Soooo hungry

mstrange17 Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2015 in Social Groups
Is it normal to be constantly hungry? My stomach never stops growling! I am on day 4 of starting keto. Making it very hard for me to stay in my suggested macros :(


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    When you're first starting keto, during adaption (the first 2-4 weeks), it is highly recommended that you keep carbs to a limit, aim for your protein range, but eat as much fats as you need to feel full without worrying about calories. Remember that your body is essentially converting it's whole system over, so you're needing a ton more calories just to switch stuff over. That and your body is screaming for carbs because it's not yet efficient at burning fats for fuel again. So it's getting mixed signals. Keep those carbs down, don't get crazy on protein (like probably not more that double your protein goal if you're over 100 grams), and eat fats until you're sated...
  • barnumboy
    barnumboy Posts: 20 Member
    Water, water, water! I drink 32 oz before even eating breakfast, and fill my 24 oz bottle at work at least 3-4 times during the day.
  • mstrange17
    mstrange17 Posts: 12 Member
    Drinking tonsssss of water, its the only thing I do drink! Protein macro is at 80g & fats at 140. Keeping carbs under 20. Should I eat above those numbers until my body adjusts?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I would keep your carbs at 20, but yes, I would eat more until you adjust. Your protein could easily go to 160 without too much problem, if need be. That fat number can double while you're adjusting (eating more fat seems to help in some way to rewire the body that it is in fact getting what it needs). In the beginning I ate 1.5-2 times my daily calories that first week or two, and yes, still lost a decent amount of weight. Make sure you're getting enough salt and such, too. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    What is your loss rate set at? Because you're already eating at a deficit by your calorie "limit" and then you're eating at a deficit on top of that. It is definitely not necessary to do that on Keto. Also, is there a reason you're only eating 1 egg with your breakfasts? Mine regularly have 4 eggs! LOL I find that when I get a good third or more of my calories in breakfast (my breakfasts range from 550-1000 calories, depending on day), the rest of the day is easier.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    You're also falling really short of your fat macros. It's okay to go over on the protein and fats - but don't go over on the protein at the expense of fat.

    And your water tracker, is that accurate? Because you may be dehydrated, too. At 249 pounds, my water goal is 125 oz... That's roughly 15-16 "cups" or a little over 7 water bottles daily. 5-8 cups is not anywhere close to enough liquids for the most part...
  • mstrange17
    mstrange17 Posts: 12 Member
    Lol! Honestly I cut to 1 egg because I was getting too much protein everyday and by dinner had nothing left! I read how it will make your body react the same to eating carbs...? Im doing a 15% calorie def according to the keto calculator. I do believe that sort of confuses me. I weigh 210 & am 5'4, estimated 47% body fat & no real excercise yet, (waiting to get keto under my belt). I am just at a loss now & am tired of being hungry but if I can eat more during these first couple of weeks than what MFP is telling me, then i can get through this! Love all the info you're providing for me! Apprecite it so much!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    The first week I was a little hungrier. I found coffee with heavy cream and pork rinds to fill the void pretty well!
  • mstrange17
    mstrange17 Posts: 12 Member
    My water tracker is def not accurate, I refill my 20oz water bottle MULTIPLE times a day. All day & it comes to bed with me.
    I am going to just eat more protein and fats until I am fuller! See if it helps til I adjust. I just don't want to gain any! Lol
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Depending on how "broken" your metabolism is, you may gain some, but you'll likely lose inches at the same time if that happens. No one can predict how your adaption will go. My main thing is if you feel good, trust the process. There is one lady who gained for 6 months but had symptom relief and improved bloodwork and energy and such. She hit that point, then started dropping like a stone. Nutritional ketosis is a lesson in patience, for sure!!

    Make sure you take pictures, measurements, as well as the scale numbers. I found that my weight loss chart looked like a patient having a heart attack attached to an EKG machine at first. When the scale dropped, my inches didn't. When my inches dropped, my scale didn't. Body recomping is HUGE on Keto...

    Sounds like you've got a great plan so far!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member

    As point of reference, this is a 14 month (only partial low carb) 14 pound difference. Body recomp is CRAZY.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    List your macros.
  • barnumboy
    barnumboy Posts: 20 Member
    How are you feeling today so far?
  • mstrange17
    mstrange17 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow! That picture is amazing, that is crazy!

    I am feeling much better today, took advice & upped my breakfast & so far feeling full & good! Also bought some electrolyte water to help replenish and help fight off any symptoms from losing all this water.