how many carbs do you eat? advice needed..

tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
im trying to get started on low carb for medical reasons. im trying to get information on low carb so i can start . my problem is i don't know how i am going to give away sweets if i had a choice i would just eat sweets and that's it. I really don't know what to do i knows its more than just chicken and salad. i dont want to do keto are anything just low carb, i feel overwhelm knowing that i not only have to count calories i have to count carbs.


  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Check out the introductory threads at the beginning of this group. Read them thoroughly, which should answer most of your questions, then come back with more specifics. (Can't post you a link as I'm on my phone.)
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Knowledge is power. Read and research. You can do this, and all your concerns and more have been faced and beaten by many many folks.

    Good luck!
  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    Ooo, there's lot of good food. Go slowly and be easy on yourself don't beat yourself up. Start easy you don't have to make complex food. Fatty meats - pretty much any meat - slow cooked crock pot with veggie is great...I make buffalo wings...steak, chuck, pork ribs, whatever meat you like. Eat non-starchy veg with butter. There's a lot of dairy you can eat. Some of my fav snacks are nuts and avocado. The blog 'I Breathe I'm hungry' has really simple recipes that have helped me. You can get a low carb protein powder for smoothies. Googling recipes and looking for ones that get you excited and are simple is good.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    The cool thing is - your craving for sweets is greatly diminished when you eat low carb. Eliminating all grains, sodas, juices is a good place to start. I like the Diet Doctor.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My significant other was told by his doctor that if he wanted him to keep him alive, he MUST lose weight. My SO said okay, can you refer me to a dietitian to help me do that? The doctor said you don't need one, just do the Atkins diet. So he set himself a date in May and now has lost 55 pounds so far.

    You can do it too. He also loved sweets of all kinds and would live on bread and potatoes and cakes and donuts. But we found all sorts of new recipes, found out how to make some low carb treats. It is very possible!! After weaning yourself off of the sweet stuff you will be very surprised at how good you feel and how sickeningly sweet the stuff you used to eat is.

    Read everything you can, and comb the internet for recipes, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. He was. And he and his doctor are very happy with his progress.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    That's the link wab was talking about.

    It gives you a good general overview, and after "Getting Started" gives you advice to get started if you don't really want to do a "plan" from the starting gate.

    As far as plans, Atkins is good and Diet Doctor is a good one to ease into. I've gotten several people rolling in my real life doing Dr. Eenfeldt's version of LCHF (Low-Carb/High-Fat).

    I personally do Keto. Which is under 50g total carbs daily and many find too restrictive, but if you get into the other plans and still have some issues with cravings, Keto is a good plan to do for a few months to reign that in.
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    i want to do more like 100 g of carbs vs 200 plus i eat now
  • fireball1970
    fireball1970 Posts: 38 Member
    i want to do more like 100 g of carbs vs 200 plus i eat now
    I'm doing about 25-30 carbs per meal. About 90 per day. I've only lost 3 pounds so far, but I feel so much better. I don't crave food all the time. I don't binge eat anymore (so far). I feel like a new person.

  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited October 2015
    Why 100g? Are you trying to keep candy in your carb budget? If so, don't. It will undermine your efforts.

    Everybody talks about carb levels, but the eating habits you've formed due to the TYPE of carbs you're eating are probably just as important.

    Cut out all of the candy. Cold turkey. Form some new eating habits. If you do, you'll be amazed at how you no longer miss the candy.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    i want to do more like 100 g of carbs vs 200 plus i eat now

    Okay, here is the deal. You could do okay with that. 100 grams is better than 200+. HOWEVER, if this is for medical reasons, then it is probably important, and less carbs & keto will get you healthy faster. Why play around if it is a matter of health?

    Do you exercise regularly?

  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    Why 100g? Are you trying to keep candy in your carb budget? If so, don't. It will undermine your efforts.

    Everybody talks about carb levels, but the eating habits you've formed due to the TYPE of carbs you're eating are probably just as important.

    Cut out all of the candy. Cold turkey. Form some new eating habits. If you do, you'll be amazed at how you no longer miss the candy.

    Agreed. For me, one bite leads to two which leads to the whole box which leads to a binge.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I aim to stay around 25-30 a day. I'm a month into the diet and I don't really find this level difficult to maintain right now. I often have a square of 90% dark chocolate before bed and that seems to keep any cravings for sweets away.
  • cynlyn2010
    cynlyn2010 Posts: 73 Member
    Everything I've read says to stay below 50 grams of net carbs per day. I personally stay below 20 grams because I FEEL better when I do. I also have health issues and I can tell you that Keto has helped more than ANY medication I've EVER tried. Once you cut the sweets out, within a week or two you will NOT crave them anymore. Sugar is more addictive than heroin. You have to detox that out of your system just like you would with any drug.
    Not only have I lost 78lbs in 9 months, but I have tons more energy because my body is using fat as fuel instead of carbs. 9 months ago, I could barely get out of bed and make it through my work day because of severe pain and inflammation. Now I'm jogging daily, spending more time with family, and actually enjoying my life.
    Believe me, I KNOW how hard change is, but this one is well worth it
    You can do this!
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    i exercise i don't eat candy i like to bake so i like baked goods. i don't see myself eating a whole bunch of meat all day im just trying to cut where i can. the medical issue is not a "issue" yet and i don't want it to become one .. my acl was 5.6 when i was pregnant 3 months ago. to my understanding its best to set yourself up with something you can sustain. cooking for my toddler, husband and my newborn when he gets a little older, 25g is not going to last a lifetime. even when i was gestational diabetic i got to eat carbs just a certain amount every meal i didn't count calories though so it was easier for me. also i have acanthosis nigricans which is showing me something is going on in my body.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    im trying to get started on low carb for medical reasons. im trying to get information on low carb so i can start . my problem is i don't know how i am going to give away sweets if i had a choice i would just eat sweets and that's it. I really don't know what to do i knows its more than just chicken and salad. i dont want to do keto are anything just low carb, i feel overwhelm knowing that i not only have to count calories i have to count carbs.

    @tashatashae I do count my carbs especially when I keep knocking myself out of nutritional ketosis. I do not count calories unless the scales state I am gaining weight and I am clueless as to why. :)

    After being into LCHF for over a year now for pain management I am convinced it is eating grains that caused the leaky gut that lead to obesity. Since I went off of all grains and most all sugars cold turkey I lost my pain in 30 days.

    My suggestion is that you consider eating for better health and NOT just to be low carb at this point in time.

    If you leave off ALL form of grains including the sugars from them as well you may find any leaking gut issue clearing up over the next six months. If that is the case then brain inflammation should be reduced/stopped so our leptin can come back online to help us know when we get full and to stop eating.

    The craving for sugar may actually start to decrease well before six months.

    What works for me may be wrong for you so Google like crazy and read like crazy and your brain/gut will guide you I expect.

    Go for total health instead of some number on the scales or some carb count. One can fine tune after any leaking gut issues start to resolve based on my experience. Rooting out ALL forms of grain may take you six months to learn how to do because in one form or another they are in every processed food on the market it seems. :(

    Best to your success.
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    im just not going do keto. if i say i am telling a lie to myself and you guys. i remember i took all the starchy carbs out of my diet for a week .. at the end of the week i lost i knew it wasn't "real" though just glycogen. anyway, at the end of the week i didn't want bacon or eggs, or meat anymore.. that was like 2 months ago and i still cant manage eggs and i love eggs . the "weight" was back in 2 days all but 2 lbs i think.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Baked goods, candy, grain, flour, starchy carbs, it is all sugar for all intents and purposes as far as your body is concerned. You can eat carbs, but should focus on high fiber carbs like non-root veggies. It makes no sense to cut out bread and pasta if you are still going to eat cake and brownies (for example).

    You may do fine on 100 grams, but if you are developing health issues, then as wabmester said above, the TYPE of carbs is just as important.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    i want to do more like 100 g of carbs vs 200 plus i eat now

    100g is the recommendation to begin at in the link I posted. :smile: A good place to dip your toes in and test the water. If you have no particular idea what to do or have no specific doc-prescribed carb-level, that is. 100g is a good place to start for PCOS or diabetics. However, it's going to be a YMMV (You're Mileage May Vary) proposition. Some people find that 100g isn't low enough. And then again, some do. Humans are different and respond differently to the sugars in different foods.

    You're going to have to give up most sugars and starches. Period. No candy bars or huge plates of breads, rice, and pastas. They aren't good for you anyway.

    The good news is that there are many many many healthy recipes for low-carb versions of yummy desserts and meals that you can work into your carb count, even where I hang out under 50g.

    At the top of the group are stickies. One is called the Launch Pad. Lots of info in that post and a ginormous list of recipe sites sits at the bottom of it.

    I recommend reading the Diet Doctor site to give you an at-a-glance guide to the kind of foods you need to eat.

    Low-carb at its base is this:
    1. Stay under your carb level for the day.
    2. Eat your protein minimum range (use a keto-calc like
    3. Fill the rest of your intake with tasty, healthy fats (saturated and monounsaturated fats).
    4. Drink enough water.
    5. Make sure you keep your electrolytes up.
      Sodium<potassium<magnesium. Low-carb diets cause the body to excrete more sodium, so you need to keep it up to have enough on-hand for your body to properly run. 3,000-5,000mg of sodium (in your foods, in broth and/or in water with Mio and salt mixed in like Gatorade does). Try to get 2,000mg of potassium as best you can eating potassium rich foods or using a potassium salt in broth. Eat magnesium-rich foods and get a magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate supplement, or soak in epsom salts. We want to try to get 300-400mg a day.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    to my understanding its best to set yourself up with something you can sustain

    I totally agree -- sustainability is key. I set my carb target to 100g/d, and I lost 40lbs, got to a normal BMI, and both my blood sugar and lipid markers are now in the normal range. But ...

    I was keenly aware of which foods were problematic for me. I cut out all baked goods, even low-carb baked goods. Recognize which foods are causing cravings and overeating for YOU. Avoid your triggers.

    Forgive me for saying so, but you talk about "sweets" like an addict would.
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    i want to do more like 100 g of carbs vs 200 plus i eat now

    100g is the recommendation to begin at in the link I posted. :smile: A good place to dip your toes in and test the water. If you have no particular idea what to do or have no specific doc-prescribed carb-level, that is. 100g is a good place to start for PCOS or diabetics. However, it's going to be a YMMV (You're Mileage May Vary) proposition. Some people find that 100g isn't low enough. And then again, some do. Humans are different and respond differently to the sugars in different foods.

    You're going to have to give up most sugars and starches. Period. No candy bars or huge plates of breads, rice, and pastas. They aren't good for you anyway.

    The good news is that there are many many many healthy recipes for low-carb versions of yummy desserts and meals that you can work into your carb count, even where I hang out under 50g.

    At the top of the group are stickies. One is called the Launch Pad. Lots of info in that post and a ginormous list of recipe sites sits at the bottom of it.

    I recommend reading the Diet Doctor site to give you an at-a-glance guide to the kind of foods you need to eat.

    Low-carb at its base is this:
    1. Stay under your carb level for the day.
    2. Eat your protein minimum range (use a keto-calc like
    3. Fill the rest of your intake with tasty, healthy fats (saturated and monounsaturated fats).
    4. Drink enough water.
    5. Make sure you keep your electrolytes up.
      Sodium<potassium<magnesium. Low-carb diets cause the body to excrete more sodium, so you need to keep it up to have enough on-hand for your body to properly run. 3,000-5,000mg of sodium (in your foods, in broth and/or in water with Mio and salt mixed in like Gatorade does). Try to get 2,000mg of potassium as best you can eating potassium rich foods or using a potassium salt in broth. Eat magnesium-rich foods and get a magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate supplement, or soak in epsom salts. We want to try to get 300-400mg a day.

    thank you!