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Back on Target week 4



  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,023 Member
    Lois, you squeeze so much living into life and I am so glad that you are not down with that darned dental pain any more So here's a pass for the vino--and the vino--and the vino. LOL

    I went to the mall after work tonight to send take back a hoodie and sweatshirt I ordered that didn't work. How come petite still has arms that reach my knees? And while there, I was going to walk by myself. As I headed out into the mall, I saw a figure ahead that looked my walking buddy who was supposed to be busy tonight. Turns out she had to switch tonight's plans to tomorrow and she sent me a text asking if we could also switch walking nights from tomorrow to tonight, but I didn't have my phone on. I know. I'm not with today's world, but I'm at a desk with a phone that has two landlines. Anyway, even though she had already been there for 45 minutes, she put in another 80 minutes with me. What a trooper.

    I talked to my sister tonight before I left. There are still issues with settling things after Mom's death in March and now we have this new loss and some associated work to get through. Made me realize once again how wonderful a plain ordinary day is when nothing is happening and you just have to get through work, decide what to have for dinner, and try to get a little activity in. I'll never complain about boredom again. Those "nothing happening" days are just too wonderful.

    And now, I'm off for a glass of milk before bed. Sheesh, I have to get real facebook page going (not my fake page that lets me administrate my agency's page). I can just imagine what Utah looks like now. We were up to almost 1 a.m. this morning watching the end of the World Series and I wondered if you were doing the same. That's one time when being in a further west time zone was a good thing. Now I can't wait for April. :)
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,397 Member
    Sarah - I squeeze as much as I can because as you've sadly been experiencing, life can be way too short. My parents both died very young (55 and 62) and their siblings not much older, so the way I look at it, I've got another 10 years and I'm damn well going to enjoy everyone of them. Now I do keep myself eating healthy and I don't smoke nor do I use drugs and my drinking is only at parties or social gatherings. My sister turns 56 on the 25th of this month and Ma's death 23 years ago is weighing on her heavily due to her being that age. Not attempting to sound morbid but my sister and I are doing everything we can to enjoy every minute due to our family history - and we thank God every day we are girls (the males on Daddy's side have had cardiac problems beginning at age 42 - EVERY DANG ONE OF THEM). Now I may lose my teeth because of genetics and go through the pain to have a nice smile to beat those genetics, but I am going to enjoy every day I am able and pray the genetics I have to follow are dental only!!

    BTW I did get in my 10k steps AND TRX Class last night!! WOOT WOOT!!! Hiking tonight if the weather holds.

    Have a great day!!!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,167 Member
    Lois, I thing having some written goals is a great idea. . I'm going to work on that today. Had a good Monday. . got my 10K steps, but it had to be on the treadmill. . weather is turning here and it was just too windy. I walked to a waterfall in Brasil, LOL. (Thank you Google!) I also did weights for chest. I've decided to do one body part per day. It's all I can face with all the walking/jogging I'm trying to do. My plan is to do just 3 sets of 3 exercises. Monday, chest, Tuesday legs, Wednesday back, Thursday shoulders, Friday core, Saturday arms, Sunday rest day. We'll see how that works for a few weeks.

    Sarah, I'm so sorry you and your hubby are going through this difficult loss. I hope his grieving eases after the service for his brother. And, I hope you can care for yourself through this time.

    Light, I hope you can find some time for yourself with everything on your plate!

    Today, hubby and I have some plans that include eating out. I'm off to try to get my workout done first! Have a good week everyone!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,023 Member
    Hi, everyone. Just what I needed--to log in and read your posts and know that you're out there--friends indeed even though we meet only in cyberspace!

    Thanks again Sheesh for all your kind thoughts. And Lois, you said something I really needed to hear. Hubby lost both parents very, very early, and now his only brother, too. None of them made it to 60. My only sister has not known many well days since she was a teenager. And I get to thinking that it's just us. Funny how we can do that. But you reminded that me that everyone has problems and bottom line, we can only do the best we can do to enjoy life and put some meaning into it. For now, we're wondering if our choice not to enable BIL's poor choices was the best thing to do. But I know that all we can do is accept that we did what we thought we should and now we have more information for making future decisions.

    And back to the task at hand--I didn't think I was a stress eater, but yesterday was one of those days when my hand was in the candy basket or in the Cheez-its box. I normally have much more control over eating junk! I don't know if it's a comfort thing or if I'm not choosing foods at meals that keeps me satisfied. We're not as focused on meal planning as we're dealing with other things. I do know that I have to work on intake. Exercise will not offset bad eating choices.

    I did get my activity minutes in yesterday. In fact, I got 60 minutes on the nose--how often do you do that?
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,397 Member
    Sheesh - I've done many self improvement seminars at a previous employer and if I learned anything it was that you need to write it down. It has to be detailed and time sensitive AND MEASUREABLE. Weight and inches are INDEED MEASUREABLE...so that is what I will be focusing on in the next few days... Hawaii is
    7 WEEKS, 02DAYS, 23HOURS, 53 MINUTES and 42 SECONDS - But hey - WHO'S COUNTING Hahaha.

    Sarah - One thing I've learned in my years is you can't change the past and those decisions. You can only change what you do and say going forward. I know it's challenging, but it's not a positive action to hold yourself or hubby responsible for the choices of your BIL. I had to discontinue a relationship with my own brother 20 years ago this January for the safety of me and my children. I do think about him and his boys and I hope they do well, but I had to think about my little ones first. I have another sibling who has had other challenges and I've done what I've could over the years to ensure she was ok, but I couldn't take her in and provide for her fully. Yes I think about it, but again, they both had choices they had to make to succeed in life. It's never easy watching them not succeed when you want them to, but again, you can't make their choices for them - no matter what you do. Even if you commit them to a hospital for care, the second they are released, they do what they want....again out of your control. OK...done

    I did meet my friend and we got an even shorter hike in as the dark clouds made noises and the area where we exit would be slippery granite surface if it rained...we all know what that means FOR ME...haha...so we turned around and then walked up and down the paved street entrance to the park area. We moved for 1 hour and 1 minute!!!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,023 Member
    Thanks, Lois--more than you know. It really helps to hear from someone has experienced something similar. We felt all along that "rescuing" would not be the right thing to do. But of course, when someone goes and you lose any future chances, you question yourself. A few people who have not had to deal with anything like this have asked questions that have made me wonder if we did enough. Your post is helping me realize that they are coming from a spot of ignorance, and I don't mean that in a bad way. I just mean, sometimes if you haven't experienced something, you can't understand it.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,023 Member
    I started to start a new Challenge thread, but then thought that since those are generally started on Saturday and here were are minutes from Thursday, that I'd just stay on this one. For years we had next door neighbors for whom we would pet and house sit and who did the same for us. They moved in late August, and so we are having other neighbors take care of our two kitties for the first time while we are away for the memorial service. They were later coming over tonight so we could show them drill and that affected my time for activity a little. But thank goodness it was still warm enough outside (we're really having Indian Summer) for me to walk in the neighborhood. I wish I had had more time, but I did get in 39 activity minutes and my deficit for the day is 648. :)

    I learned today that my longtime client is retiring at the end of the year. This will mean big changes, and I'm a little fearful. She has protected our team from some upper management who are difficult--extremely difficult.

    Do I ever mention that I don't like change. LOL
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,397 Member
    OK..I'm not sure how I did it, but I got in 10k steps yesterday - WHEW!!! Stuck at my desk and missed my workout and then pouring rain on drive home. And this morning...45 flipping degrees!! Seriously?!?! We went from high 68-69 at night to 42 last night and 45 when I left for work. And our high today..67!!! I swear we don't get a fall. So I went from mid 80's to this overnight!! yikes!!

    Opening a new sales office/model home center and I am training a new sales agent today and tomorrow. Going to be a rough couple of days so we shall see. I do have the trail run this weekend...may be a hike versus a run but I'm going to enjoy the change of trails I'm sure. =))
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,023 Member
    Got in 69 active minutes yesterday. The evening was still warm enough for me to comfortably walk outside. We have one more day of this Indian Summer and then back to fall temps.

    I read an interesting article in the Post this morning. It was about children, but I think it also applies to adults. It was about a longitudinal study of what children eat and their weight over time. The study concluded that children who become obese do not necessarily eat that much more calorie-wise than their non-obese peers, but they do eat more fats and sugar. I have looked at my nutrition info through time and long ago concluded that fat is an issue for me. So I am going to renew my effort to make better choices in that area. Because we'll be eating out Saturday through Tuesday, it may be more a challenge, but I can certainly be more mindful. Given that we've also learned this week that red meat and deli meat may increase cancer risks, it certainly does not make food choices a challenge though. That low-fat slice of turkey from the deli is good in one way, but bad in another. Wish I liked steamed vegetables with no butter a little better. LOL
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,167 Member
    Sarah, the article's conclusion doesn't surprise me. When you add in the rise of diabetes rates, it seems clear to me that of the two nutrients (fats and sugars) the worst villain of the two is sugar. I base that on the fact that we know we need healthy fats to make hormones, cell production, membranes, and fuel. The key word here being "healthy", however, recent science has found we do need some saturated fats in our diet as well. My conclusion has become . . well, what the heck do we really need sugar for? It has no nutritional value other than it converts to glycogen for energy use in the short term, and into fat and stored for the long term (IF you're not diabetic and are healthy). It's in almost all the food in the grocery store, so it's in abundant supply. So, my thinking is that we can eliminate added sugar (and starchy carbs that convert quickly into sugar) because we can use our fat stores and daily food intake for our energy needs. Tracking fat intake is good to make sure it's not in excess of our needs, and that it's healthy. (Omega 3,6,9, and small amounts of the saturated fats.) There is NO minimum daily requirement for sugar, LOL!

    I hope everyone is having a great and active weekend!
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Can't believe I've come to the weekend and have just as much left to do as I had when I got off on FRiday, minus the laundry and food prep...busy time for me and very busy weekend on the go. Doesn't look like things will let up anytime soon either. Have gotten next to no activity minutes over the last 2 weeks but at least my fat burning minutes are looking okay. I'm going to continue with the 30 min activity goal for myself and see if I can meet that better this week.

    Sarah, I've been keeping you and the family in thought as you dealt with the funeral... hope things are becoming less painful. Also hope all will go well with the anticipated change at work. Appreciated the sharing of the nutrition article and Sheesh's response, too.

    Lois, looks like you are facing some changes at work, too... hope the training will go well.

    Sorry to be so brief but I need to record in the weight thread and then go iron my uniforms for this week...
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,023 Member
    We drove up to northeastern PA yesterday (Saturday). We got a later start than we had planned because we ended up working late on Friday night and did not get much done toward packing and other things that we had to attend to before starting out. We got here just before dark. Although I was really tired, I still managed to get in a half hour on the hotel treadmill.

    Today hubby wanted to drive a little further north to the lake where his family had a summer place when he was a kid. It was 9 p.m. by the time we stopped for dinner and got back to the hotel, but I went down and did my half hour on the treadmill again. I'm just got back to the room.

    I'm not logging food, as I have no idea how to figure out what is in a lot of what we've eaten. I know why so many people here are overweight! In small towns with struggling economies, it seems there's fast food, diners, and pizza places. We're going the diner route mostly, but honestly, even things that sound healthy don't look it when they arrive at the table!

    Thanks again everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. The memorial is tomorrow at 11 am and that will be rough. We also went by the cemetery today to check the gravesite. I will say that this is a pretty part of the country. The cemetery is on a hillside and view is gorgeous. It's rolling hills and lots of fields planted with winter wheat, which is still green.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,023 Member
    Okay. I couldn't stand it. I tried to log my food, I think I've managed to just about break even calorie-wise, but I don't even want to think of the sugar and fat that was in some of that. Once I get home, I am going to get on the bandwagon with getting less of both of those. :#
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,397 Member
    Sarah - Welcome back home!!!

    OK...Super busy weekend.
    Saturday up at 5:30 to secure ramada for hubby's Taekwondo annual picnic. Walked home once to go potty and walked to and from Starbucks for my second cup. 19k steps. food was not as good as in previous years, and worse as far as healthy choices as well Simple hamburger patties were cooked too long so very challenging for me to chew (we ended up going to a mexican restaurant where I ordered a beef machaca burrito that only had the beef in it. Unrolled it and added some avocado - delicious). Lots of water the rest of the day after my 2nd cup of coffee

    Sunday..up AGAIN at 5:30 for my San Tan mountain trail run. 5 miles at 1:14:14.2 (WOW...I thought it closer to 1:25!! Just looked up the results. The event was 70 miles (1hr 30 min drive each direction). Carpooled with some other gals and had a blast. Next race is in January and I do plan to resume and increase my training. After we got home, my legs were so stiff from sitting too long on the drive...I actaully got into my unheated pool up to top of thighs for about 20 seconds to help relieve it...and IT WORKED. Felt so good after.

    I was so wiped out from those two days I barely got laundry done and only burgers cooked for hubby (forgot to defrost chicken on Saturday and just didn't have it in me). So this week I've got ahi tuna and an asian slaw salad for three days of lunches. Defrosted Mahi Mahi for dinner tonight with some frozen veggies. Debatiing on chicken prep tomorrow night. As of now, NO

    Let's keep moving!!!!
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,397 Member
    OK...so I'm back in training mode. Left work on time, but traffic was ridiculous so only got 30 mins of my TRX class. HOWEVER, I did not turn around and go home BECAUSE I was late. I still went and put in 60 mins of work/effort into my workout. And yep, I'm a feeling the legs from the run AND TRX last night. Oh AND I got in my 10k steps for the day.

    Can't seem to get my eating under control. Snacked on chocolate - quite a bit yesterday. It's now gone, so that should help. Focus Focus Focus!!!

    Drove into work with the most beautiful cloudy spotty sunrisy sky (no other words to really describe). It was breathtaking, but I am really praying they go away and don't form into a rainmaker as I have plans for a hike this evening and I want to go!

    What are you gals up to?
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,023 Member
    Hi, Ladies. We got home today (Tuesday) about 1 p.m., and I was back at work by 1:30. Thought I'd take a quick break to get some water, move for second, and check in here. I'm dreading weigh-in this week because Saturday through today, I've been eating food I didn't prepare, and sometimes whatever food was handy. Saturday and Sunday nights, I went to the hotel workout room and used the TM, but yesterday after the memorial service, we decided we needed to get outside in the fresh air, so we drove to a park and walked. I didn't wear my bodymedia unit, so I don't know if I made, exceeded, or failed to make my 30 activity minutes. But it was beautiful. They call that area "the endless mountains."

    This whole experience has been such a reminder that you have to treasure every day and take the best care of yourself that you can. When we were given his personal effects, we quickly saw that my brother-in-law was not taking good care of himself. There was just too much prescription medication left in bottles, which means he wasn't taking it the way he should. Sad. So sad.

    Tonight, unless something happens, I am meeting my walking buddy. It will feel so good to do something normal.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,167 Member
    Sarah, welcome back. I'm glad that's behind you and life is back to normal. I hope the memorial service and the visit to his childhood places will help your hubby move through the grieving process. It sounds like you did the very best you could with food and moving over the past few days.

    Lois, congratulations on your run and still doing your TRX class. Your steps have been very impressive!

    Light, it was great to see you joined the challenge this week! And Kelly also. . I wish she would check in with us here. Want to hear about her new boyfriend ;)

    I'll be back tomorrow to post weigh in.
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