weight training

girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,262 Member
Noel got me thinking about weights again. I'm not thinking of increased swim speed (although that would take me out of the "embarrassingly slow" category if it helped), but more about bone density pre-menopause.

How many people lift here? How often? Heavy?

I'm not sure how I would fit another activity into my week, to be honest. I work full time, two kids still at home, husband works full time (and then some), I try to get my swims in 4x a week, my cardio class, a dance/yoga class 1x a week, a run with my sister on the weekends... This doesn't even take into account my 12-yr-old's activities. Most nights, my family waits for me to get home before starting dinner, so we eat at about 8pm every day.

I suppose I could work out before work, but I'm a terrible morning person. Just never been that gal.



  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I think at a certain point you need to go with what you like and have time for. I mean, honestly, for me swimming is as much a hobby as it is a way to be fit. (Notice I don't keep track of my food any more. Another thing that was interfering with performance? Serious dieting) I hang out here for the swimming talk. That's it. You're much MUCH busier than I am, and life is a thing, you know? I'm an empty nester with a part-time job and a consulting business, so I have more free time.

    Swimming doesn't do anything for osteo health, but any upright, weight bearing exercise (walking, running, dance, etc.) do.

    I lift because swimming was ALL I did, and I got as strong as I was going to get from that year of swimming.

    My workout is dull, though.

    I do three sets of all of the exercises listed, and 8-10 reps. I'm still pretty weak, but have been increasing from an empty bar and lighter weights to what I am doing now.

    Squats 70
    Calf raises 70
    Deadlifts 70
    Bench Press 65
    Shoulder press 15 (each dumbbell)
    Lat machine pulldown 80
    Seated machine row 90
    Crunches (Unweighted. I only do about 30)

    I do this two mornings a week and am dropping my swimming down to four sessions a week. Starting in the new year, I'll be continuing with that schedule, but adding Masters swims twice a week in the evenings.

    This is more than I would EVER do were I not training for something specific.
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    This is the first time I have ever trained with a trainer in the weight room. Not too heavy yet but getting heavier as I work up. I'm working with him one day and then lifting on my own 1 or 2 other days. This last month has been weird with accidents, travel and illness but that is the plan. I've been swimming three days a week but will back down to 2 days once we move to the indoor pool next month. So 4-6 days a week between the two. In the years I've been swimming, I have usually done something else too, like zumba or walking or boot camp training or even just floor exercises in my own house. It's a flavor of the month kind of thing. :smile: I've never been out of shape but always seem to be fighting off those extra pounds. Plus, I like the stress-relieving effect of exercise!

    I've been swimming 10 years or so and have always been slow. Masters for a few years helped with form and I picked up some speed but in a group of even moderately good swimmers, I'll be last or near last.

    As for fitting something else in, it sounds like you have enough, Curly! I'm not sure you would be able to fit it and the stress of doing so would probably outweigh the benefits at this point. My kids are in or graduated from college. My commute is short and my job is sedentary. I have more time than I used to and I am one of those morning people!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I mix it up in the weight room. Working muscles that don't get worked enough swimming. Also muscle groups to increase water pulling strength.
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    I am thinking about adding weights to my routine and was wondering whether to lift on alternate days to my swimming or running or on the same day or the same day. Pool and gym are not the same location so I was thinking about doing weight in the morning and swim in the evening. Either that or weights the days I don't swim. I was wondering how other swimmers and or runners fit it in.
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    I often lift and swim on the same days, swimming in the morning and lifting in the evenings on Tues/Thurs and lifting alone one day during the weekend. It's the only way my schedule works right now. I tend to sleep really well those nights.
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    Yes, I think that will be my solution but other way around. Lift mornings, swim evenings.