Friday September 18, 2105

maureli Posts: 722 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    sorry I made a duplicate thread yesterday, I didn't even notice that one had already been made! Oops. I used the inspirational from that one here...

    Work week is over, it was unexpected but it was good. I can get called to work in 6 different offices and the one I was in this week is by far my favorite one. Its actually the one that I use to work full time in, so i know all the girls really well.
    They didn't end up ordering I didn't have to face that temptation. I am down 5 lbs this morning, since the end of August. A real celebration for me, as I have been STUCK for a long time. I feel like I have broken through a barrier. Now I have to keep it up, if I could get another 7-8 off by the time we leave on our trip I would be happy about that.

    Today I am going to do a strength workout and maybe a walk this afternoon. Got lots of stuff to do around the house that didn't get done throughout the week. My desk is a mess! Got year-end stuff to get finished up on and get to the accountant. But, i am feeling pumped and ready to tackle it.

    Sherry - just gotta love all that school shopping! One thing I don't miss. I guess I did do a little bit, but not near what I use to.

    April - hope you enjoyed that rest day! I've had a couple this week.

    Val - have a good 6 miler today

    Laura - hope that things slow down a bit and you can relax a bit!

  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Sherry - So close to getting into a nice routine! Hoping the transition is uneventful for you!

    Maureen - Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome!

    I did actually manage to get stuff printed off at church, get shopping done at Costco, and make it to the Y before getting littlest one from preschool. I ate very well yesterday, with only a chocolate chip cookie as my treat yesterday. Hubby started going over our budget which is the next step to figure out what kind of car we can get, so I'm that much closer to finally getting another car. We still need to sell the other two and such.
    My indoor bike was a time trial yesterday. I was supposed to do them every four weeks...but got derailed during the summer. I had been at just over 19 minutes for 5 miles. Yesterday I dropped down to 15:50. It was a huge drop in time and I was stoked! Because of all the budget stuff yesterday, I stayed up to late to get a long run in this morning. I'm going to get my long run in tomorrow and do my short time trial this morning for running. I also have a short swim to get in this morning.
    At church, the curriculum we use was changing. The group who makes it had changed the format and I hadn't had a chance to see what it was. But yesterday afternoon I was able to work through it all and tweak everything to fit. A huge load off my mind as that was one of the last big things to work through for the year. Today I'll head in to church to get that all set up, and then hopefully by next month I'll be ready to take on the last portion of Children's church!
    Friends are coming over with pizza tonight. So planning on allowing myself two pieces and a small treat/dessert. I'll be frugal the rest of the day to make up for it.
    Happy Friday everyone!

    PS I noticed my post yesterday had a iPad had changed vow renewal to vowel!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Maureen, congrats on the loss! That's great!
    Val, way to how on that time! Huge!

    Well today was a bust for me, mostly sleeping because I couldn't sleep last night. But at least it prompted DH to make an apt for me next week. I just hope the doctor speaks English and has a conservative approach wrt prescriptions bc I'm not a big fan.

    Hoping tomorrow will be better, but it's evening and I'm already feeling strange like when I can't sleep. :(
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    YAHOO for breaking through plateaus!

    Valma, that's an awesome drop in time! You're kicking booty and taking names all over the place.

    Sherry, sorry to hear your sleeping is off---I know how that feels. I know it's hard when you're exhausted, but I've found moving (no matter how slowly) is good for sleep so your body is tired too.

    Slept in this morning and went for a little walk at work. Feeling really good-like borderline annoying good--and trying to just do the next healthy thing.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi, so busy last few days with move. Yes have internet and set up wifi last night, found cables for my computer today so will set that up soon. I had set up hubbys first.

    We emptied the storage today, that was a great feeling. Cars are outside though and garage is full of boxes, have to clear path for new appliances that come monday.

    I honestly tried twice this week to go to healthy restaurant and both times had 1 hr wait and ended up with pizza and mexican. Too tired to care. But at least we can go slow now to unpack.

    Hubby did a great job building step for new washer dryer, they charge $300 to buy them and he built for $75. Also painted laundry area, it was pink! Lol. Just did white there, its a large closet in hallway.

    We are taking most of day off tomorrow and walking on beach.