Doctor's appt

I went to see my bariatric surgeon on Wednesday. My weight there was 288.0. I've lost 16 lbs since last time I seen him. I am so excited. He says I'm doing well, although losing slowly, he's please by my progress. He mentioned that I'll be a success as I'm not losing so quickly that my body can't keep up with it and rebound gain. YEAH!!!!!

I am so excited by this. I truly was starting to believe I made the wrong decision, having my insides rearranged. I did admit to him that once the RD gave me permission to start eating crackers again... (no bread, toast, bagels, etc until month 6).. but crackers at month 3, that I think I completely screwed up and ate more carbs in the form of crackers than I did protein. I truly believe that's where my downfall started and I hit a brick wall for 10 weeks straight. Then Carly, <3 ya darling, explained about low carb and told me about the LC daily forum. I joined, I read, I asked questions and more questions and more questions..... until I felt like I understood.

Now... I'm hear to state that today 09/10/15 I am starting VLCHFMP. I thought I had a grasp on it before, but now, I have more knowledge and the consent of my doctor. He actually said when I mentioned going into NK (Nutritional ketosis) that I need to watch my electrolytes (Sound familiar Carly??? LOL).....and watch as I start to feel the best ever of my life.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I responded in depth in the MO group, but hats of to you girl. I only gave you info and support. You're the one who took off running with it. I'm so glad to know that your doctor is not only supportive, but knowledgeable. Good luck as you continue fighting the good fight!