What makes you fall off the low carb wagon



  • ShootingStar72
    ShootingStar72 Posts: 183 Member
    Friday after a long work week. I care just a little bit less than I did Monday morning. Whatever food is in front of me may just get eaten.

    And hint of lime Tostitos. Hubby brought them home... err
  • Vilzi
    Vilzi Posts: 29 Member
    Also, for me: how gross, bloated, gassy, lethargic, and queasy I felt after my first carb binge after being on LCHF for a month, is a strong deterrent against making the same mistake again!
  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    If I get hungry I just eat fat. One go to is drinking a cup of Heavy Whipping Cream. Other times is is almonds and coconut flakes. If I want dessert I just do all three at the same time. If I gave into carbs I would gain weight.

    Great trick. The other I was hungry and there was not much I could have so I had a spoon of coconut oil. Drinking heavy cream sounds better!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    revertt2d wrote: »
    If I get hungry I just eat fat. One go to is drinking a cup of Heavy Whipping Cream. Other times is is almonds and coconut flakes. If I want dessert I just do all three at the same time. If I gave into carbs I would gain weight.

    Great trick. The other I was hungry and there was not much I could have so I had a spoon of coconut oil. Drinking heavy cream sounds better!

    Both work for me. The coconut oil has many other health pluses.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I haven't fallen off the wagon and what I think has helped me is not trying to make desserts and sweets that do fit plan. I've had some on special occasions, Keto desserts, but only as an actual treat, which is a rare thing, not a regular one.
    Even those Keto desserts seem to trigger the desire for more sweet tasting things. My brain goes "sugar? Is that you? I want more of that!"
    It doesn't seem to care that it isn't actually sugar... Dumb brain!
    I had the same issue with quest bars, which I will have occasionally, but I'll only eat 1/3 or 1/2 at most in a day. I can't increase the frequency. The cravings will come. And I can't do it daily for the same reason. I even have the cravings start if I get too heavy on the sugar free coffee syrup! Those old sugar binges die hard!
    I really attribute my craving control for staying on the wagon.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Stress and ready to eat food in front of my face. I was cutting back on lunch to allow carb room for dinner. I went to the kitchen to get a coffee and grabbed a vege hot dog, even though I was not hungry. 3 carbs lost to impulse. 3 is not a terrible thing, but it's annoying.
  • phxteach
    phxteach Posts: 309 Member
    Stress, tight muscles and migraines. The carbs hit me like a drug and relax the tightness. But I've learned that the tight muscles are caused by inflammation and those carbs cause that inflammation. Vicious cycle.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I love lc and feel great on it. The same thing that makes me fall off any healthy eating plan affects me when lc too...... STRESS
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Sweet Fat bombs are like crack to me. Can't have them any more. They are just a quick ride down the slippery, carb-creep slide for me. No more!