Keto while my daughter's in the hospital 3 days?

jeniwilmot Posts: 25 Member
Hey guys, usually when I hit a speed bump -- like my daughter having a surgery -- my keto eating goes right out the window. I'm a big stress eater, but also having to find things to eat on the go is hard when your brain is already stressed out at max levels. Anybody have any tips? Portable refrigerated foods to pack / restaurant go tos? Really appreciate it. Thanks y'all!


  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, first off I hope that your daughter feels better soon! I think of this much like I think about traveling and staying on track. You can be easy on yourself and pack a small cooler (there is an abundant supply of ice on each floor). Some easy items included store-bought, pre-cut celery sticks, cheeses, pepperoni slices, a bag of lettuce to munch on, beef jerky, water bottles, you can make tea (lots of hot water available there). I don't know if you like treats like pork rinds, but sometimes when I want a crunch or am feeling a little stressed, this feels like an indulgent treat but it also has lots of protein and fat, so you will feel satisfied. I bought some hard boiled eggs at Costco, and those would be superfoods to have on hand! Hope all goes well. You've got this!!!! Oh, and don't forget to get some walking in when your daughter is sleeping or away for tests. All the best to you.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Yes, saying prayers for your daughter! Salami slices, protein bars, nuts of any kind, seeds of any kind, cheese sticks, baked cheese some places sell this), laughing cow cheese wedges, low carb yogurt (Carbmaster), and quark are all easy things to grab and go and will help you stay on plan during stressful times.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Pretty much what they said, but out - burgers are good. Go bunless and ditch the sides unless you want a salad. I do tomatoes and pickles, add mustard and mayo, with cheese - double or triple depending on your hunger. I would plan on some sweet fat bombs - maybe a batch or two - so that when that stress kicks in you can manage it. Simplest ones I know of are "Cream Cheese Clouds." (here's a link I put in my blog when I made them:

    Another I like if you like yogurt but can't find the good stuff is my jello fat bomb - could easily be modified to use all unflavored gelatin, sugar-free extracts, and your sweetener of choice. It does not freeze well, but if you have a cool pack on you, it'd be awesome.

    My other go to's are like the above. If you're stuck staring at a vending machine, go for roasted and salted nuts. Cashews have the most sugar. My preferred nut is a macadamia. The little cans are 4.5 servings, 4 carbs each, 2 net carbs. So the whole thing is like 18 grams of carbs, 9 net carbs, so even if you had a mini stress binge, you would be okay. Get yourself some 70-85% dark chocolate. I find that Green and Black Organic Dark has the least amount of carbs. Pre-portion out baggies with chocolate AND nuts if you like them together.

    If in doubt, you can get a sub/sandwich just without the bread. Most cafeteria salads are okay (like chef salad) or a salad bar - just ditch croutons and be aware of dressings. For crunch, you can add nuts or crispy bits of cheese. Making cheese crisps (melted cheese on a plate or in the oven, until crispy) or "better than goldfish" cheese crackers or "egg white crisp cheese crackers" would be another crunch option. You can also make pepperoni chips similar to how you make cheese crisps.

    When I have to be away, I pack himalayan salt, fatty meats, sliced cheese, nuts, and fat bombs (I was working out of doors)... Dinner I did fajitas with minimal onions/peppers, ditched the tortillas, rice, and beans - extra cheese, sour cream, guac, etc. Steak with broccoli and cheese, caesar salads without croutons, etc....

    My suggestion while you're there would be to not worry about calories - just stay focused on that carb number... that way you'll stay in ketosis, and any calorie overages will be dealt with when you're home, safe and sound, and your daughter is recovering. Make sure you make as much stuff in advance as you can... But if you're near a walmart, they have lunch meats, cheese, beef/cheese sticks, jerky, nuts, hard-boiled eggs, pre-cooked bacon, all kinds of safe things...

    Best of luck to your daughter and her medical team, and best of luck to you to stay on plan, and for your support system too!!! (HUGS)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Also, if you tell us your preferred cuisine and your downfall dishes, we might be able to give better suggestions for your "out" meals. Not sure of restaurants in Florida but PF Chang's has lettuce wraps, many chain mexican places for fajitas or shellless taco salads... Burger joints everywhere... Steakhouses or places like chili's will have the steaks etc....
  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    edited October 2015
    most fast food places easily accomodate bunless sandwiches these days as well

    I was having a craving for arby's one day & got myself a medium roast beef w/ lettuce, tomato, mayo, no bun (they put it in a bowl for me, like a roast beef salad lol). I've done this at McDs too...maybe not the best option, but it kills the craves & it's quick/convenient & still gives a low-carb option. Kinda perfect when you want to destroy your efforts during PMS times too ;)

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Any place can be accommodating to requests, the workers need specifics usually. When you can tell them exactly what you want (no bun, extra pickles....) It can help make the visit better. Hospital cafeterias can be good with request s too! Don't hesitate to ask for what you want! It's your money!
  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    @jeniwilmot Prayers are with you. I know what it feeling. My daughter has also had surgery multiple times in the last 12 months & constant nursing after a workplace accident. I was not watching what I ate in the 1st 9 months & didn't realise I put on 25kg during the stressful time. It shocked me when my Doctor weighed me at a routine checkup. I didn't feel it in my clothes but I'm a big girl & don't wear tight clothes.

    In the last 4 months I have now lost 22kg & my daughter has had another operation during that time.
    It is hard, but bunless/Breadless does work. Extra protein & good fats & being choosey on specific vegetables. If you get something you cannot have leave it. I have not found one chef or eating place that has not accommodated my 'weird' way of eating.
    I am surprised that I have found that I can do it when travelling & visiting hospitals for long periods. It can happen. Find your motivator and dig deep.