Head Games



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    I think a lot of it for me is that I lost (what feels like to me) a LOT of weight in a short space of time. I'm still obese, but look like other fat-but-not-gigantic people I know. I feel quite normal in a UK/NZ/AUS size 16, which is about a 14 in the USA I think. My energy levels are good and I can run and jump and chase kids, and walk for kilometres on end with no issues. I have lots of clothes that fit. My brain seems to be telling me it's all cool to just stop now because I am a medium tub of lard rather than a BMI of 52, weighs 253.5lbs truckload of lard.

    I went from 253.5lbs to 167.5 in 8 months and just feel fuggin sick of restricting myself already. The last few pounds I keep losing and putting back on again because of the mental cycle I am stuck in.

    My body is great, it loses weight fantastically and doesn't stall until my mouth and brain gang up on it to gorge.

    It doesn't help that people keep plumping my ego up buy calling me slim, telling me I look 20 years younger bla bla bla. I love it so much, I think, well why change? I must already look great!

    @minties82 Honestly, I would shift to maintenance for 6 months or so. Your body needs a break!! Prove to yourself you can maintain WHERE YOU ARE since you enjoy it. Then after a while, decide if you're ready to kick it back in gear. Your body and your metabolism, not to mention your mind, need a break! They say for every 10-25% of body weight you lose, you should maintain for 3-6 months before losing again. That way you reset your body's normal range and such... We all need those periods of maintenance while staying on our "eventually plan." Give it some thought!

    Because if you can maintain at this weight, you can maintain at any weight. Prove it!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I highly recommend going carnivore. That's when the maximum effects of this woe kicked in and I haven't been hungry since! Still approximately 80% carnivore now.