Calories burned?

I am in relatively good shape but dripping sweat after each workout with Kayla itsines bikini body guide. However I am only burning 150 calories according to my hrm. Any one else track their calories with this?

I get through each circuit 1.5 times or twice. No breaks between exercises except 30 second recommend between cicuits.

I want to keep doing it. Finish the guide but dissapointed in calories burned. I feel awesome otherwise! Not losing weight but feel extremely strong. I was able to complete a 10 mile race with no real training last week. (I run 3 miles here and there and just do the guide) I feel as if my legs were able to keep moving because of all the calisthenics (sp) from the guide.


  • jessicahoward0905
    My best advice is to try not to focus so much on calories but how your body feels. There's not a single hrm that is 100% accurate and all of the vary how they calculate caloric burn. I would focus more on how your body feels and inches lost! If you're gaining muscle, you're not going to see a huge difference on the scale.