Healthy for the holidays! (Weight loss challenge)



  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    I hope you don't mind if I jump in! This is easier for me to track than me just relying on myself to eventually get to my goal. LOL

    Starting weight: 177.6
    Challenge Goal: 167.6
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 145

    Week 1(9/11): 177.6
    Week 2(9/18): 178.8 (I gained 2 pounds over the weekend so I'm still working those off)
    Week 3(9/25): 177.6 (up/down/up/down this week)
    Week 4(10/2): 175.8 (this was on a scale I don't usually use, but today I was only up 1 pound after a heavy dinner, so this could be accurate)
    Week 5 (10/9):
    Week 6 (10/16):
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Weekly Goal(s):
    * Get 25,000 steps badge on my fitbit (not achieved yet)
    * Attend 1 yoga class a week (not achieved yet)

  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Starting weight: 218
    Challenge Goal: 212
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 160

    Week 1(9/11): on vacation - no weigh in
    Week 2(9/18): 218
    Week 3(9/25): 218
    Week 4(10/2): 218
    Week 5(10/9):
    Week 6(10/16):
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Dipped to 217 for a couple days but it didn't stick. Sigh.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Just now updating from Saturday. I'm traveling this week and expect to re-gain a bit of the quick loss thus far (which seems like too much anyway). I will probably adjust my goal, but I'm not ready to do that just yet.

    Starting weight: 173.8
    Challenge Goal: 168.3
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 150

    Week 1(9/11): 173.8
    Week 2(9/19): 171.6
    Week 3(9/26): 170.4
    Week 4(10/3): 168.4
    Week 5(10/10):
    Week 6(10/17):
    Week 7 (10/24):
    Week 8 (10/31):
    Week 9 (11/5):
    Week 10 (11/14):
    Week 11 (11/20):
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    I hope you don't mind if I jump in! This is easier for me to track than me just relying on myself to eventually get to my goal. LOL

    Starting weight: 177.6
    Challenge Goal: 167.6
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 145

    Week 1(9/11): 177.6
    Week 2(9/18): 178.8 (I gained 2 pounds over the weekend so I'm still working those off)
    Week 3(9/25): 177.6 (up/down/up/down this week)
    Week 4(10/2): 175.8 (this was on a scale I don't usually use, but today I was only up 1 pound after a heavy dinner, so this could be accurate)
    Week 5 (10/9): 175.4
    Week 6 (10/16):
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Weekly Goal(s):
    * Get 25,000 steps badge on my fitbit (not achieved yet)
    * Attend 1 yoga class a week (not achieved yet)
  • ShinyCourtney
    ShinyCourtney Posts: 19 Member
    Starting weight: 210 (Or thereabout)
    Challenge Goal: 195 (Lose 15 Pounds)
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 150 (Lose 60 Pounds)

    Week 1(9/11): -missed-
    Week 2(9/18): -missed-
    Week 3(9/25): -missed-
    Week 4(10/2): 208
    Week 5(10/9): 209.5 (Shark Week)
    Week 6(10/16):
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Week 6 Goals:
    Track food every day
    Go to the gym three times
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Starting weight:165.2
    Challenge Goal:155.0
    Ultimate weight loss goal:148.0

    Week 1(9/11):165.2
    Week 2(9/18):165.2
    Week 3(9/25): 165.2
    Week 4(10/2): Skipped
    Week 5(10/9): 167.8
    Week 6(10/16):
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Ugh! Not good but not surprised. I hurt my back at some point and have been laid up all week. I was barely able to move, stress eating from being depressed that I am injured, not drinking enough water, and just overall bummed. On the good side of things, My back is feeling better, not even close to 100% but feeling good enough that I can do some light stretching and some walking without pain. It is just a general tightness and not catching spasmic pain. I am hoping by Monday or Tuesday I can do some yoga and light exercise. I know I have to take it slow but my doctor said the more I can do "normal" stretching and movement the sooner my back will get better, no lifting and no running until it feel 100%. So until then, I need to refocus on eating and stop stress eating so I don't gain 10 lbs while I am injured.
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Starting weight: 218
    Challenge Goal: 212
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 160

    Week 1(9/11): on vacation - no weigh in
    Week 2(9/18): 218
    Week 3(9/25): 218
    Week 4(10/2): 218
    Week 5(10/9): out of town - no weigh in
    Week 6(10/16):
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    I was out of town for my birthday weekend, which turned into cake, cake, and more cake. I did weigh myself this morning out of curiosity (I got back home last night) and was down from where I was (hello, pleasant surprise). We'll see where I end up this coming weekend...
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Just now updating from Friday. I was traveling for work most of last week and expected to gain a bit. I did weigh on Friday after I returned. Hopefully, I will lose some this week. However, I expect to be very busy and may not have much chance to work out this week.

    Next week, I'll be traveling again. The difference is that I won't have to bring quite as much next week while traveling, so I may be able to fit some workout clothes/shoes into my bag. The hotel has a fitness center and it is in a safe enough neighborhood to run outside, so the only excuse is space in my bag... which I hope to be able to work with.

    Starting weight: 173.8
    Challenge Goal: 168.3
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 150

    Week 1(9/11): 173.8
    Week 2(9/19): 171.6
    Week 3(9/26): 170.4
    Week 4(10/3): 168.4
    Week 5(10/9): 169.8
    Week 6(10/17):
    Week 7 (10/24):
    Week 8 (10/31):
    Week 9 (11/5):
    Week 10 (11/14):
    Week 11 (11/20):
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    sykin wrote: »
    I hope you don't mind if I jump in! This is easier for me to track than me just relying on myself to eventually get to my goal. LOL

    Starting weight: 177.6
    Challenge Goal: 167.6
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 145

    Week 1(9/11): 177.6
    Week 2(9/18): 178.8 (I gained 2 pounds over the weekend so I'm still working those off)
    Week 3(9/25): 177.6 (up/down/up/down this week)
    Week 4(10/2): 175.8 (this was on a scale I don't usually use, but today I was only up 1 pound after a heavy dinner, so this could be accurate)
    Week 5 (10/9): 175.4
    Week 6 (10/16): 172.6
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Weekly Goal(s):
    * Get 25,000 steps badge on my fitbit (not achieved yet)
    * Attend 1 yoga class a week (not achieved yet)

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I travel next week for work, but should be able to get more exercise in while traveling than at any time since the challenge began. I hope that will counter-act a couple of high calorie days that I expect to have as well.

    Starting weight: 173.8
    Challenge Goal: 168.3
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 150

    Week 1(9/11): 173.8
    Week 2(9/19): 171.6
    Week 3(9/26): 170.4
    Week 4(10/3): 168.4
    Week 5(10/9): 169.8
    Week 6(10/16): 169.4
    Week 7 (10/24):
    Week 8 (10/31):
    Week 9 (11/5):
    Week 10 (11/14):
    Week 11 (11/20):
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Starting weight:165.2
    Challenge Goal:155.0
    Ultimate weight loss goal:148.0

    Week 1(9/11):165.2
    Week 2(9/18):165.2
    Week 3(9/25): 165.2
    Week 4(10/2): Skipped
    Week 5(10/9): 167.8
    Week 6(10/16): 165.4
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Yippee! Back to start weight. It is amazing what happens when you stop stress eating and get rid of the 3 lb bag of gummy bears hiding in the cabinet. Still a little laid up with my back but that is 90% of the way there. I am hoping another weekend of just taking it easy and some light stretching/yoga will be enough to finish it off so i can get back into some sort of a routine next week.
  • namarc0
    namarc0 Posts: 480 Member
    Starting Goal weight: 164
    Challenge Goal:154
    Ultimate weight loss goal:130-135

    Week 1(9/11): 164
    Week 2(9/18): 163
    Week 3(9/25): 165
    Week 4(10/2): 165
    Week 5(10/9): missed
    Week 6(10/16): 162.0
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):
    I'm going to really have to bump up the exercise and be very strict with my logging if I'm going to reach that goal!
  • ShinyCourtney
    ShinyCourtney Posts: 19 Member
    Starting weight: 210 (Or thereabout)
    Challenge Goal: 195 (Lose 15 Pounds)
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 150 (Lose 60 Pounds)

    Week 1(9/11): -missed-
    Week 2(9/18): -missed-
    Week 3(9/25): -missed-
    Week 4(10/2): 208
    Week 5(10/9): 209.5 (Shark Week)
    Week 6(10/16): 209.2
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Week 7 Goals:
    Track food every day
    Go to the gym three times
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Starting weight: 218
    Challenge Goal: 212
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 160

    Week 1(9/11): on vacation - no weigh in
    Week 2(9/18): 218
    Week 3(9/25): 218
    Week 4(10/2): 218
    Week 5(10/9): out of town - no weigh in
    Week 6(10/16): 218
    Week 7 (10/23):
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Goals: Run three times this week, cut out most refined sugar (have birthday things Tuesday and Saturday, those are the only exceptions this week/weekend)
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member

    Starting weight: 177.6
    Challenge Goal: 167.6
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 145

    Week 1(9/11): 177.6
    Week 2(9/18): 178.8 (I gained 2 pounds over the weekend so I'm still working those off)
    Week 3(9/25): 177.6 (up/down/up/down this week)
    Week 4(10/2): 175.8 (this was on a scale I don't usually use, but today I was only up 1 pound after a heavy dinner, so this could be accurate)
    Week 5 (10/9): 175.4
    Week 6 (10/16): 172.6
    Week 7 (10/23): 172.4 (up and down this whole week)
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Weekly Goal(s):
    * Get 25,000 steps badge on my fitbit (not achieved yet)
    * Attend 1 yoga class a week (not achieved yet)

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Even though I found time Mon. and Tues. while traveling to get a run in, I still was over expected calories pretty much every day this week. Usually, that meant I was eating at a smaller deficit than I wanted. There was a day when I was way over, though. The other issue is that I had so many meals at non-chain restaurants, so it was difficult to get an accurate measurement. Anyway, I gained some weight, but wasn't bad all in all. I added in some additional (non-weekly) measurements to show that traveling Su-Th was not as bad overall.

    Starting weight: 173.8
    Challenge Goal: 168.3
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 150

    Week 1(9/11): 173.8
    Week 2(9/19): 171.6
    Week 3(9/26): 170.4
    Week 4(10/3): 168.4
    Week 5(10/9): 169.8
    Week 6(10/16): 169.4
    *********10/17: 170.2
    *********10/18: 171.4
    Week 7 (10/23): 170.4
    Week 8 (10/31):
    Week 9 (11/5):
    Week 10 (11/14):
    Week 11 (11/20):

  • janiep81
    janiep81 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm new to this group, but I'd like to play!

    Starting weight:187.5
    Challenge Goal:178 - now 174
    Ultimate weight loss goal:159

    Week 1(9/11):187.5
    Week 2(9/18): did not weigh
    Week 3(9/25):185.0
    Week 4(10/2): did not weigh
    Week 5(10/9): did not weigh
    Week 6(10/16): 180.0
    Week 7 (10/23): 178.4
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    I've readjusted my goal to 174.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited October 2015
    Starting weight:165.2
    Challenge Goal:155.0
    Ultimate weight loss goal:148.0

    Week 1(9/11):165.2
    Week 2(9/18):165.2
    Week 3(9/25): 165.2
    Week 4(10/2): Skipped
    Week 5(10/9): 167.8
    Week 6(10/16): 165.4
    Week 7 (10/23):162.6
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    Very happy to see progress last week. It will be interesting to see if I am still down at the end of this week. My back is almost better and I am heading back to the gym tomorrow for a light workout. Things are looking like they are finally heading in the right direction.
  • namarc0
    namarc0 Posts: 480 Member
    Starting Goal weight: 164
    Challenge Goal:154
    Ultimate weight loss goal:130-135

    Week 1(9/11): 164
    Week 2(9/18): 163
    Week 3(9/25): 165
    Week 4(10/2): 165
    Week 5(10/9): missed
    Week 6(10/16): 162
    Week 7 (10/23): 162
    Week 8 (10/30):
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):
    Really hoping to see some better progress now that I've really started getting more active again. It's very hard to stick to the straight and narrow this time of year.
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Starting weight: 218
    Challenge Goal: 212
    Ultimate weight loss goal: 160

    Week 1(9/11): on vacation - no weigh in
    Week 2(9/18): 218
    Week 3(9/25): 218
    Week 4(10/2): 218
    Week 5(10/9): out of town - no weigh in
    Week 6(10/16): 218
    Week 7 (10/23): housesitting without a scale - no weigh in
    Week 8 (10/30): 222
    Week 9 (11/6):
    Week 10 (11/13):
    Week 11 (11/20):

    While I was housesitting, there was little exercise and too much candy. Now I hope to recover back to my starting weight by the end of this challenge.