


  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    I think I will aim for a10% cut after the new year. I've been at 2200 calories for 4-5 weeks now and I'm tired of feeling fat!
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    I hear ya @3furballs!! I'm sticking it out too then I'm planning a cut. I'm getting depressed
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    I'm going to start a10% cut next Monday. I'm sure I should weigh in first but I'll be honest I'm a little scared to and may wait until the end of January!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    3furballs wrote: »
    I'm going to start a10% cut next Monday. I'm sure I should weigh in first but I'll be honest I'm a little scared to and may wait until the end of January!

    Maybe have someone weigh you in on Monday so you know what weight you're cutting from

  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Ok. So I weighed in. 151.4lbs. Not as bad as I feared after Christmas but 10lbs more than I was early December of 2015. Tomorrow I will start my cut at 10%.
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    Good luck!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well my first week at a15% cut. Down. 4lbs, better then nothing but, since my weight has been bouncing up/down by 3lbs over the last year, with it gradually ending bouncing up 3 and down 2, I hope the down ward trend continues! I've now got my goal at 1870
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    First week and down 4? That sounds great! Look forward to updates.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    I wish! No, only down 0.4lbs
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    Oh man. I didn't see the decimal.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    edited January 2016
    149.6. A 1.4lb loss (some is probably water but I'll take it?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If it is - sure take it - means you are indeed in a deficit.
    Keep the measurements up though as better than scale number.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    I'll try and measure on Sunday when I weigh in again.
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Do you scale back your cardio when doing a cut? I feel like I get so hungry when I do a lot of cardio it's hard to stay below goal. I usually aim for 2-3 cardio kickboxing classes a week and then lifting (kettlebell which also has a cardio component) twice a week and a kettlebell/circuit/HIIT class once a week (plus self defence once a week). So far this week I've only gotten to kettlebell (and walking to work) and I felt like I wasn't as hungry as I have been yesterday.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    I think you should focus more on lowering the intensity of the cardio. If you see bodybuilders during a cut they are on the treadmill going turtle slow to stay in the more fat burn, aerobic range. I would dro the HIIT to maybe twice per week max.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ditto's to less cardio during cut - they are doing the cardio just to burn more so they aren't eating so ridiculously low, but not enough intensity to harm their hard fought for muscle from the bulk.

    But not everyone has the time they do.

    Probably your body trying to recover - keep it up and you should see any strength workouts go the wrong direction.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    One more thing, listening to Iron Radio yesterday and Dr. Lowery was answering a question about "fasted cardio" during comp prep. It was basically all that heybales and I have said. One thing additional was he suggested 30-60 minutes 5 days per week min. Starting at 30 and increasing on a weekly basis. BUT that again is LOW intensity walking and similar. Episode 332 if you wanted to look it up on itunes.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well currently I am walking to and from work (about 25 minutes each way) and I've cut down to 2 cardio kickboxing classes a week. There is not a lot of flexibility on lifting. I do kettlebell twice and the combat class once (which is kettlebell, strength, cardio and ability, usually 12-14 stations for 1 minute twice for each).
  • KickboxDiva
    KickboxDiva Posts: 142 Member
    edited January 2016
    I've cut my cardio down to full rest/ or walking only 3 days per week. so far the scale is moving. After the first 3 lbs it moved a lot slower but down is down. My macro coach tried to get me to do 4 days rest!! Wow. She said you need those days to recover and be in a deficit. Once I pass the first deficit level after 4-5 weeks I'll drop a bit lower and add in the 4th day rest. I do need it. It's funny how fast your body gets used to the higher calories. I've been glad for the rest days. ( she also advised to eat full tdee every 10-14 days on a training day. )