I don't know if I can keep this up...



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Oh and I've learned from drinkers of wine, one should never be facetious about wine. ;) LOL
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hang in there hun! We tend to defend this woe, looking at, and picking things apart, to find the possible reason it may not be working for you, all to try to help you. We know this woe works and want others to get to share in our experience too! It's great that you're back to logging and getting things on track. But no, wine isn't something to joke about, lol! :wink: Hugs to you!
  • SuesNewImage
    SuesNewImage Posts: 743 Member
    Unfortunately you are using just as much effort worrying about your eating every day, being just as much effort as when you take the effort to log your food, & planning what u eat. Both ways are just as tiring & mentally taxing. But I have found that for me I must log my food and plan eat day. Without this I am not learning how my body is working & results were not happening.

    On LCHF ketosis I lost weight well at beginning (20kg in 14 weeks) but then plateaued for 4 weeks. This was when I learnt how to tackle it both in my WOE and mentally. I fasted onto LC protein shakes 2x daily which broke the back on the plateau.
    I use MFP to log in mornings as well to plan, and ketostix to make sure I'm ketosis. I have learnt what kicks me out of ketosis & what puts me in. Lack of water & too much protein also affects me for ketosis.

    Take the time & effort to learn about your body. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

    It doesn't matter what WOE you choose, but for any type you need to know your body & how it reacts & changes as you shed weight. Take the time to learn - its an investment that's worth it.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Take the time & effort to learn about your body. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

    It doesn't matter what WOE you choose, but for any type you need to know your body & how it reacts & changes as you shed weight. Take the time to learn - its an investment that's worth it.

    I second this!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    The fact that you didn't lose weight when you stopped drinking alcohol, means that you probably made up the calories somewhere else in your diet. Log everything and eat at a deficit.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Don't give up, @Artemis-- just keep on as best you can. Even dropping carbs to 100 grams a day is better for you than eating whatever, whenever.... you will get back on track in time, and you will feel better. What is your rush? You have your whole life ahead to heal up, so just keep trying. It works in the long run :)
  • ndvoice
    ndvoice Posts: 161 Member
    It's frustrating to get stuck. I haven't been on LC long, but Ive plateaud in other diets & it's frustrating! A few things to try:

    #1 go back to basics - sometimes negative habits creep in over time.
    #2 calculate accurate calorie goals for yourself. #3 hit the right calorie goals - I don't loose if I don't eat enough calories!
    #4 vary your foods & exercise during a plateau - sometimes we just need to shake it up!
    #5 consider if you should eat your exercise calories, or not. Some people can and loose - others can't.
    #6 I can't drink regularly and loose. I just can't.
    #7 look at the quality of your food choices. Enough healthy fats? Enough healthy proteins? Enough leafy veggies? Skip artificial things or mock foods.
    #8 consider cutting out white foods & dairy totally. These cause inflammation for me and hinder weight loss.

    There are lots of things to try. Consider it an experiment & keep adjusting until you find the right balance for you. Don't give up! You can do this & now that you have the support of a spouse, you can do it together!

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It's been a couple of weeks since your last post, so it may have resolved itself now....

    If you were drinking 3-4 glasses of wine a night, that's likely a huge contributor to your not losing (for all the reasons mentioned above. I hear you on loving wine.
    But no, I personally DON'T think that a month later your body is "healing". It's just not that much alcohol, really (in the grand scheme of things).
    I agree with ndvoice though: go back to basics. If you used a "plan" to get started, start again. In other words if you started on Atkins, go back to induction. Just start over. A reboot if you will.
    Skip the mock foods (quest bars, atkins products etc.).
    Maybe skip dairy for a while.
  • LaurenBraddy
    LaurenBraddy Posts: 65 Member
    I'm just trolling after stopping by the chats to whine about my own initial stall, but I will say (for when you do resume your wine after this month) I satisfy my wine loving heart mixing mineral water and white wine. 5oz mineral water to 1 oz Sauvignon Blanc is actually pretty tasty and refreshing.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    I'm just trolling after stopping by the chats to whine about my own initial stall, but I will say (for when you do resume your wine after this month) I satisfy my wine loving heart mixing mineral water and white wine. 5oz mineral water to 1 oz Sauvignon Blanc is actually pretty tasty and refreshing.

    I do this as well! Sometimes with a slice of lemon 'cuz I'm fancy like that...
  • tishball
    tishball Posts: 155 Member
    I just found this thread, ( reading almost everything to keep myself into the swing of things). I am wondering how the original poster has progressed? any change?