Weekly Post Sept 13th to 19th

snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
Hi all...

Hope you're starting this week on a high note. I'm starting my with a fast...so far 29cals of tea. 2:45pm and soon it will be dinner time.

I have made significant steps to improve my progress with a step back to tracking...

And by ding this I saw that I ate almost 5,000 calories just this last weekend!!!

I had calculated that I should have just under 9,000 in a week to see a pound loss ... I can now see where I'm going wrong. Too much on none fast days! So either I keep my indulgent weekends and exercise a ton or eat less during the week or take a big step back.

OKAY...Confession time...I am back up to 171.2 (head down in shame :'( ) Gotta get back to 164 and down from there. My schedule will be back to normal in two weeks (hubby will be back at the office and not working from home) Big sigh if relief :*

We can do this everyone...revving up to the NEW YEAR! (108 day count down!!!)


  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    I am fasting today as well. I have also been guilty of eating too much on non fasting days, especially weekends. My weight crept up this summer a bit but now that the routines are back in place the weight trend is in a better direction. All the best to you Snaps and to the rest of the folks here!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Monday's fast was a success at 519cals. And yesterday I managed to stay below 1600 after exercise, big win. And then this morning I weighed myself and I am back down to 168.8, happy days! Another fast tomorrow...Have a great day everyone.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Was supposed to be a fast day...then one of my apprentices brought in cake for his 16th birthday...well my meals stayed low, so I'll be around 800-1000cals. Another fast tomorrow.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Was supposed to be a fast day...then one of my apprentices brought in cake for his 16th birthday...well my meals stayed low, so I'll be around 800-1000cals. Another fast tomorrow.

    That's still really good even with cake!!

    I've got my fast day all set for today. Went out this morning and got my vente skinny iced vanilla Americano w/ splash of milk (40cal)...this will last me the morning and into the afternoon. I also bought myself a mini fish pie from M&S (216cals) which I will have with peas for dinner. I also bought 2 sugar-free jellies (supper fun & yummy) for a snack (18cals for both). Supper fun fast day with treats all around...that's the way I like to do it! :p
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    So I'm a month in to this diet and am down 2.5 pounds. Better than nothing but NOT what I'd hoped for. I did 4:3 this week but ended up with 6-700 on fast days. Still my average calories were about 1300 per day and less, about 1000 net, with exercise. And I am able to go a whole day without eating till dinner, which I have found empowering! I'm not giving up yet, just wish the scale would go down faster.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Just finished my first week without any logging and found that the scales have dropped 0.8 lbs. I think maybe I tend to pad my calories in my head, since I don't actually know how many I'm eating. Hopefully, it'll continue, but it's encouraging to see a drop after watching it go in the wrong direction for too long.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    This week was a complete disaster. And I am good with that. I am just going to get back on track and move on. Weigh in day is tomorrow. I fully expect a sizeable gain. The good part about having such a terrible week is that I feel so gross. I am really looking forward to my fast on Monday. I know I will feel so much better!