Not eating enough?

InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
I'm not eating a great deal at the minute, I just have no appetite. And while I was told this would happen and I am loving the freedom it gives me, I am slightly concerned about the possibility of going the other way... becoming so hungry that I fall off the wagon and have to get back on. Yet again.

How likely is that? How long can I maintain this level of eating? Will it "speed up" the fat loss?

Must say though - I'm really happy that this is my concern now.....not long ago I was saying how ketosis was elusive and I couldn't get back in it. Happy days as I am well and truly in it! :smile: Not being governed by food is an amazing feeling, though I am still fighting the "you should eat three times a day" mentality. Any tips on how to get over that?

Thanks in advance!!


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    If you are seriously under your calorie goal once or twice a week, I probably wouldn't worry about it. If you're under your calorie goal every day, week after week, that's not going to be healthy long term. You just can't get all the nutrition you need without a certain amount of food. So, it's not just calories that are going to be low.
    I think it's what you do consistently that's important. I have days that I don't even eat 900 calories, but there are days that I will eat a bit over maintenance too. Both of those are just occasionally. More consistently, I am able to stick to my 20% deficit goal of around 1270ish.
    I will often feel a little more hungry than usual the day after a very low hunger day, but who knows what the real cause is. I definitely wouldn't say that has happened every time.
    I think the general thinking is that by the end of the week, are you at a safe calorie restriction? I think up to 20% deficit is widely considered the maximum safe amount, but I did see up to 30% mentioned at
    There, he sites a study that suggests anything more aggressive than that can have negative effects on your dieting. I haven't looked at the study. I have no idea what it suggests.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Will it "speed up" the fat loss?

    Yes! This effect is responsible for fat loss, not the "fat burning mode" of ketosis. Here's a chart from Phinney and Volek:


    You can see they show a significant calorie deficit (and rate of fat loss) in the early stages. That's entirely due to the natural appetite suppression effect of ketosis.

    Go with your hunger. Hunger will increase as your body needs more fuel.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    becoming so hungry that I fall off the wagon and have to get back on. Yet again.

    Generally speaking, that's not likely to happen. Yes, your hunger may increase, but hunger in a primarily fat-burning state is different from the "hunger" experienced in the primarily sugar-burning state. The latter is generally the result of a drop in blood sugar. It's that "must eat NOW!" feeling and the desire to shove in your face whatever you can get your hands on. The former is completely different. Yeah, you're hungry. Your stomach may even be growling, but you can often still turn down food if you need to. A little discipline to order the fatty steak -- without the potatoes -- or wait until you've finished cooking your meal, and go after the fat before the lean parts of the meat, and you'll be fine.

    Yes, you might go over in calories at first, but a) your body will regulate after a while as long as you let it (and really listen to whether you're hungry or not), and b) it's not about the individual days, but the averages over time. Any day that you have that's over your calorie goal, before freaking, look back a week or so, and you'll likely find at least one day that's under by about the same amount (or several days under by less, but add up to about the same). It happens, it's normal. Don't worry about it as long as you're not using it as an excuse to eat a bunch of extra stuff when you're not hungry.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    There's a couple of days you were in the 500 calories so personally, I wouldn't let my calories go that low. Even 800/900 is borderline for me. I know that Keto is a natural appetite suppressant but for ME, I would've thrown some more fat in there. Couple tbsp butter throughout the day and some cheese or pepperoni etc. I wouldn't force myself to eat a ton, just something that packs a calorie punch for being so small.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Don't worry about the appetite bouncing back - as long as you stay in ketosis.

    Have easy to get to keto friendly foods around. I keep pepperoni and block parmesan cheese close. If you do get hungry those foods will hold you to mealtime.

    If you're hungry eat - the right things.

    Calorie restriction is important. Staying in ketosis is more important. And for most folks once you experience the benefits you really don't want to go back. That is the way I've been able to survive Church potlucks, anyway! :-)
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks guys!! This is all really helpful. I guess I'm still getting used to what my body is actually telling me and breaking that mindset of "should eat now". I'm sure I'll get there. I'm loving the freedom of not having to regulate everything around food. And being able to walk past "treats" (like an entire table of them) and not bat an eyelid!! Awesome!

    Thanks again - really appreciate your responses :smile:
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    It's a wonderful new normal! So glad you've made it! They usually will even out with hungrier days throughout the month, but 500 calorie days is too low. Remember part of the mindset is to use what we eat as the fuel our bodies need to function optimally. If your not giving it enough fuel consistently, you will eventually run the motor empty, so to speak. Just be cautious. But enjoy not being hungry! It's an amazing place to be! :smiley:
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Do some light exercise and you'll get your hunger back....

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / The Recipe Water Fasting /
    E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program

    Current weight: 198.5, 115.5 pounds down, 19.5 to go. 13 months on diet
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    Do some light exercise and you'll get your hunger back....

    I run 3 times a week and have started doing Les Mills BodyCombat still had no effect on my hunger levels!! I guess I'll just enjoy it but as @Karlottap says, just be cautious....