New to Keto - help with Macros

Hi there,

I've been researching Keto to lose weight and prevent Diabetes as I has Gestational Diabetes 2 years ago and am Insulin Resistant.

I'm wondering how to calculate my Macro nutrients on My Fitness Pal. Do I just reduce carbs to 50g to start with and keep fat at 65% intake and protein at around 35% - do I still need to count calories? To lose 2lb a week I should have 1500 per day but surely fat is higher in calories than carbs so will these ratios work or leave me starving?! Bit confused. Any advice? Thanks!


  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Katie, glad you're here and making a positive plan to improve your health. I used a website to calculate my macros. it is I've been losing regularly but slowly probably because of my age. Once you know your macros, don't worry about all the old information you had about fat. Fat is important because it adds flavor and gives you a feeling of being full and satisfied. Stick with your macros and you will lose. If you exercise, even something as easy as walking, you will lose faster. The real key is to log your food - all your food. Speaking for myself, I find that I when I don't log, I don't lose.

    I wish you success.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Me personally, I had to drop my carbs lower than that to see real progress. I'm also insulin resistant, and I couldn't beat the sweet tooth until I got closer to 20-35 grams of carbs daily. Your macro setting is good in general for a starting point. I would do that for 4-8 weeks to see how you feel. After that you can adjust.

    As far as the calories, on keto, you need to really set at a far less aggressive loss per week. I wouldn't set it below 0.5 pounds per week until you adjust and figure out what you need to tweak. Also, using the calculator linked above is great. The numbers it gives you may be far different than what MFP assigns. Just know that patience is the name of this game...

    In keto, carbs are a limit, proteins are a range with minimums (critical) and maximums (more flexible), and fats to satiety. I personally recommend ignoring calorie counting in the first 4-6 weeks while your entire system switches over to fat burning again (it's our starting point). You'll need calories to convert the system, plus to defeat the carb cravings and such.

    After the first 4-6 weeks, isolate any changes - make one change and let it ride for at least 4 weeks before changing anything else, or you'll never know what made a difference... And remember, some folks lose at first then stall, some lose steadily, some gain while their body fixes things then start losing efficiently, etc. As long as your general feelings of health and well-being are improving, ignore the scale and such for a bit and follow you plan.

    Remember, during adaption (first 4-12 weeks), your body won't hold in sodium and electrolytes the same, so 5000 mg of sodium minimum is recommended to prevent the low carb flu and such...
  • sicklidae
    sicklidae Posts: 7 Member
    I used the guide on, they have a nice little calculator available, and even walk you step-by-step on how to changed your macros on myfitnesspal.
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    Not insulin restart but loosing 2 lbs week at 65-70%fat 20 % protin and 5-10 carb, I am set at 1500 cals (5"2 177lbs now) I hardly ever get that much even w all the fat I eat but the fat keeps me so full.... I don't work out but fixing to start. If your not in this group join it they are private group but will except u good luck