When the RD is clueless, and the MD can't add simple numbers

Back from a 3 day, 14 hour round trip to SF VA hospital. The Kidney doc wanted me to see a renal RD to 'tweak' my diet but said I could stay on LC. ….hah.

But of course it is all about carbs with them. I AM willing to stop eating the 5-6 LC foods too high in potassium and phosphorous. No problem. can't have avocados, broccoli, spinach, kale, tomatoes..OK
OR have cheese or nuts, and no butter. Told me it causes heart disease! ….but didn't suggest what fats to eat. ( I can have cream cheese and HWC) and only lean meats.

The renal RD wants me to have carbs 3x a day… bread or cereal for breakfast ."So I won't be hungry later" even though I told her I am NOT hungry until 2-3pm with my butter+HWC coffee.
She doesn't believe Intermittent Fasting is good as "you get hungry and break your diet"

Tells me butter and fats cause heart disease…just like the VA Nephrologist and Urologist say.

Wants me to increase exercise 3x to 4 times MORE… (despite the fact I have physically declined in ability from 1 hour to just 20 minutes walking at a TIME due to a disabling injury and stroke)

Tells me LC diets don't work after 6 months. So eat more carbs and gets lots more exercise.

Can't do basic math- I am to eat 1400-1500 calories. On the long bus ride home I figured out none of these medical people can add. ( and never heard of MFP)

Vaguely tells me to reduce to 70 gr fats= 630 calories , 40gr protein=160, and 50 carbs=200 calories..total a day= that is JUST 990 calories a day, huh?

The doc's fancy scale told me I weigh 20 lbs LESS than I ACTUALLY do… she insisted it was correct….now when they reweigh me in 4 months I will show as having gained!! (correcting their error is another story..other VA scales gave my accurate weight, but the Doc doesn't know that)

After the 'lying' scale the Doc told me I needed to lose just 35 more pounds, but it is actually 70+ more based on my real weight.

Lastly she says she worked at the NYC hospital and KNOWS Dr. Adkins died of a massive stroke caused by his high fat diet, THEN he fell and hit his head on icy pavement. Almost a grim delight in telling me.
The worst part of this is SHE, the doctor, told me she lost 46 lbs on LC diet herself!!!.... so what the hell was she eating if she believes fats cause strokes and heart disease?

the only GOOD news is I did have a fat/body mass test and am at 136 LBM… I am a short, high density Gurl…. so I do not have to aim for 120 lbs by the H/W charts. hooray.. aiming for 160 lbs.


  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Sounds like the adventures of Alice in Wonderland.
  • clayswife13
    clayswife13 Posts: 73 Member
    Dr. Atkins did have a massive stroke BUT unless they can say that it was a fat embolism that caused it than his high fat diet had nothing to do with it, it was either a intracranial bleed (bleed on the brain) or a blood clot in the veins in his brain. Most doctors do not like the LCHF diet and swear it can't work, yet they put their DM patient's on a modified version of it (only difference is they are supposed to eat lean fats). I am going to speak with my doctor at my next appointment and have him do my blood work now and again in 6 months to see if eating more fat is really causing all of the heart issues some doctors swear that it does.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Sounds like the best revenge is to keep calm, keto on, and blow them away with our numbers!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    nicintime wrote: »
    Sounds like the best revenge is to keep calm, keto on, and blow them away with our numbers!

    Second this!!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    edited September 2015
    yes….I just redesigned my 1450 calorie plan (I must limit..boohoo)

    ~110 gr fats worked very well Feb-May when I lost 25 lbs easily.

    I drifted off eating ~200-300 calories more a day over last 3 months due to too many fats, and NOW I can see I DO need to control calories. ( a new med also caused hunger, weight gain and brain fog, so I've dropped it)

    I look at the last 90 days of only 3 lb loss as an EXPERIMENT, not a failure, I learned something

    I do not use any cheat meals, or days…too tempting. I won't raise carbs to 50 gr daily… on occasion is fine.

    Honestly LCHF/Keto is a wonderful MIND PUZZLE…toss in 20 different limits and caveats due to older age and health issues, medicines, physical limits, etc.. mix well..and see what happens!!!!

    I almost feel sorry for the 22 yr olds who can just easily drop 50lbs in 14 weeks on 200gr fat a day…almost<grin>

    Fuming all the way home on a long bus ride, and HERE, got it out of my system, no point in calling and arguing with either the RD or the Doc.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    At my last endo visit he had a checklist he went down. When we came to diet
    he said he didn't want to spend time on it because it was obviously working.
    Then he didn't like the way I reduced my meds on my own. His words:
    "You used a pocket knife instead of a sword." I walked out taking 1/2 the meds
    that I walked in with. He still wants limited light exercise, I do limited moderate.
    He also sent a recomendation to my GP to cut my water pill & my statin, which
    she did.

    It kind of seems as far as diet is concerned we agree on
    "Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies."
    I like to think
    "If I'm not broke, don't fix me."
    "Too many chefs spoil the broth."

    It's my life, their role is guidance & education, I ultimately decide what
    my course of action will be.

    >:) OR o:)

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    @KETOGENICGURL Wow. I admire your self control. I either would have been frustrated and angry, or I would have left doubting myself. Wow...

    @KenSmith108 o:) I don't think my old doctor appreciated being thought of as a consultant on my health either. LOL
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Wow! I think your experience trumps the one my daughter and I had this week, and I can't believe that's even possible! Lol
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    My daughter uses the dietitian at our local grocery store.
    When she heard my daughter had started LCHF she had
    a hissy fit. Balance, balance & more balance, you can't lose
    weight on that diet. The kid was confused about that and
    asked "Then how did my dad lose 70 pounds on it?"
    Her answer: "Did I mention we're having a sale on veggies this week?"
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Wow, what an experience @KETOGENICGURL I think you are on top if things though as you are obviously a smart lc cookie. I am finding a 36 hour fast helping me break through a stall....don't know if that is contra-indicated for you, but if not it might help.

    My mum has limited qualifications due to having been a registered exercise helper for those prescribed exercise over here in the UK ( can't think what you call that). She came to visit last weekend and my daughter let slip I was lc. I hadn't intended talking about it as I knew what would come. Anyway she thinks she knows about this stuff and is also a lot thinner than me which reinforces that belief. You can guess what she said...moderation...cholesterol...balance...worried about you...fibre....nutrients.... despite seeing the evidence that I have lost visible amounts of weight (about 37 lbs) and look much healthier. Heavy sigh.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Thanks Total..I DO egg fast ( one so far) that works for me. ..I am just not able to tolerate a long water fast… for many reasons, most medical, but this is a LIFETIME WOE for me..so ignoring the "brick wall" of the VA is my best choice.

    Here is Navy SEAL (female) and they have HER pushing the carbs too..while SHE admits she limits them after noon..oh really? All the VA and women's health info is ALL LOW FAT, and exercise a lot..right.

    "After lunch, I do not eat any more carbs during the day except those that come in peanuts, almonds, and other nuts for snacks. At this point, my body will still have enough carbs to function properly for the rest of the day."

    see the REPLY to her explaining carbs and Keto..horray! So hopefully whomever reads this will learn something and have a chance to look into it.