Intermittent Fasting



  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Keto + IF is a magical combination!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    I feel like a magician !
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    Keto + IF is a magical combination!
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I feel like a magician !

    Definitely magical!!! :pB)>:)

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    110 pounds down, 24 to go. 12 months 3 weeks on diet
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    Dan is a wizard......
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Bigredbow wrote: »
    This is all so helpful. Again, thanks to each of you for your input.

    One observation that I've made about my keto adaptation is that I am more hungry now than I was during the first week. I think it would be difficult to follow a fast with my current degree of hunger, but I really want to give it try at some point. Mental clarity???? Are you kidding me? Who wouldn't want some of that!

    Oh, and thank you Keto_T for the heads up on the potential rage that may ensue. ;)

    Honestly, you would think that about the hunger, but fasting has a natural appetite suppressant when executed properly. I've had a deficit this week (per MFP alone) for the first time in ages. I credit it to IF...mostly.

    You may eat more at a meal, but when spread out, it generally isn't an issue.

    Besides, natural ebbs and flows in your hunger/appetite are normal and should be observed. Isn't ignoring our bodies what got most of us in this position in the first place???
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks everyone. I, too, have been toying with this idea. I was successful in going through to dinner, or more particularly a snack before dinner, and did experience the mental acuity and a surge in energy and a feeling of well being. I really enjoyed that.

    I have not yet done it again. I have had very, very light breakfast and skipped lunch often. Weight loss was easier each of those weeks but I did not get that surge of energy etc that I was looking for.

    I won't say that it was easy for me. I don't think I was keto adapted at the time. So I have been waiting to get further established with this WOE before I shake things up again. I am certainly not losing the way others have. Slow and steady, averaging .5 a week. I do have 35-40 lbs more to lose so I would have thought it might be faster. But I put it on slowly so I am content to take it off slowly.

    Your experiences are encouraging.
  • TBeverly49
    TBeverly49 Posts: 322 Member
    About five days a week I fast from 7pm to lunch time the next day, it stops the mindless snacking and I enjoy just eating two large meals a day, or a big meal and a snack.

    I like your comment. It is a true fast between meals at night and the morning! Great Idea BT
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited September 2015
    As with many things, the results usually correlates with effort regarding IF...up to a certain point. The more you water out the program, the less effect you'll see. For example, if someone has a 600 kcal BPC, they might call it «fasting», but the body still has to process those calories...less time for glucagon to work on fat loss. Insulin is NOT be all, end all. Frequent snacking is similarly counterproductive to loss from STORED fat. Evolution made it easy for us to gain fat, while the chemical chain reactions needed for actually using those fat reserves are complicated and requires multiple micronutrients (which you're supposed to give the body when feeding)

    Chemistry of Fat Loss:

    My conclusion is that the more time glucagon has to release from stored fat, the more effectively you burn the cals that matter most in dieting, namely those from adipose tissue. The more cals or snack you feed the body beyond what it strictly needs, the «easy access» cals are burnt. Fex. ingesting MCT before a workout has a purpose, because you wish to boost performance. BUT, understand that any intake pre training is spent mainly to feed the workout. You're not gonna burn any significant amount from stored fat with a 300 kcal before lifting... The body has NO NEED to do lipolysis if you keep stuffing it with easy calories! At the gym I'm like «Gatorade, Mountain Dew...really?»...but people wanna be fooled.

    Re benefits. A study referenced in Brad Pilon's «Eat, stop, eat» showed the most benefits up to 72 hrs. But some benefits, mainly increased HGH was seen at 18 hrs. Autophagy, I think, is a sliding scale. Actually I think it all is. It makes no sense that the body would suddenly start pumping out HGH just because a certain number of hours has gone since last meal. It's much more logic the body creates (genesis) hormones (stuff) per demand, if you ask me.

    I've maintained scale weight range +/- 1 kg since January on ca 1700-2000 net kcal (+exercise cals and including water weight) Some days higher or lower cause I cycle carbs and calories. I've gone down from size L-M to XS in undies! Even clothes that I bought tight at the start of summer are roomier now. So, IME, keto and IF is the perfect recomp strategy. Clothes I bought in January look way too baggy. So, I can honestly say it works very well for ME. This month I stopped tracking altogether. I have to remind myself to eat enough.

    If you wanna understand more of the why IF works, read Pilon or Varady. It's always better to do your own research, then you're not so reliant on other people's opinions and can make up your own mind about things, IMO.

    Oh, btw, I'm always less hungry after an aggressive fast. For me it quiets the hunger bingeing monster.

    The most important thing with IF is to tryout different things. Find your key, find what you can stick to. But we're all different and blablabla.

    So find the protocols and combos that work for YOUR body. Experimenting. Dieting is not ONE program. It's a totality of sleep, stress, training enough, but not too hard, eating for health not pleasure. Get the daily habits down. Then you have earned a big party once in a while. The trouble starts when party foods become the normal every day choice «because you deserve it». Food is not a reward your body health appreciates much. Experiencing fun times with family or friends, laughter, whatever...are rewards that lasts longer.

    Edit: I read or heard somewhere recently that many people confuse pleasure with happiness. But pleasure without working for it first, does not give the same reward feeling. Working hard to achieve something, THAT is rewarding!

    Edit 2: I forgot to say that x amount of people can lose weight using whatever protocol or tweak that contradicts just what I said. You are your own lil universe.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Good stuff. Thanks @Foamroller I find IF is really helping me on my weight loss journey. I fast for 34 hours and so far lose about 1.5lbs as a result.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »


    The most important thing with IF is to tryout different things. Find your key, find what you can stick to. But we're all different and blablabla.

    So find the protocols and combos that work for YOUR body. Experimenting. Dieting is not ONE program. It's a totality of sleep, stress, training enough, but not too hard, eating for health not pleasure. Get the daily habits down. Then you have earned a big party once in a while. The trouble starts when party foods become the normal every day choice «because you deserve it». Food is not a reward your body health appreciates much. Experiencing fun times with family or friends, laughter, whatever...are rewards that lasts longer.


    Very true.... A person has to experiment.

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / The Recipe Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    Current weight: 198.5, 115.5 pounds down, 19.5 to go. 13 months on diet
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Well, my IF routine and keto is paying off today. Ended up at the emergency vet with my gsd/husky mix and haven't eaten other than a bit of cheese this morning. Not starving, not hangry... Hopefully I can go get some dinner soon!

    (She got one of her front toes caught in her wire crate during a freak out over explosions or gunfire. She also demolished the crate - ripped out several wires, bent it all up, etc. Most likely a broken toe, some tendon damage, possible nerve damage. She's my running buddy so I really hope there's no permanent damage...)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Glad the IF is working well for you and hope your dog gets well soon. Ours is like that. She had an opossum treed under a box trailer last night and I took the .22 pistol loaded with bird shot but decided not to use it because she freaks so. The opossum got a way but it will be back to steal more cat food.