Starting slow - looking for videos of correct warmup- cool down

I'm new to running and I'm taking it super slow.

Instead of going for distance, I'm going for time actually running.

Day 1 - 8 mins without stopping.
Day 2 - 13 mins without stopping.

tomorrow, I'll try to go 15 mins or longer.

So far, with such slow short times, I haven't had any injuries or issues yet.

But, I've also not really done any before or after stretches.

Can anyone point me to some YT or other videos that SHOW correct form for doing whatever stretches/warmup and cool downs recommended for an 80 pound overweight women of 46?



  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    That's actually taking it pretty quick. The C25K program is available in a time based version, which builds you a lot slower than you're going currently.

    Warmup, honestly all you need at this point is 5-10 minutes of brisk walking. Start off with an easy walk and build up to a nice brisk walk. Stretching isn't really recommended before exercise any more, although if you are you should do dynamic stretching.
    Cool downs, pretty much the reverse of your warmup. Go from your run into a brisk walk and then slow it down to a nice leisurely pace over 5-10 minutes. Then some gentle dynamic stretches.

    There is a lot of research on either side of the stretching debate. I'll personally stretch only when I feel tight.

    Hopefully someone else can help with the links. I don't know any off hand.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    zen labs has a timed version rather than distance.
    i liked it a lot
  • JullesBurn
    JullesBurn Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks Taeliesyn - I've been starting with about 2-3 minutes of walking, although not brisk. The only stretch I know how to do is the calf stretch, where you lean against a pole/wall and put one leg back then lower foot slowly.

    Today was so cool - I had planned to go another 20 yards past yesterday's location, but I wasn't gassing it at all, so I ended up going 2x the distance as yesterday. Still, only took 20-25 minutes (I'm guessing, I need to buy a sport watch - any recommendations for someone who doesn't want to run in their reading glasses?

    Moyer566 - I'll check out Zen Labs.

    Thanks everyone.
  • JullesBurn
    JullesBurn Posts: 18 Member
    Didn't run yesterday. Stiff, tight legs and pain under right knee. A well meaning friend told me, "don't run, it's bad for your body..."
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i hear that all the time.
    being fat is bad for my body too
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    JullesBurn wrote: »
    Didn't run yesterday. Stiff, tight legs and pain under right knee. A well meaning friend told me, "don't run, it's bad for your body..."

    A lot of the c25k programs only recommend running every second day to help you joints recover. If you've gone from not running at all to starting a running program, you need to give your body that day in between to let your joints rest, strengthen and repair themselves in between. If you are overweight, the stress on the joints is much worse (it took me months of walking before I could even think to attempt running). On your in between days, maybe stick to brisk walking. It'll still get your heart rate up, but wont impact your joints as much.
  • JullesBurn
    JullesBurn Posts: 18 Member
    That's good advice, Mangrothian. I did take yesterday off from running, and only went 15 minutes today, after walking for 10 minutes first. And real, real slow.

    As Moyer said, being fat is bad for my body too, and the 15 min of running burns calories so I can eat and still not gain weight.