5K Results, I'm Pretty Fast!!!!

TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
Well faster than I thought. I ran my first 5k since completing C25K this past Saturday. My time was 35.37. I'm so impressed with myself, especially since I did the run without music. My headphones died moments after I crossed the start line. It was definitely a mind over matter moment, because there was no power song to motivate me. I just kept saying you will not walk, slow down if you have to, but don't walk. I ran the entire thing. That is a first for me. The other two 5ks I've done in the past was walk/jog combo. I am so excited about the next race, an 8K in three weeks and doing another 5k in the future so I can beat my time.


  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    YES! Way to go! I'm not sure I would have handled a headphone malfunction as well as you did, haha. :)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Well done, fantastic time! Good luck with your 8k.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    There was a moment of panic when the headphones failed. When I realized I would have to do this run without music, for a moment I considered giving up. But then I said to myself, you have worked to hard. Just push and don't walk. I will be double checking my headphones/Ipod next race though.
  • KGill67
    KGill67 Posts: 87 Member
    Fantastic! I'm impressed with the way you talked yourself into continuing after the headphone failure; I know it sounds like a small thing, but routine is EVERYTHING, and music was clearly an important part of your routine. Just imagine how you'll do when all the hardware is working!
  • Way to push through it! And great time, btw. I've had my mp3 player die with 5 minutes left on a run once and I thought I was going to die. Telling yourself not to walk is an excellent idea!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Good for you! I get really confused by technology at the beginning of races and always manage to mess something up. It's great to have a place to reach down into and just run your best! Awesome finish time!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Good for you!!! Awesome time! I can get so thrown off by unexpected twists. It's great that you didn't let the lack of music throw your race. On the contrary, you rocked it!!!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks everyone. So glad I kept pushing. Now I'm doing the Five to 10k app. I have an 8k in 3 weeks and a 10k in August. I can't wait.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Fantastic! That's really incredible. Nicely done, all the way around!
  • amberpic
    amberpic Posts: 20
    Good job! That's a really great time!
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    There was a moment of panic when the headphones failed. When I realized I would have to do this run without music, for a moment I considered giving up. But then I said to myself, you have worked to hard. Just push and don't walk. I will be double checking my headphones/Ipod next race though.

    Great inner strength! And a fabulous time, too. Yay!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member