Hello! New here and is anyone doing Keto for neurological reasons? I'm!

Hi everyone!
I started Keto 15 days ago. My name is lena and I'm married and have 2 teens.
I do like to loose 10 lbs but mostly I want to feel better. I have essential tremor since I was a child. I'm 44 now and this past few years got really bad. i'm not taking any meds for it becaus it doesn't help me that much and the side effects caused so much bad stuff in my life. It got me depressed, ocdc and bipolar so I stop taking them but now my tremor is pretty bad! I heard that keto is used for epilepsy and since some of my meds where for epileptics I though I will give it a try. I lost 5 lbs right away and I think I'm consistently in ketosis for thes last two weeks. i haven't had much cravings after the awful keto flu. Scary but I kept going.
The shaking doesn't seem any better but perhaps is too early? Is very hard to find anything about keto and neurological disorders with real people...not just studies. Anyone here?
Also I'll love friends if anyone wants to


  • sophieperla
    sophieperla Posts: 9 Member
    Ps: English is not my mother tongue so I apologize for the mistakes on my writing
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    I have seen several studies, and there is a great movie about a mother fighting to give her child a Keto diet for his severe seizures. Here is a LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_8D1hH7mzo

    Once you go here see the SIDE window with many more links about this diet for the neuro uses. best of luck to you! also see the videos by Dr. Eric Westman on Ketogeinc diet…

    Realize ALL studies with humans ( not rats or computer models) are based on real people who are sick and meet the criteria to need treatment.

    Jimmy Moore- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN9Fi_9tCeQ
    Charlie FOundation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oef4-NCR9YU

    Full MOVIE- First DO No Harm- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyeC9IiFKpw
  • sophieperla
    sophieperla Posts: 9 Member
    edited October 2015
    Thanks so much for your answer! I will check up all those videos :smiley:
    Just wondering if anyone here is battling with somethings like this. I wanted to know how long before you start seeing results.
    Thanks so much Ketogenicgurl!
  • sophieperla
    sophieperla Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you Bob! That's very cool!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    The main reason I went Keto is to ensure that my brain will work at its best. I suffered from depression and anxiety with panic attacks and did not want to take medication for these symptoms anymore. When I stopped the drugs at the same time that I stopped eating grains and sugar, I felt much better. Lowering the carbs and increasing the fats helped even more, and I am enjoying the best health I have ever experienced. Eating this way helps me feel good, helps me regulate my mood much better.
  • sophieperla
    sophieperla Posts: 9 Member
    That's awesome Kitnthecat! I also have all those problems and feel a lot better now! Thanks for your reply! :)
    I'm just looking forward to be able to do the stuff I could do before my shaking went down hill. I hope it is soon :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I'm sure this is covered in the links and videos above, but my understanding is that Keto itself has great neurological benefits, but adding unrefined coconut oil, with or without ketosis, does too, but that the combination is a double strength attack. Look forward to following your progress.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Please let us know whether it does help with your tremor. My friend has a similar issue and it did not occur to me that keto could help. Hope it works for you. Your English is excellent by the way.
  • sophieperla
    sophieperla Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks you both! Yeah I will definitely report on my tremor. Seems like it is very slightly better but it is not yet even 4 weeks so I imagine it can get better with time. i do feel a certain calmness though so that's progress.
    On the weight, I haven't lost much but I'm not too worried because I'm doing this for the tremor.
    Thanks again for all your coments friends!
  • ambergem1969
    ambergem1969 Posts: 224 Member
    I am also very interested to see what happens. There is an essential tremor in my family - my great-grandfather shook so badly he would sit on his hands and my mother, who is 65, is getting worse as she gets older. I'm 45 and not sure if I will have it or not (she didn't start to show signs until she was in her 50s). Unfortunately, anything happening with my hands right now could also be the result of years of carpal tunnel syndrome. I've had release surgery but the nerve and muscle damage is done and could be the reason for any feelings of weakness. If diet