category with you, @Sunny_Bunny_ I don't know why I'm always so stupidly and unrealistically optimistic. So much so that it completely and utterly undermines my success in some ventures. I need to figure out how to stop defaulting to "best case scenario" automatically and stop looking at the world/situation through rose-colored glasses. But I don't want to become the cynic who always believes in, expects, and creates the "worst case scenario" either.... Any suggestions, y'all?
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    @KnitorMiss and @Sunny_Bunny_ I think it is because our brains like to find proof for any given proposition or thought that drifts by... so, my husband is such an XXX (something negative) and then my brain pops up with half a dozen reasons to prove that thought right (remember the time when he... x y and z). But if I thought my husband is such a great guy, then I can also think of half a dozen reasons why he is (does the ironing, is a great dad, etc etc). So with the negative thoughts it can help to tackle it by asking yourself "it is really true" and just think about it. It's OK if the answer is yes, but usually we know it's not absolutely true! Then if you keep thinking about it, then you often realise it's something to do with yourself projecting (well I do anyway). So I agree with you that focusing on the negative just spirals into something worse usually, and all because of your thoughts about the negative thing, rather than the perceived-negative thing itself.

    Clear as mud!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited September 2015
    Just a practical question, here.
    I do all my MFPing on my iPhone. All my interwebbing.
    I am a member of this group from the day I signed up, but CANNOT see any other groups now. Nor any of the blogs y'all post, just the

    I pretty much use the phone app too. If you use it in safari you will see things that don't show up in the app. It's the only way to get to people's blogs that I know of from mobile.

    I try to always post the link to my blog in the comments. Folks in the app will find that clicking on this takes them to the internet, but I set mine to public reading, so you should be able to see them without logging back in again in the web window...



    Also in the web browser on your device, you can type THIS ^^^ with the person's user name, and it will take you to their main blog page, complete with link list on the right... You may want to open the browser to MFP, log in, then type this, because some folks have it sent to where only MFP people can read the blogs.