
makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
Has any of you seen your body change ( not just in strength gains but body shape- inches loss and decreased BF%) while doing this program and not eating really great?

I don't eat really too bad- but not super clean and most days are at maintence. I do have weight to lose but summer time is just so busy and its hard for me to commit to losing during. Once all all the get togethers and such stop, ill start eating at a deficit again.

Am I wasting my time because I won't see changes??



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    You're never wasting your time doing a heavy lifting program. I had the best changes when I ate at a small deficit...but I had times when I ate at maintenance. I lost 14lbs, 3.5" from my waist, and saw major improvements in my shape(my results:
    Do your best to get lots of protein. Take pictures. You probably will have great strength gains eating more:)
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I suppose I shouldn't have said wasting my time- I meant more will I be disappointed in the lack of results because of eating at maintenance. Also, I don't do NROLFW as laid out in the book. I don't think it will matter but perhaps? I did Stage 1 and part of Stage 2, 3 and 4. And now I'm doing Stage 7 and have one more workout to get through that and will repeat it. I really like stage 7 the best :)

    You had great results CCG!!! I took measurements and pics before hand but I don't see many changes as of now. Clothes don't fit better- still not in many of my pre pregnancy jeans or shorts which is frustrating. Things like that make me want to start back to my long runs and 2-3 runs during the week so see the scale move but I know that lifting will give me results too. And I like lifting.

    I focus a lot on protein- more then anything else and it's not always where it should be but most of the time it is.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    If you enjoy your runs, maybe add some of that back in to give you a bit of a deficit? I know many of the ladies on here are runners as well as lifters. I personally have never liked cardio, so I just do as much as I feel I need to for my health (mainly HIIT). Since you're doing the Stages differently, it also would be hard to compare to others. I think Samntha14 ate at maintenance for most of the program and had great results (lost major BF%).
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member

    I do run still but keep my mileage between 2 and 5 so I'm not logging hours of cardio. I also have been doing HIIT- love it!! It's short and insanely intense :) I'm trying to do more HIIT, well like 2x a week and then a 2-5 mile run 1x. I want to give lifting a chance.
    I've NEVER gotten the results I've longed for with all the running I use to do so its time for me to try something else.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    It's 100% true that you CANNOT "out-train" a bad diet! So, heavy lifting will transform SHAPE, but being in a caloric deficit will remove your BODY FAT. Don't ever confuse the two - because they are NOT the same thing.

    Heavy Lifting for SHAPE
    Caloric Deficit for BODY FAT LOSS

    That is all.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    It's 100% true that you CANNOT "out-train" a bad diet! So, heavy lifting will transform SHAPE, but being in a caloric deficit will remove your BODY FAT. Don't ever confuse the two - because they are NOT the same thing.

    Heavy Lifting for SHAPE
    Caloric Deficit for BODY FAT LOSS

    That is all.

    Great way of putting it!!! Thank you :)