Keto Ice Cream Questions

DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
edited September 2015 in Social Groups
A lot of keto ice cream recipes include the use of artificial sweeteners (AS). I am wanting to "lessen" my use of of them (thanks to Fit_Goat). They cause cravings for me. That's why I'm not eating so many of my AS fat bombs. I'm actually working on a "AS free" fat bomb (not done yet).

OK, since I like the taste of heavy whipping cream with no sweeteners, and I like the taste of strawberries with no sweeteners, and I like them together in a bowl ~ why couldn't I make strawberry ice cream without AS?

I've never made ice cream before, and am considering buying a "good reviewed" ice cream maker (the type that makes 1 quart and you put the maker in your freezer over-night-NO salt or ice required).

I am keto, and even "non-ripe" strawberries taste sweet to me now. Tell me would my idea work or not?

If you have a recipe for "non-AS" "non sugar/honey, etc" Keto Ice Cream (NOT frozen milk/cream ~ I want the smooth ice cream made by a maker) and that you PERSONALLY have MADE before and you liked it, please post.... Or tell me that it would taste yucky and I won't buy the ice-cream maker....

Thank you...

Dan the Man from Michigan
Keto / Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
110 pounds down, 24 to go. 12 months 3 weeks on diet


  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I have not but would be interested in making some.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    edited September 2015
    DAN! I'm going to see my friend on Saturday who is an amazing chef and one of the things he makes is ice cream (with an ice cream maker). He's making me dinner on Saturday. I'm going to ask him if he can try something like this. As far as I know, his ice cream is cooked first and contains egg. Then he uses a kitchen aid stand mixer with the ice cream bowl attachment thing and the bowl after has to go in the freezer for quite a while then come out and get whipped again in the ice cream maker part then go back in the freezer.

    I'll let you know what he surmises of the experiment and if we're able to try it.

    Edit: Thankfully he is also German, his father's a butcher trained in the Black Forest and so they all know a LOT about meat. Being zero carb this bodes well for the dinners he makes me! Saturday will be home made schnitzel and sauerkraute!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited September 2015
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    DAN! I'm going to see my friend on Saturday who is an amazing chef and one of the things he makes is ice cream (with an ice cream maker). He's making me dinner on Saturday. I'm going to ask him if he can try something like this. As far as I know, his ice cream is cooked first and contains egg. Then he uses a kitchen aid stand mixer with the ice cream bowl attachment thing and the bowl after has to go in the freezer for quite a while then come out and get whipped again in the ice cream maker part then go back in the freezer.

    I'll let you know what he surmises of the experiment and if we're able to try it.

    Edit: Thankfully he is also German, his father's a butcher trained in the Black Forest and so they all know a LOT about meat. Being zero carb this bodes well for the dinners he makes me! Saturday will be home made schnitzel and sauerkraute!

    G, I can't wait to hear how it went. Tonight I purchased a 1 1/2 quart Hamilton Beach no ice no salt ice cream maker. I also have strawberries, raspberries and heavy whipping cream. Tonight I ate another bowl of strawberries and HWC with some salted roasted pecans. It was wonderful.

    I did read some more recipes included with the maker, and it did have a couple that included cooking first. But every recipe included from 1/2 to 3/4 cups of sugar. Really? I just can't see putting any in it. I liked my bowl of strawberries, pecans and cream just like they were. I didn't even put any artificial sweeteners on it.

    Unless the sugar does something to it chemically, to make it "set" properly, I'm thinking about just doing the recipe without it, and see how it goes.

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    113 pounds down, 22 to go. 13 months on diet
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  • phxteach
    phxteach Posts: 309 Member
    Sugar is more of a bulking agent and sweetener for most recipes and the sugar is mixed to the point it is dissolved. When you get to using corn syrup, that is a different beast since it changes the crystalization point. If you have a custard base with eggs, it should give you a velvety texture without the sugar. Sugar will enhance that mouth feel. Might consider increasing vanilla a bit more than the recipe calls for, or adding another small flavor like almond extract to give your flavor more dimension. Another item you might find helpful will be xanathan gum. It will allow your ice cream to not separate as easily. It is relatively expensive but you need only a tiny bit. If you find an awesome recipe, pass it on!
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    A lot of keto ice cream recipes include the use of artificial sweeteners (AS). I am wanting to "lessen" my use of of them (thanks to Fit_Goat). They cause cravings for me. That's why I'm not eating so many of my AS fat bombs. I'm actually working on a "AS free" fat bomb (not done yet).

    OK, since I like the taste of heavy whipping cream with no sweeteners, and I like the taste of strawberries with no sweeteners, and I like them together in a bowl ~ why couldn't I make strawberry ice cream without AS?

    I've never made ice cream before, and am considering buying a "good reviewed" ice cream maker (the type that makes 1 quart and you put the maker in your freezer over-night-NO salt or ice required).

    I am keto, and even "non-ripe" strawberries taste sweet to me now. Tell me would my idea work or not?

    If you have a recipe for "non-AS" "non sugar/honey, etc" Keto Ice Cream (NOT frozen milk/cream ~ I want the smooth ice cream made by a maker) and that you PERSONALLY have MADE before and you liked it, please post.... Or tell me that it would taste yucky and I won't buy the ice-cream maker....

    Thank you...

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    110 pounds down, 24 to go. 12 months 3 weeks on diet

    Just try it. I do use coconut milk as the base for a lot of my icecream, that with the cream and fruit should give you sweetness. You can always help along the fruit with a few drops of stevia. It's easy enough to make icecream in small quantities, so you can do experiments. Remember though that when you freeze food it will lose much of its taste and flavour, because of how our tastebuds work. So you need to factor that in and go for big tastes!. Also ,there's no reason why icecream couldn't taste savoury, or herb-y. Like doing stuff with tomato flavor and basil for instance. It's all possible. I've also successfully experimented with chai/ginger flavors, coffee/cardemom etc. Have fun!
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    I'm also going to buy an icecream maker, so I'm very interested in what you find. I want to improve the texture of my ice bombs (cream+coconut oil+berries and/or spices). I found a book with keto icecream recipes, they look good but will need the maker to try them.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Most commercially manufactured ice creams have anti-freeze in them. Yes, it's basically the chemical they spray on airplane wings to prevent ice to build up on the plane or in engines. Yum! :o

    This is one article on the topic, googling.

    That and HFCS make the commercial ice creams softer and creamier straight out of freezer, no need to thaw it down to make a scoop.

    When you make a big batch of homemade ice cream and store it for later, you'll notice it's rock hard. As amateurs I don't think we can achieve same effect without using those ingredients. The solution is to make ice cream à la carte.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Speaking of a la carte, I haven't made ice cream, but I make a simple chocolate mousse. It's just fresh whipped cream and 1 tbsp of Dagoba drinking chocolate. About 4g carbs and delicious. :)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    I used to make ice cream with sweeteners xylitol and stevia instead of sugar, before keto. I did use half milk and half HWC, and cooked the custard and chilled it before placing it in the ice cream maker. I have never tried a non-cooked ice cream base. The results were really good.

    I have not made ice cream since starting keto, and would likely adapt the recipes to make them more keto friendly. I'm sure that since keto, my taste buds have changed and I would not need as much AS for any recipe. Simple trial and error should do the trick. The trouble is that I run the risk of over indulging in something like this. So I won't try making any....but when Dan invites us over, I'll sample some of his !
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I used to make ice cream with sweeteners xylitol and stevia instead of sugar, before keto. I did use half milk and half HWC, and cooked the custard and chilled it before placing it in the ice cream maker. I have never tried a non-cooked ice cream base. The results were really good.

    I have not made ice cream since starting keto, and would likely adapt the recipes to make them more keto friendly. I'm sure that since keto, my taste buds have changed and I would not need as much AS for any recipe. Simple trial and error should do the trick. The trouble is that I run the risk of over indulging in something like this. So I won't try making any....but when Dan invites us over, I'll sample some of his !

    Cool, I'm working today, but if I get home before midnight, I'll try an experiment. More notes to everyone:

    The Hamilton Beach I bought was only $29.99 at Walmart, so if I can't make anything work, I'll give the thing away, no big loss.

    I did see the "cooked" recipes. They call them the custard type ice cream. I might try that first.

    As per @lodro suggestion, I will use coconut milk instead of plain milk. I suspect its essential for the right consistency. I am worried about just using HWC only, because I'm thinking the result would be a "frozen butter" ice cream? IDK.

    As per @phxteach, I have heard about the Xanatham gum, bought some a long time ago, and have heard that commercial ice cream uses it. Its lo carb. So, I'll throw some of that in there (if I can find it in my kitchen).

    I will put vanilla in it. I will use strawberries.

    I will only make a small amount. So I shouldn't have to worry about freezing it for long periods of time, besides, ice cream stay in my freezer for a long time? Very doubtful :)

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    113 pounds down, 22 to go. 13 months on diet

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I wonder how a small amount of liquor would affect the freezing? Maybe it wouldn't freeze as solid?
    I swear I'm not an alcoholic! ;)
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Man, ice cream is my Achilles heel! I usually make do by whipping some heavy cream and folding in some frozen berries which "kinda" is "icecreamish" (and plenty sweet IMO).
  • dulcitonia
    dulcitonia Posts: 278 Member
    I never use any types of sweeteners either. It's amazing how sweet things are now that I don't overload my taste buds!
    I love to ninja plain Greek yogurt and frozen berries. Yum yum. You have to eat it with a spoon. I like the "tart" of yogurt. I bet a little hwc and frozen berries ninja'd would give a single serving awesome ice cream
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    I wonder how a small amount of liquor would affect the freezing? Maybe it wouldn't freeze as solid?
    I swear I'm not an alcoholic! ;)

    It is allegedly supposed to help with iciness issues; however, if you are using an ice cream machine to make your ice cream and the recipe you are following calls for 1-2 tablespoons of alcohol WAIT to add that ingredient until the VERY END of the churning process because the alcohol will often negatively affect the churning process. Wait to add the alcohol until about 2-3 minutes before the churning is complete.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    KetoGirl83 wrote: »
    I'm also going to buy an icecream maker, so I'm very interested in what you find. I want to improve the texture of my ice bombs (cream+coconut oil+berries and/or spices). I found a book with keto icecream recipes, they look good but will need the maker to try them.

    If you don't mind sharing with us...what is the name of the book? I'd really like to know!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    OK, I made some strawberry ice cream last night. I was working late and I opted for the "easy Vanilla" recipe which did NOT do heating of the mixture. If I heated it, it would take an additional 1 or 2 hrs to the prep time. I didn't get home until 10 pm, so that was out.

    Pretty simple recipe, but I learned a lot. It was just "OK" tasting. Not so good that I would rant and rave about it, but not so bad that I would need to throw it out. It definitely needs tweaking or try the "heating up method with eggs" recipe.

    1 cup Unsweetened Coconut milk (Silk brand)
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1 cup HWC
    4 oz. frozen strawberries (I froze them the night before from fresh)
    1/4 teaspoon xanatham gum (what a weird stuff that is, when it gets wet, its feels like slippery soap)

    The vanilla taste was too much. I might eliminate it altogether
    I tasted the mixture after it first started solidifying and thought it needed a sweetener. I used 2 packets of Splenda.
    The maker worked ok, but after I added the frozen strawberries the paddle got stuck on the sides of the maker. I ended up taking the paddle out using a spoon as it rotated. May need to do the alcohol thing.
    The texture was softserve. I placed the other serving in the fridge and it hardened up too hard. Maybe next time, I will use half and half or milk, I'm afraid the coconut milk, I had, didn't have enough fat content.

    But the worse part: the nutritional value:

    I made two servings:

    Calories 447.0
    Fat: 42.4g
    Carbs 5.4g
    Protein .4g

    Thats a huge fat bomb! That would be one meal for me.

    Oh, and I threw some roasted salted pecans on the ice cream, to see how it tasted, it was definitely an enhancement. But the calories are just too much...(I logged the pecans separately).

    Back to the kitchen to try more things.... when I have more time...

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    113 pounds down, 22 to go. 13 months on diet

  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    ladipoet wrote: »
    I wonder how a small amount of liquor would affect the freezing? Maybe it wouldn't freeze as solid?
    I swear I'm not an alcoholic! ;)

    It is allegedly supposed to help with iciness issues; however, if you are using an ice cream machine to make your ice cream and the recipe you are following calls for 1-2 tablespoons of alcohol WAIT to add that ingredient until the VERY END of the churning process because the alcohol will often negatively affect the churning process. Wait to add the alcohol until about 2-3 minutes before the churning is complete.

    Dan, please see my above note. Alcohol will not help the mixture become ice cream. It will actually impede the process so if you decide to add alcohol, wait until the very last 1-2 minutes of churning before adding it. Also, because homemade ice cream has none of the additional fillers, chemicals and softeners like the ice cream we buy in the store does, homemade ice cream always gets hard as a rock once put into the freezer overnight. @Foamroller mentioned this in his/her comment above. It is best to enjoy a serving of your ice cream immediately out of the machine at soft-serve consistency if possible and to store it in individual serving size containers. That way you can take a serving out whenever you want it but it will take at least an hour or more to get soft enough to eat!

    Also when adding things into the ice cream mix like frozen fruit, nuts, chocolate chips (or whatever), add them late in the process (about 5 minutes before the end of the churning process). If you use strawberries again, I suggest you cook them down until they are soft and can be mashed with a fork. Keep them in the fridge - not the freezer. When you add fruit that is a soft, mushy consistency like this (large chunks are still okay) you usually don't have problems with the dasher / paddle getting stuck.

    Hope this info helps!
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    There is a wonderful website with ice cream and other goodies. It's intended for diabetics but a lot of the recipes can be used. I made the vanilla ice cream several times. I also used the same recipe and flavored it with sugar free salted caramel syrup. It's really worth the trouble.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    NewSue52 wrote: »
    There is a wonderful website with ice cream and other goodies. It's intended for diabetics but a lot of the recipes can be used. I made the vanilla ice cream several times. I also used the same recipe and flavored it with sugar free salted caramel syrup. It's really worth the trouble.

    Thanks! Pinned it.