How much does alcohol screw me up?

anna114400 Posts: 15 Member
I like to have whiskey a few nights a week. I just drink it straight up, sometimes with a diet back. I know there are no carbs, but does the alcohol screw with fat burning? I don't want to stall my weight loss, but I do like my whiskey! Just curious how bad this is. I've been around 20 carbs for the last 14 days, just getting started on this woe. Thanks for your input :)


  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Yes, alcohol does typically "screw with fat burning." Alcohol is just fermented sugar so when you have several shots of it or several glasses you are basically immediately kicking your body out of nutritional ketosis. Does this mean that you can't drink at all? No. It just means that you have to do it very judiciously.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    You'll probably notice your tolerance is WAY down. I can get half corked on a single vodka and diet coke. Lol. I rarely ever drink though. It makes me hungry and that's not a good thing.
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    Yes i to like my drinks but it always stalls me for a few days so I'm tying to back mine down to one day a week and see how that goes then if it's still messing with my loss I'll drop it to an occasional thing. Right now it's a 2 sometimes 3 night thing.
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    From what I've researched (I'm not an expert but read A LOT of research about Keto) -

    1. If there are any carbs in what you drink, your body will burn those before burning fat, as it does with regular carbs in food (going over 20-25 carbs in one sitting can stall progress)
    2. When your body is processing alcohol, it always takes care of that first, temporarily pausing fat burning
    3. Drinking can affect you more on a Keto diet so moderation is important
    4. Drinking lowers inhibition so you're more likely to make poor eating decisions

    I personally won't give up drinking - not because I need it but because I enjoy a glass every now and then, especially socially. I am a huge craft beer lover but now I drink sparkling wine or dry red or white wine, or vodka soda. I miss beer for sure, but I can have some occasionally, just not too much at once. Sip slowly and enjoy it, that's what it's meant for. :)
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    lol, I was a "huge beer lover" and that is what made me huge... :) Now, just red wine mostly. But it does stall you, so ymmv.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    From what I've researched (I'm not an expert but read A LOT of research about Keto) -

    1. If there are any carbs in what you drink, your body will burn those before burning fat, as it does with regular carbs in food (going over 20-25 carbs in one sitting can stall progress)
    2. When your body is processing alcohol, it always takes care of that first, temporarily pausing fat burning
    3. Drinking can affect you more on a Keto diet so moderation is important
    4. Drinking lowers inhibition so you're more likely to make poor eating decisions

    I personally won't give up drinking - not because I need it but because I enjoy a glass every now and then, especially socially. I am a huge craft beer lover but now I drink sparkling wine or dry red or white wine, or vodka soda. I miss beer for sure, but I can have some occasionally, just not too much at once. Sip slowly and enjoy it, that's what it's meant for. :)

    Pretty much all this. lol Bold is mine as the last party I went to, I went a little foolish on the eating thing.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Your liver can't burn fat when it is busy getting rid of the alcohol (it has to do that first). So, yes, you are slowing down the process. Only you can do the cost/benefit evaluation and decide whether you should abstain or not.