Wanting friends in EM2WL



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
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    As for dealing with the 1200 cal eaters.. just remember, they will lose the weight doing anything they do, but the second they go "off plan"... the weight piles back on and it brings some friends with it. I have watched the same 6 or more people on my feed go on fad diet plans over the years, lose the weight, then months later come back swearing they can "do it again" after gaining it all back and more. I decided I didnt want to spend my life in a diet swing. I want to get to a point in my life where eating is just that. Eating. I dont have to worry about if that piece of cake will make me fat, or will that extra drink mean I see 5 pounds more on the scale.

    This is about LIVING life, not constantly dieting. So first thing, is stop worrying about the NOW, and concentrate on the few years from now. Do the things now to help you get where you want to be in the future. It may be slow, it may be mentally taxing sometimes, but know that THIS is the right way to be healthy and life your life OUTSIDE of a diet swing. Pledge to never diet again, never restrict your cals, and enjoy your life again. Those are the steps to make now.

    Feel free to join the EM2WL forums listed on the website. Lots of great advice and info there too about this all:)