Binged/oversplured on reverse

ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
Well, I'm so embarrassed about it, but Thursday I ate like 3000 calories, 1300 over goal, and then Saturday I ate 3000 calories, another 1300 over 1700 reverse diet goal!! That's like 3000 calories over!. I am so upset that I've been falling back into my binging days. Where do I go from here? Do I try again at 1700 next week, and not go up to 1800? I will not let binging take over.
I try using iifym but I seem to still overindulge


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What is triggering the binge? You feel you are not entitled to eat more, so you do yourself in? Is it a food or food group that is triggering it? Look honestly at what you ate and why you binged. You can just stick with the 1700 for a week, hitting it, than go up.

    Did any additional weight show up as a result? If not, maybe your body needed that food in the first place.
  • ANT98
    ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
    What is triggering the binge? You feel you are not entitled to eat more, so you do yourself in? Is it a food or food group that is triggering it? Look honestly at what you ate and why you binged. You can just stick with the 1700 for a week, hitting it, than go up.

    Did any additional weight show up as a result? If not, maybe your body needed that food in the first place.

    Mostly carbs. I'm trying to stay roughly with the 30/40/30 approach. Should I do 50/25/25? (With consent to grams of p/c/f). I weighed myself Saturday morning at 154 and this morning at 157 so I don't know if it's water weight.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    alexxazt wrote: »
    What is triggering the binge? You feel you are not entitled to eat more, so you do yourself in? Is it a food or food group that is triggering it? Look honestly at what you ate and why you binged. You can just stick with the 1700 for a week, hitting it, than go up.

    Did any additional weight show up as a result? If not, maybe your body needed that food in the first place.

    Mostly carbs. I'm trying to stay roughly with the 30/40/30 approach. Should I do 50/25/25? (With consent to grams of p/c/f). I weighed myself Saturday morning at 154 and this morning at 157 so I don't know if it's water weight.

    I have a hard time reaching 30% protein, if your wallet and body can handle it, go for it, but I wouldn't Fat is what makes you feel full, I'd increase that first and see how I go. YMMV.

    You didn't eat enough extra calories to gain 3 lbs of fat, do the math, so mostly water, especially with that many carbs in the mix. It should go down when you eat properly again.

  • ANT98
    ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
    alexxazt wrote: »
    What is triggering the binge? You feel you are not entitled to eat more, so you do yourself in? Is it a food or food group that is triggering it? Look honestly at what you ate and why you binged. You can just stick with the 1700 for a week, hitting it, than go up.

    Did any additional weight show up as a result? If not, maybe your body needed that food in the first place.

    Mostly carbs. I'm trying to stay roughly with the 30/40/30 approach. Should I do 50/25/25? (With consent to grams of p/c/f). I weighed myself Saturday morning at 154 and this morning at 157 so I don't know if it's water weight.

    I have a hard time reaching 30% protein, if your wallet and body can handle it, go for it, but I wouldn't Fat is what makes you feel full, I'd increase that first and see how I go. YMMV.

    You didn't eat enough extra calories to gain 3 lbs of fat, do the math, so mostly water, especially with that many carbs in the mix. It should go down when you eat properly again.

    Wouldn't I have gained at least 1 pound though if it was 3000+ over my 1700 goal?
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    3500=1lb. supposedly. Still one lb is not the 3 lbs you reported above. Additional carbs are going to put water weight on you.

    Just get back onto your program. Did you figure out what triggered the binge eating yet? Address that problem and carry on as the Brits say :)
  • ANT98
    ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
    3500=1lb. supposedly. Still one lb is not the 3 lbs you reported above. Additional carbs are going to put water weight on you.

    Just get back onto your program. Did you figure out what triggered the binge eating yet? Address that problem and carry on as the Brits say :)

    Haha yes, I've figured it out. Thank you!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    3500 calories OVER estimated TDEE for those days would lead to less than a lb of fat.

    The 3500 calories for burning fat is where the number hits, that's how much energy is in a lb of fat when burned for energy, not the same going the other direction though.

    So you went 1300 over your goal 2 x - or 2600 calories (so 900 short strictly speaking, and less since it takes some energy to process and store it).

    But that's over goal, depends on what your TDEE actually looks like for that day.

    What you did is exactly the problem when you are dieting with a suppressed daily burn (TDEE) - every splurge like that doesn't actually speed your body up, because the other days are still super low, so it's seen as extra to store as fat in case the craziness continues.

    So for sure do NOT eat less in an attempt to balance that out. Hopefully body will see it along with other higher days to speed body back up.

    And if those days were busy - not even the overage you think it was.

    Ditto's to above about stress and carrying on.
  • ANT98
    ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    3500 calories OVER estimated TDEE for those days would lead to less than a lb of fat.

    The 3500 calories for burning fat is where the number hits, that's how much energy is in a lb of fat when burned for energy, not the same going the other direction though.

    So you went 1300 over your goal 2 x - or 2600 calories (so 900 short strictly speaking, and less since it takes some energy to process and store it).

    But that's over goal, depends on what your TDEE actually looks like for that day.

    What you did is exactly the problem when you are dieting with a suppressed daily burn (TDEE) - every splurge like that doesn't actually speed your body up, because the other days are still super low, so it's seen as extra to store as fat in case the craziness continues.

    So for sure do NOT eat less in an attempt to balance that out. Hopefully body will see it along with other higher days to speed body back up.

    And if those days were busy - not even the overage you think it was.

    Ditto's to above about stress and carrying on.

    Thank you so much! It's just hard when you feel so out of control because you know you can eat more, incorporate more treats, am might just over do it haha
  • ANT98
    ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
    alexxazt wrote: »
    What is triggering the binge? You feel you are not entitled to eat more, so you do yourself in? Is it a food or food group that is triggering it? Look honestly at what you ate and why you binged. You can just stick with the 1700 for a week, hitting it, than go up.

    Did any additional weight show up as a result? If not, maybe your body needed that food in the first place.

    Mostly carbs. I'm trying to stay roughly with the 30/40/30 approach. Should I do 50/25/25? (With consent to grams of p/c/f). I weighed myself Saturday morning at 154 and this morning at 157 so I don't know if it's water weight.

    I have a hard time reaching 30% protein, if your wallet and body can handle it, go for it, but I wouldn't Fat is what makes you feel full, I'd increase that first and see how I go. YMMV.

    You didn't eat enough extra calories to gain 3 lbs of fat, do the math, so mostly water, especially with that many carbs in the mix. It should go down when you eat properly again.

    So I ended up doing it again. :(
    It seems to be every Friday, Saturday, or Sunday on a baked good such as homemade (that someone else in my family made) cookies, cake, breads, or pie. Today I ended up eating a whole pumpkin pie. It was out for people to eat and I ended up coming back for seconds, thirds, fourths. It was like 1800 calories total, so I ate like 3000 total today, 800 over my "estimated" tdee of 2200. I thought raising calories would take more of these urges away!!! So I averaged 1900 calories, does that mean tomorrow (it's been "7" days on 1800 (plus that horrible splurge on such a delicious dish) do I eat 2000? Also weighed myself this morning (before the over splurge) I had gained 3 lbs!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Undereating can be one of many reasons why people binge - it certainly makes it easier usually.

    But it sounds like it's time to really think why you wanted to do that.
    Purely taste?
    Felt like one piece ruined the day, therefore forget it all?
    Bored and just wanted to do something?
    Reminded you of something positive?

    And what was meal proceeding this - good balance of carbs and protein and fat?
    Do you eat carbs first in a meal that has balance?
  • ANT98
    ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    Undereating can be one of many reasons why people binge - it certainly makes it easier usually.

    But it sounds like it's time to really think why you wanted to do that.
    Purely taste?
    Felt like one piece ruined the day, therefore forget it all?
    Bored and just wanted to do something?
    Reminded you of something positive?

    And what was meal proceeding this - good balance of carbs and protein and fat?
    Do you eat carbs first in a meal that has balance?

    It was taste, wanted something, I have a smoothie with blueberries, almond milk, and spinach and a salad of chicken and cabbage with Newman dressing.
    I usually save carbs for dinner, knowing that it usually will have more carb like it ends up being rice, or beans, chili soup