The Proverbial Wagon



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Syleyna wrote: »
    Thank you so much for the support everyone. I really did just need to get it off my chest. Seems it was all just fancy words though, as I ended up binge-ing again that night. As Dragonwolf pointed out though, I'm still alive so it's not too late ;)
    15 days of very bad food choices and I've put in 2.1kg (not at all surprised, but *groan*).
    I decided to look at my progress pics this morning to help motivate myself. Feeling better, looking better. There's no downside to eating right- so just do it!
    Left to right:
    Mid June 86kg, mid July 79kg, mid September 72.6kg.
    The last one was just before I fell off that darn wagon. Up we get again!

    That is AMAZING body recomposition for 13 kg/30 pounds!!!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    You look amazing!

    I'm just now clambering back up on the wagon. Grazed my knee on a bolt I think...

    I am envious of those who only put on a couple of kg when falling off, I went from 74.4kg to 80.2kg in a week :-(.

    I may not put on as much, but it doesn't come back off quickly, either, damned PCOS, even with water... SIGH

    Still in my smaller jeans this week, but up about 5 pounds from where??? bah. Almost 2.5 kg for what reason exactly? Because my body is a sadistic trickster like the Joker from Batman apparently.

    And HUGS... Emotional binges are quick to come on and slow to come off.... You doing okay, @minties82?
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    Thank you all for this post & comments...I've been struggling a month or 2. I'll do good Mon-Thur, and fall off on the weekends. Maybe stick with it for a full week, only to have a day full of crap. I've avoided tracking my food and this site because I felt like such a failure and didn't want the accountability right in my face. I've put on about 5 pounds and it scares me...especially because I can't seem to get a grip on it. I've slacked on the exercise as well due to the weather getting colder. I really really do not want to see all my hard work go down the tubes. And the most frustrating part is that I feel horrible when I eat a bunch of empty carbs...why in the world do I stray from a satiating and feel good way of eating?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    nikoba wrote: »
    Thank you all for this post & comments...I've been struggling a month or 2. I'll do good Mon-Thur, and fall off on the weekends. Maybe stick with it for a full week, only to have a day full of crap. I've avoided tracking my food and this site because I felt like such a failure and didn't want the accountability right in my face. I've put on about 5 pounds and it scares me...especially because I can't seem to get a grip on it. I've slacked on the exercise as well due to the weather getting colder. I really really do not want to see all my hard work go down the tubes. And the most frustrating part is that I feel horrible when I eat a bunch of empty carbs...why in the world do I stray from a satiating and feel good way of eating?

    Because the world and the odds are stacked against you and you haven't mastered the right tools to properly fight back. The biggest things for me are to make a mission statement, very detailed. Imagine what is called your "default future." That's what happens if you don't change anything right now. Pick someone you know who is a very graphic example of what exactly you fear (can be off of TV or anything). Again, get graphic. Imagine every horror. Then pick an image of where you want to be. Then tell yourself you ARE allowed to go off plan, but you have to review each of these things in detail before you do. It's hard to stick with it when you don't care, but sometimes just the reminder of these things is enough.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I lost my father in my early twenties. I don't want that to happen to my son who's now eighteen. Every time I'm tempted by carbs, this is what I tell myself. So far it helped. But like with everything else: there are no guarantees.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    but my body is bloated, lethargic. It doesn't like what I'm putting in it. I know how to fix it. I know I feel better when I eat right.

    This is how I get back on...... because I don't want to feel like crap. I am going to CHOOSE not to feel like crap. So when I have a day where I go off the rails, I know I won't feel great, and I will get back on it as soon as possible otherwise I'm just prolonging the agony. It's like having a hangover, I sure don't want to drink again so soon after, my body won't allow it. With food I just have to overrule the urge and make better choices knowing that in a couple days it will get better again and it will get easier to choose when the cravings go.

    Great progress pics! Keep on keeping on!
  • Syleyna
    Syleyna Posts: 86 Member
    OH. MY. GOSH. How did I forget how rubbish it is detoxing off carbs? Yesterday was only Day 2 back on track with my eating and an hour after waking up I felt murderous. Not ideal with 2 small children in the house, one who constantly asks "why" and the other who repeats "uh oh" only about a thousand times a day. I indulged in sugar free dark chocolate. My calories were a little over, but my carbs were still within range. Feeling much more chill this morning, thank goodness. I think I must have just needed more fat.
    Speaking of fat! Weighed myself this morning and what I gained is gone. Yay! I would have guessed that yesterday afternoon anyway, I (physically) felt so much better/lighter with all that junk out of my system. As @totaloblivia said, it's pretty much all water weight- but it's amazing how great I feel when NOT bloated.
    2 birthday events this weekend, hopefully with the memory of detoxing so fresh in my mind it'll be easy to resist cake.

    Thank you again to everyone for the support, and for those who are in the same boat as me- struggling to stay on track. We can do this. It's hard, but it's worth it. Don't let the hiccups (or failures as I know I call them when it's me) drag you down and stop doing what you know you gotta do. We all slip up. Just climb back up when you can. When you're ready. Go easy on yourself. We're in it for the long haul, and in the grand scheme of things, what's a week or a month?
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    @Syleyna now you are remotivating me as I went out for dinner with friends and ate creme brulee because I had drunk too much wine to be self controlled.... up 1.5lbs today. Joining you back on the wagon....
  • phxteach
    phxteach Posts: 309 Member
    Your photos give me hope! My 'after' (imaginary) photo of a similar weight looks more like your 'before'. So my goal is to work towards looking like your 'after' photo. Yes, taking care of munchkins is a lot of work, so indulge in that sugar-free chocolate a bit :) -- it is all worth it. Enjoy them while they're young.
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    I think many of us have similar experiences. We are feeling great and we think we can dip our toe in the carb water and end up falling in head first. Usually, it is triggered by life events, stress, etc. haven't given up. We are human and we make mistakes. And sometimes, we have to make them a few times to learn from them or even periodically to remind ourselves that we are on the right path.

    You can do this. You have already been doing it. Just dust yourself off and climb back on.
  • AppetiteControlFreak
    Syleyna wrote: »
    Thank you so much for the support everyone. I really did just need to get it off my chest. Seems it was all just fancy words though, as I ended up binge-ing again that night. As Dragonwolf pointed out though, I'm still alive so it's not too late ;)
    15 days of very bad food choices and I've put in 2.1kg (not at all surprised, but *groan*).
    I decided to look at my progress pics this morning to help motivate myself. Feeling better, looking better. There's no downside to eating right- so just do it!
    Left to right:
    Mid June 86kg, mid July 79kg, mid September 72.6kg.
    The last one was just before I fell off that darn wagon. Up we get again!

    Love your selection in socks!

    You have made progress for sure. And you know how to do it

    I agree with others that throwing away food is the ultimate exercise of power over it.
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    This is a really helpful thread, I think, because it addresses the subject of straying from the LCHF plan. Seemingly, most everybody has a "fall off the wagon" moment at least once in a while. At least we're all getting back up, or at least posting about it to elicit help.

    @Syleyna, your before/during/after pics are wonderful! Way to go!

    @minties82, you've been on my mind, too. Glad to hear you're scrambling back up to the top of that wagon. Sending you lots of love.

    I had an off-the-wagon couple of days, in a limited sense, while I was in Mexico. Not a binge, because that wouldn't really have been possible in the context. Just a deviation from low-carb. I had some corn and flour tortillas here and there, and some rice and beans. Beans are actually part of my diet anyway, but more than usual there. We had large meals, but spaced much further apart than I'm used to eating here, and that actually worked out really well for me and for what we were all trying to accomplish. I felt well-fueled, and I'm not normally one to equate food with fuel.

    I'm gradually working back to normal. Glad tomorrow's Monday! Being generally "on the wagon" for the past several months has made me come to very much appreciate Mondays, with their return to weekday routines.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I just threw out some food that was within my plan in moderation, but I began to binge on it and doubled my daily calorie intake. My weight loss has stalled, I've stopped exercising much and feel that more carb slippage is imminent. I've been trying for a couple of weeks to reign in my use of this food, but today just decided to toss it. Tied it up in a bag and walked it out to the dumpster and chucked it all the way to the bottom back. Such relief! I think it will be easier to get on track now. It helps me when others share the struggles they face, as I sometimes feel so ashamed and want to hide my fails. Which is not good for me at all. Stay in the fight fitness pals!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @elize7, it took amazing strength to discard the trouble food! Good for you!!! Posting the troubles is where the real support comes in. There's much celebrating going on, but there's troubles too and we're always here to help as much as we can! We have all been there! Best to you!