My Top Ten Keys to Weight Loss: #3 - Education

Sorry if I am boring anyone with these, but this is therapeutic for me to write these. So you were able to motivate yourself to start and get going, and you started logging. Then like me, you are on your way. The next step for me or for anyone is to understand what you are logging, what your goals need to be (MFP helps a lot with that when you enter your goals in your profile), and how to eat and understand what you are eating and the impacts, positive or negative. So you need to educate yourself. Now we are all SO DIFFERENT in our starting levels of knowledge, but I suspect if you are like me, you may already be fairly knowledgeable. I knew the facts; I just did not apply them. I am fortunate because my employer has a staffed wellness center who are experts (nurse and nurse practioner) plus a ton of seminars and programs and other opportunities to learn. I had also worked with a diet expert 23 years ago when I had lost some weight before, so I knew what to do. But my ever increasing health problems caused by my obesity over the years meant I did have to learn more...unfortunately for the wrong reasons. As one example, I had to learn about vein restoration due to my venous insufficiency (chronic condition) which was caused by my obesity.

Wherever you are in your quest, arm yourself with knowledge however you have to do it. Know the basics about calories, carbs, fat, protein. MFP suggests a 50% carbs, 30% (max) fat, and 20% protein dietary mix. That has worked well for me. Personally, I stick with the conventional wisdom built up my many years of experience of medical pros. Don't fall for the quick fix diets and fads. Some of those may work for some, even people on MFP who credit them with their success, but honestly, some of those "programs" are very dangerous for people like us who already have medical issues and are 300 - 400 lbs or more. I suggest consulting with your doctor and/or a dietitian. If you need a good virtual resource with lots of help, go to Mayo Clinic's web site and search on obesity or dieting. Great info there. The sources of good info are out there, but so is the bad. I am still learning new things everyday. Educate yourself about exercise. What is the right amount for you? Maybe you will need a personal trainer session or two. Do it, learn it...For YOU!!