Fasted state work outs

ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
I workout at 4:30 am 6 days per week, lifting heavy with 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio 3-4 days. I get up about 15 minutes before to get dressed, teeth, wash my face and hit the door. I do not eat before I go. I am curious as to what supplements, if any, I could add in to drink along with my water that would help me power through. I'm researching BCAA's and Glutamine. Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Protein isn't an energy source for lifting. Since it digests slower it takes longer, and once the workout starts in earnest there is less blood flow to stomach anyway to get anything out - it'll mainly just sit and wait until body has calmed down.

    If indeed feeling tired it's the result of low blood sugar - your muscles have plenty of glucose in them though. But your brain is being held back.

    So either eat your last snack that has some carbs right before bed to really top off liver glucose stores, or have an easy to digest snack on waking, just 20 g of carbs of something, should be enough. And carbs digest faster too.