Week 1 - Welcome



  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    How important do people feel the Stretch is? I'm not talking the cool down type of stuff, but I guess I just prefer to do cardio exercise with my time rather than stretches.

    For me, it's take it or leave it.
    I enjoy the Stretch program for what it is, but in the end, it really doesn't add much to the routine.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Today was Fire 30 Class / Stretch 10 Class.......the revenge.
    This time, being more familiar with the steps, I was a little bit more in sync with Chalean, hence I felt I was able to push harder and go faster. I was definitely breathing harder and sweating more.

    In my previous post, I stated that Stretch 10 "doesn't add much". Well, after pushing as hard as I was able to on the Fire 30, I really needed the stretch.......I perhaps needed more than just the Stretch 10.
  • Seymour32
    Seymour32 Posts: 22 Member
    Fire 55 EZ for me today. A few new moves so was a bit uncoordinated. Longer workout than I am used to as well but I think that will help me in the long run.
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    Frustrated with myself! I've only done 2 workouts so far b/c work/home life have been keeping me busy. I was never like this when I first started here, but I've let myself go. I am only thankful that my eating is still somewhat in check b/c my exercise has been sporadic.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Fire 55 EZ was on the menu tonight, and there really wasn't anything "EZ" about it.
    Despite not doing any situps or crunches, I felt like I got an awesome core workout.

    Many of the moves were rehashes or modifications of Fire 30, so I was relatively comfortable and better yet, coordinated.

    When I got to the end, I kind of secretly wished that the workout was 10-15 minutes shorter..........not because of the difficulty, it just got kind of boring. It was a really good workout, and I definitely burned a lot.
  • Seymour32
    Seymour32 Posts: 22 Member
    Fire 55 EZ was on the menu tonight, and there really wasn't anything "EZ" about it.

    Haha, i was so going to say that yesterday but thought it was too cheesy!! :smile:

    I missed my workout today, I had to get work a little early and I just couldn't manage to get out of bed early enough. Do others do their workouts in the morning? It's the best time for me and I feel good all day. Back on it tomorrow.

    I was feeling a bit crappy last night as I feel like I am not really getting anywhere - I have been at this for about 6 months now and have not made a lot of progress. In my mind, I feel like I am trying hard and don't understand why it's not working but deep down, I know it is food related. I don't think I eat badly at all but I do love to eat and have had a hard time going back to calorie counting and being restrictive. I have done it before but I was so miserable. I find dinner and weekends are the really hard times.

    I guess I want the best of both worlds, eat what I want and lose weight!! I thought I could exercise my way through and as much as it helps, it is not enough. I need to get a good meal plan happening.

    Ok rant over. Hope everyone else had a great workout!
  • 1Inspired
    1Inspired Posts: 13
    Hi everyone. I started Turbo Fire on Monday and would love to join you. I am loving the workouts so far even though I have to take breaks. I rearranged the schedule and Thursdays are my rest days.

    I have burned a little over 1,400 calories so far this week (I tried to be a smarty and did HIIT 15 twice...big mistake) but my food choices have been horrible.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Fire 55 EZ was on the menu tonight, and there really wasn't anything "EZ" about it.

    Haha, i was so going to say that yesterday but thought it was too cheesy!! :smile:

    Yeah, I don't have that filter.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Fire 30 / Stretch 10..........this being the 3rd time doing it this week, I actually looked like I knew what I was doing.
    The first day, I looked like a complete spaz, completely uncoordinated.

    Today, I knew the moves, and I pushed it. Got a damn good burn this time around, or at least I felt like it.
  • Seymour32
    Seymour32 Posts: 22 Member
    Fire 30 again for me today. Probably my favourite so far. I was more co-ordinated with the moves as well but for some reason really lost energy about halfway through. Struggled with the second half but felt like a good workout.

    I feel like my arms are toning a bit as well, even with no weights involved. Must be all those punches!
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Fire 30 again for me today. Probably my favourite so far. I was more co-ordinated with the moves as well but for some reason really lost energy about halfway through. Struggled with the second half but felt like a good workout.

    I feel like my arms are toning a bit as well, even with no weights involved. Must be all those punches!

    The punches are great, and all of the side-to-side movement you do with your upper body along with the moves that bring the knee into the body is really working my core all kinds of good.

    Add into the fact that I am doing Core 20 today, and my six-pack will make a rare appearance in no time.

    I've been monitoring my weight all week, although my official weigh-in isn't until Saturday, and I know I will have a 5+ pound loss just during the first week. I know this will taper off, but I am super excited to also see my other measurements (waist, hips, etc.).
  • Seymour32
    Seymour32 Posts: 22 Member
    I just finished Core 20 and Stretch 40 - wow I loved it! I was a bit wary and thought I might hate it but it was great. Really, just what I needed. I definitely felt the Core workout in the abs and the yoga poses in the stretch class were great.

    I am feeling general improvements all around - bring on week 2!!
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Core 20 & Stretch 40 for me today.
    Pretty good burn, and a nice change of pace from the norm of TurboFire.

    Tomorrow (Saturday) is my rest day, and I'll be back for Week 2.