Week #9 Posts and schedule



  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Aaaaaaaand measurements! So - summary: tummy, hips, underbust (and a bit of bust) down, thighs and calves and arms about the same...not sure what to think about that :P

    I think that although I'm losing fat, I am increasing muscle size, as I can feel them now in my legs when I couldnt before. Anyone able to tell me if that's a fallacy or true supposition? These figures all went up in the middle and are either back to where I started or less


    Wrist 18/07 -->17/6.7
    Neck 33.5/13.2-->33/12.9
    Bust 98.5/38.7-->96.5/ 38
    Underbust 88/34.5-->85/33.5
    Waist 81/32-->78/30.7
    Hips 103/40.5-->101/39.7
    Bottom 108/42.5-->103.5/40.7
    Right Thigh 65/25.5-->65.5/25.8
    Left Thigh 66/26-->64.5/25.4
    Right Calf 37/14.5-->37.5/14.8
    Left Calf 36/14-->37/14.5
    Right Bicep 33/13-->33/13
    Left Bicep 33/13-->33/13
    Right Forearm 27/10.5-->26.5
    Left Forearm 27/10.5-->26.5
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Actually - sod that, look at THIS - it's September 2012 to July 2013. Those figures are more important :)

    Date - Sept/jan/march/april/may/june/july (some I only took from April)

    Wrist: 18/18/17.5/17

    Neck: 33.5/33/33/33/33

    Bust: 105/101/99/98.5/98/98/96.5

    Underbust: 95/ 89/ 86/ 88/ 85.5/ 87 /85

    Waist: 92/81/79/81/80/81/78

    Hips: 113/103/99/103/103/103/101

    Bottom: 110/103/106/108/108/110/103.5

    Right thigh: 69/66/65/65/67.5/67/65.5

    Left thigh: 69/65/64/66/65/66/64.5

    Right bicep: 37/34/34/33/33/33/33.5

    Left bicep: 36/3/33/33/33.5/33

    Right forearm: 27/26.5/27/26.5

    Left forearm: 27/26/27.5/26.5

    so...yes, some things didnt change during Insanity but over time, measurements are changing but the mirror also shows shape changing!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Awesome job ladies! I am so super proud of you! You all did really great!
    I just finished my last official Insanity workout and tomorrow I will do the Fit Test and measurements. I am sad to see it go and almost broke down after I was done but I know I will be back . Its time to see what else my body can do. Everything will seem like a piece of cake more now after Insanity lol.
    My goals for this month are to finish 30 Day Shred in the advanced version and to stay on track. I have to sit down and make my list of goals on what I need to do to get to Zuzana's level so that I can start marking them off. I would like to add 2 days of boxing workout, and maybe 2 days of running or 2 days of something else, maybe just weights. I'm sortof undecided which I really shouldn't be. I have to take a breather mentally on it because i'm starting to have to old feelings that "what's the quickest fix" attitude and I know its detrimental so I have to see what I can fit in. I am going to do 30 day shred and depending on the results I may do ripped in 30 for a month and then Insanity. If I am not getting the results I want, then I am going to start Insanity. I really need to focus on water and vitamins. I think I am going to put water aside everynight in the fridge so its constantly there in my face reminding me.

    GHS you did so awesome! You give me so much encouragement and motivation and have picked up my spirits so many times. Your numbers are awesome and you should be totally proud! You did wonderfully. Turbomama you did so awesome too, even when life stepped in, you still kept going with what you could. You also give me motivation to just keep going. Chalene Xtreme is on my wishlist, as is Focus T25 and Les Mills both Pump and Combat. I am definitely a "need structure" kind of person and I don't think I will ever just do a program that I made up myself. I love that I have so many on my wishlist that will give different results, however I do know that my soulmate workout has been Insanity....and the weeks leading up to it I was so scared of it....and now I've completed it! We really did awesome girls and we should be so proud!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    hehe, I'm a structure person too, I think I will be for quite a long while and thats fine! I've had today and yuesterday off, total break which has been great cos I got more morning time with the Mr, and tomorrow I'll crack on with 30DS level 3 for the rest of the week before Insanityyyyyyy!

    Well done for doing the final session! It feels weird doesnt it! Looking forward to seeing how you do tomorrow :D
  • KristaHuyer
    Hello everyone!
    Today would have been my very last day, but since I am three days behind my last day is Saturday!
    I am so conflicted on what to do next!
    a) Chalene Extreme
    b) Focus t25
    c) Another round of month two of insanity!

    Of course, with a week or two of rest inbetween.
    I am feeling rather frustrated because no results were made in the last month which seems VERY odd.
    I had started this program out with two of my family members, and they both quit on me at the beginning of month two. I donno if that made a difference in me not seeing results anymore? I can't help but wonder if I didn't push as hard? I know I also had a few weeks during month two where the eating wasn't absolutely perfect. So maybe thats why. I know I got stronger, and I can get through a full session now of month two. Think I should do another round of month two to see if I get any other changes?

    Thank you all SO much for the support and dedication. It was so awesome to come on here and experience it all with you! What a difference it made to have a place to vent, get encouragment, as well as to keep motivated from your experiences.
    All the best with your future fitness goals!

  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    GHS glad you got a much needed break with the Mr and you go girl with level 3 of 30DS, you rock!
    Krista I didn't see much results either but you have to look at right from the beginning and compare not from just after month 1. I think you may have the same type of build as me, you may not see a huge amount of changes and if you do they are very slow because there isn't a huge amount to lose.

    In the whole two months since I started Insanity I gained only 0.2 lbs and lost 8 inches from all over but I am so much stronger and have lots of energy and my stamina is very good.

    Everyone should be so happy, we did it girls! We finished it! Krista you kept going when everyone else quit on you that is something to be very proud of! I'm so proud of all of you! And yes this is a great place to come and get support and encouragement and just be able to vent, and know there are others that have struggled through at times too...to know that you aren't alone.

    All of your wishlist workouts Krista are on my list too. I am also looking at Rushfit too, although I don't like that he isn't actually the teacher....he just selling it with his name pretty much.

  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Krista, that's so impressive well done on keeping up with the sessions when you lost your immediate supporters, that is a superb demonstration of your determination

    I suspect that if I had monies, I'd be tempted to buy another series but I'm happy with Insanity so it's not too boo-hoo me :P

    Looking at my month 2, I didnt make much of a change in weight or measurement either, and if I did, I think it just took me to where I was before we started month 1! The difference in knowing that now I've a better proportion of fat to muscle is a huge ego boost to push for the next lot.

    Really think this group made a difference to how I did with Insanity....I've just had a thought. Rather than create a thread for Insanity week 1 and a thread for 30DS week 1 and checking each others threads, why dont we create a thread each week, which we ALL post into, about what we're working on, and how we're doing? Or each month, rather than each week, perhaps

    I'll put my Insanity stuff up, you put how P90X or 30DS or whatever is going, as you do it? Since this group is actually more about the people in it, now, than purely one program. I think I'd prefer that to us having different threads! What do you all think?
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I would totally love it! I don't want to leave this group regardless of what program, I love the support and encouragement here. I can also live through you ghs too :) until I do Round 2.
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Cool! I'll start the first 'new' thread on Monday :)

    Well, I just did today's exercise whilst on my Insanity break... A few months ago, Level 3 of 30DS had me only doing beginner moves. This time I was like 'rock star jumps?!' -you're just jumping with a bum kick, thats easy - after Insanity, Level 3 was nuffink!

    It was still challenging, and it was great picking up the weights again - and I still poured with sweat! So chuffed I can finally do the high/low plank transitions, and all the 'proper' moves. So thanks 30DS for giving me an easy couple of weeks, I know I'll get better with you and the weights and I'll just walk away on the 15th back to Insanity....whoop!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    .............okay it's 2 hours later and my shoulders ache!!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I finally started Jillian's 30 DS today and omg.......I was proud of myself for still being able to do pushups however my shoulders wanted to give out with the squat shoulder presses. I'm gonna be really working on the form for these things too. I am so tired today, I kinda wonder if I am getting something because I have been tired and today for a couple hours I had a very scratchy throat, it finally did go away but now I can feel it coming back, seems after I eat....its strange. I am supposed to do Jillian again today bc I missed yesterdays and I hate having a workout hanging over my head but will have to see how I feel after, I feel like I could just sleep.

    I miss insanity but today while doing Jillian I felt like wow I barely have energy for jillian there is no way I would be able to do insanity today, well effectively anyways.

    Hope everyone is well. Missing our insanity posts already :(