Don't be spooked in October! Set goals!



  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Well I met my goals for both bench and squat (now 3x8) and have managed 10kg db OH press. Tried with 12.5 kg but couldn't even get them up into position, think it was the extra 2.5kg jump in weight. Barbell feels whole lot different to db for oh press but that can be next month's challenge. Hoping to have bf measured Mon with calipers but not holding out much hope of decrease in bf as trying to recomp.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    I'm going to keep working on my problem areas that I conveniently forgot about last month:

    1) improving sleep
    2) getting a mobility drill together for hips and hip flexors and my thoracic spine
    3) still learning power cleans. Subbing in PRs for now but those aren't exactly easy to learn either (although probably lower risk of self injury).
    4) wanting to add in more conditioning but this may not be compatible with goal number one. Priorities?

    1) didn't happen.
    2) sort of. I now know what to do...and I do it prior to lifting but I should be more consistent, especially around conditioning work
    3) this didn't happen at all due to trainer scheduling issues
    4) added conditioning. Screw sleep. Who needs sleep when the world contains coffee?

    Well, I'm gonna jump on my bike and go to work in a downpour. See? Committed! Haha.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Nothing super specific.
    1. Continue my eating plan (seems to be a really good fit for me)
    2. Keep losing would love to see 4-5#s go
    3. Start increasing in lifts again
    4. Keep up glute accessories
    5. Pick up the pace in running

    Hmmm forgot about several of these..
    1. Doing well here
    2. Pretty good here also. Down 3#'s
    3. Some
    4. Nope
    5. Nope

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Okay, goals for October... *ponders*

    Continue PHUL (Plan to follow the program for like 6 months minimum)
    Squat 185
    Deadlift 215
    Bench 115 for at least 1 rep
    Jog the whole 10k on the 25th

    Prep novel for NaNoWriMo
    Add 3 chapters to either Snow or BRR
    Keep up in Writing challenge
    Catch up in story reviews

    Work on tracking accuracy. I've been lazy on it the past month though I'm not too worried about losing weight at the moment. If I lose a little, good but travel and such will probably mean dress needs to fit at around this amount anyways (which it does).

    I also need to find shoes and something to wear over the dress as it's cold in November and the dress I got for stepsister's wedding is strapless.

    Now is a good enough time to do the final update since not that much will happen in the next less than 24 hours (well, I will do a lot of stuff but not finish much else on the list of goals). Been a long month yet went by so quick.

    1. Yep. That was the easiest since it's just, don't do other random routines but still good to make as goal.
    2. Surpassed. Squat test last night and I made it to 195 for 1 rep.
    3. Not yet. I will test on Sunday night after work. Hoping to get 215 for one, but we'll have to wait and see.
    4. No. I came close with a max at 110 but couldn't do the 115. Will have to make that my goal for end of 2015 and in 2016 work on making it up to body weight.
    5. Success. I so wanted to walk on part of it, but I kept going and did the run in just under an hour.

    1. ish. I managed to do about 2/3rds of the prep but decided I over committed and had to stop on this one. Plus, I don't know enough of that novel to use it for nanowrimo and over half the prep assignments weren't of much use to me.
    2. Nope. I added at least one but not 3.
    3. For the most part. I missed one story (we can miss 2 max) but I still have to write 2 before I leave on vacation.
    4. In progress but not caught up. Hoping on vacation to work on this some since I won't have to go to work, so the nights when I'm not doing anything and can be online, I'll do this and write (as no gym time either).

    tracking - going to get a new battery for food scale (or look into a better one) so that after vacation, I can hit the deficit better. Going to have a week at maintenance (and a couple days above cause travel and wedding) and I'm going to enjoy the break, first.

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I started following this programme too late to add to this thread but have still been reading and getting inspired by the continual progress you guys make, so thank-you!!

    Happy new month!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I didn't know if anybody was going to post a new gold thread for the month of November so I am just going to post here for now.

    November goals

    1. Increase weights on Stronglifts 5x5
    2. Weight lift at least 3 x a week
    3. Kettle bell swing nonweight lifting days 20 minutes
    4. 8 hour diet window
    5. 8 power foods
    6. 8 cups of water
    7. Follow night time snacking prevention methods
    8. Lose 5 lbs
    9. 10,000 steps a day
    10. Do the five day fast diet
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    edited November 2015
    Increase at least 5 lbs in each OHP, Bench, and BB rows. Run 10 minute miles or under consistently, and at least twice a week.

    ETA, because it occurred to me I should start with my last September workout to judge progress...

    September 29
    Squat 95lb 5x5
    OHP 50lb 5x5
    Deads 145lb 1x5

    October 1
    Squat 100lb 5x5
    Bench 80lb 5/4/4/4/4
    BB Row 80lb 5x5

    Then the app told me to de-load because it had been more than a week, so I did.

    October 27
    Squat 115lb 5x5 (Woot!)
    Bench 80lb 5/5/5/5/4 (made progress here, at least!)
    BB Row 80lb 5/5/4/5/3 (I still can't seem to get form on these, since I can't lift enough to go back to the ground like he says you're supposed to...)

    November 3
    Squat 120lb 5x5 (Woot!)
    OHP 55lb 5/5/5/4/4 (Almost there!)
    Deads 155lb 1x5 (Woot!)

    The running, not so much - I've had family in town, been super busy, and just didn't have a lot of time to run more than once a week hardly. I did manage one ~4 mile run at a 9:55 pace, though! And the rest have been hovering right around the 10 minute mark, so I'm making progress anyway.