Losing BEFORE Surgery



  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    The time before and after surgery goes so fast. You will do amazingly!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you all! I'm a little calmer today. I had to seek a little pharmaceutical help to survive yesterday hahahaha. I am slowly realizing that I was more prepared than I thought! Any liquid diet tips for pre-surgery?
  • kimgravitt3
    kimgravitt3 Posts: 186 Member
    Try adding different flavors to your shakes. It still gets boring but, it does go by really quick. Invest in the PB2 powdered peanut butter, it's fantastic.
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    I just had my final appointment today, and my surgery is Monday. I arrive at 1145 and surgery is set to start at 1345! I'm sooo afraid. My surgeon pointed out that I'm within the acceptable range for surgery, but I'm still in the high risk classification due to my weight. I started this journey at 417lbs. Now I'm down to 337lbs. Did anyone else undergo surgery around this weight?

    There is the possibility that the dr will have to switch to performing a VSG if the risk is to high for RNY once he can see what's going on in my body.

    Now I'm drained, emotionally exhausted, and scared. I'm still a little excited, but I just wish I could just waken up tomorrow with a pulse, laparoscopic RNY, and I can totally handle anything else!!!!!
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    it's normal to be apprehensive about any surgery. that being said, trust your surgeon, he/she will do their best to look out for your well-being.
  • kimgravitt3
    kimgravitt3 Posts: 186 Member
    As much weight as you have lost, I believe your surgery will be successful. Your liver should have shrunk a lot. I was 314 when I had my RNY, and my doctor was able to do it laparoscopic. You have already come so far! I'm praying your surgery goes really well.
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    WOW Congratulations on getting the weight off that you had to lose and for getting a surgery date. Monday is almost here and I wish you the very best. I am so glad and happy for you that you are getting yours done before the new year. Keep us posted as to how you are doing. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    I am still on the 6 months supervised diet. I had lost over 140 pounds before I even saw the surgeon. He didn't say I had to lose any more but I wanted to. I am down another 29 pounds. My last visit is the 23rd. My Dr wanted all testings and clearances done by Nov 23rd. Unfortunately that is not going to happen. I need a stress test done and it can't happen until Dec 6 and 7th. My surgeon goes on vacation Dec 15th until the new year. So I hope I will be scheduled for some time in Jan once insurance approves everything.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    Downfall of waiting till new years is deductables are flipping back over. :-( I work in a hospital and we are having so many people try to get the last of everything scheduled in at the end. I commend you on your total loss so far.
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    Good luck Angie!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you all for all of your support and encouragement! This time tomorrow I'll be driving to the hospital! I kinda did things the opposite of most people...I was extremely open at work. My team was among the first to know about my progress every step of the way. They have been AMAZING!

    However, I only told my immediate family (husband, parents, grandparents, parent-in-laws). I have a very large Italian family full of super close, supportive women. I really wasn't ready to hear them all say how happy they were and how much they worried for my health. I also wasn't ready to fail publicly if I couldn't lose the initial requirements presurgery. This week I told everyone and had a chance to spend time with each and every one of them. What a blessing! I have incredible family and friends! I'm so lucky! I could literally feel them taking away some of my fear and worry. I feel so much lighter emotionally, and knowing that so many people will be praying for me and supporting me has allowed me to relax. Plus all of the compliments from those who haven't seen me in months felt amazing!

    As of now...I think that I'll be heading into surgery confidant in my decision and excited for my next chapter. However...I could lose my mind, end up crying in the corner, and need Valium...no promises hahahaha!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Kim - I've been following your progress, and you have given me so much hope and clarity. Thank you. Ssbeadlady - you have been kicking butt!! Please keep up updated!
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    @angiemollison308 You'll do great. You have a great attitude and support system. Give us updates when you can!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Another big step today...I was able to use my sad face to get my husband to take a 2 hr hike with me! It was nice to share that before surgery, and I'm sure that my heart will thank me for not just sitting on my butt today. This time tomorrow...I should be sitting pretty in my room (hopefully in the recliner post op). Not toooo pretty tho....no makeup and glasses style pretty Ohhh and with pretty drain tubes! At least I'll still have my bright pink pedicure!!
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    It's over now and your back home aren't you? You did it congratulations.
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    I am home and doing very very well! For anyone reading this, I've abandoned this thread and moved over to my new chapter...Angie 2.0!