Arg! So frustrating! Not losing weight!

martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
edited September 2015 in Social Groups
I am 7.5 weeks post op (sleeve). In that time I've lost 16 pounds. Two+ of those weeks on plateaus. For the last month I've averaged 1 pound loss per week. I've been very compliant with my plan. I log everything. I exercise like mad. I have been patient. But there's this voice that says, "I did this for a pound a week? I had better success on Weight Watchers!"

Yes. I just scheduled an appointment for next week with the Dietician ($60!). I suspect she'll pat me on the head and say I'm doing fine, be patient, $60, please.

Just ranting. Still committed to the process. But this is so discouraging.


  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    It does suck. Every. Single. Time. I just try to remember What Dori says: "Just keep swimming"
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I know you don't want to hear this but some people just lose slower than others. I was one of those. My advice? Weigh and measure everything you put in your mouth, continue to be compliant with the program and don't push your boundaries, get all your protein in and make sure to get all your water in. Add exercise as you can and most of all, trust the surgery and plan. Your weight loss will happen as it's supposed to. And by the way, the surgery is a tool to lose it, but it's also a tool to keep it off. You might have had better success losing with Weight Watchers, but were you able to maintain the loss? Your sleeve will help you keep it off because you will always have that restriction. Yes you can out eat the sleeve and regain, but it's hard to do and really can't be done accidentially. Maintenance is made much easier with WLS. Be patient and as the poster above me said, "Just keep swimming".
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    In the beginning I was upset too because I was losing so much slower than everyone else - then suddenly one day I looked back and realized Holy Crap, I have dropped some serious had all added up, I know it's frustrating when you see your MFP friends posting 2+ lb losses every other day...I used to actually feel bad for myself. I would go weeks without a loss! Trust the process, it does work and one day you will see the way it all adds up <3
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    @martabeerich, I literally just finished charting my weekly weights from 5 days pre-op to today (I mean like 10 minutes ago!), so I checked with it to see what happened with me in the first 7 weeks. I had a similar course - pre-clear liquids, I weighed 250 lbs. After clear liquids (I had to do 5 days), I weighed 236. Seven weeks out, I weighed 215, which means I had only lost 21lbs. at that point from my surgery date to the 7-week mark. At that point, I was walking a minimum of 2-3 miles a day every single day, so that included some pretty healthy exercise standards (and I started jogging soon after).

    To date, I've lost 85 lbs. I've gone from a size 22/24 to a size 12/10, and I just scored so low on a health fair that work required us to do that I apparently have a 0.04% chance of having a heart attack in the next 10 years. The doctor said my levels were so healthy that it disgusted her, and while I had to do 8 nutritionist visits at our health clinic from last year's assessment, I scored so low this year that I don't have to go at all.

    Keep in mind that weight loss depends on a) how much weight you have to lose, and b) your own metabolism. My weight has now slowed down to half a pound a week. Since I want to lose 35 more pounds, it's EXTREMELY frustrating to see it come off so slowly now. That said, it challenges me to stick to everything I know works, keeping in mind that slow loss is still loss.

    You can do this. Keep trucking. You're going to see a significant difference soon.
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks, guys. I really have been been following my regimen. I think my body just wants to hold on to this weight. But @pawoodhull, you're right. Half the reason I chose surgery was to have more control at maintenance (WHEN I get there!). There is no other option for me but to follow my plan. I have always been fat. But I won't allow myself to get to 400 pounds again. This is mainly about health and wellness for me. So that is that. (But still irritated!)
  • ThinGwen
    ThinGwen Posts: 174 Member
    Marta, I had surgery just before you. On Saturday, I will be 2 months out. In the last month, I've lost 12.5 pounds, which would be pretty discouraging. But, my scale also measures what percentage of my body is fat. And, from that, I can calculate that I've gained lean body mass and/or water during that time. Which makes me happy. My guess is you are doing the same. Keep track of your measurements, and focus less on weight. You want to be losing fat and gaining muscle, and that will show up better in your measurements. One more thing-in weeks I've lost a lot of weight (like right before surgery)-my body fat percentage went UP by a lot - which means that I was losing water and perhaps muscle. Even now, if I have a big loss, my body fat percentage stays the same or goes up a touch.
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    OK. That must be true in my case, too, ThinGwen. I have lost inches, and it's evident in my appearance. But I'm glad to get your feedback re your numbers. Thanks!
  • ThinGwen
    ThinGwen Posts: 174 Member
    Marta, glad I can help. Just return the favor next time I'm discouraged.
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    You got it, girl!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Thanks, guys. I really have been been following my regimen. I think my body just wants to hold on to this weight. But @pawoodhull, you're right. Half the reason I chose surgery was to have more control at maintenance (WHEN I get there!). There is no other option for me but to follow my plan. I have always been fat. But I won't allow myself to get to 400 pounds again. This is mainly about health and wellness for me. So that is that. (But still irritated!)

    I started my journey at 386, so almost 400. Haven't met too many on here who started that high or had to loos over 200 pounds like me. Nice to meet you!

  • cheekitty
    cheekitty Posts: 101 Member
    My highest weight was 383. I had surgery at 362. I'm 7 months out and weigh between 275 and 280, and I've spent the last two months losing and re-gaining the same 10-15 lbs over and over again. I'm definitely one of those that trundles along slowly.

    I've been frustrated for the last month and being sloppy as a result, but I'm getting ready to knuckle down again and see if I can knock out another 25lbs by the end of the year.

    At any rate - you're not alone!
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks, guys. I guess we're in that elite club of people whose bodies just wanna be fat. But I am determined!