How is everybody doing?!

We have quite a few members but I only see a handful participating in posts. Feel free to create discussions about anything you'd like to talk about. The more participation we get, the easier it will be to keep on track! Encourage each other! Post victories! Post progress photos! I try to share useful things when I come across them but if there's more I could do, let me know. I hope you're all doing well and staying positive!


  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    Losing inches, scale hasn't moved.
    Not getting discouraged, but I do feel like I need to up my game and transform into one of those morning gym people. My after-work-life keeps interfering with my workouts, 3 work functions this week, grrr!!! :(
  • mareacuda
    mareacuda Posts: 26 Member
    I'm doing well, down about 4 lbs. We have a fun challenge at the gym that starts Monday called "Hell Week" with super challenging workouts- if we go 6 out of 7 days- we get a t-shirt! LOL The following Monday we have our "final" weigh ins from our 6 week weight loss challenge. I am down 13lbs, but I was hoping for 20. I am going to REALLY tighten things up this week combined with the daily gym challenge and hope for another couple. Winner gets $500! :)
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    Losing inches, scale hasn't moved.
    Not getting discouraged, but I do feel like I need to up my game and transform into one of those morning gym people. My after-work-life keeps interfering with my workouts, 3 work functions this week, grrr!!! :(

    Meeee too! My week has been a little hectic and I've only had one work out (getting another tonight and tomorrow). My goal this week was morning workouts. 2 morning workouts. Just 2! Could NOT get up on time!
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    mareacuda wrote: »
    I'm doing well, down about 4 lbs. We have a fun challenge at the gym that starts Monday called "Hell Week" with super challenging workouts- if we go 6 out of 7 days- we get a t-shirt! LOL The following Monday we have our "final" weigh ins from our 6 week weight loss challenge. I am down 13lbs, but I was hoping for 20. I am going to REALLY tighten things up this week combined with the daily gym challenge and hope for another couple. Winner gets $500! :)

    Free t-shirts will push me to do anything! Hahaha
    Great job though! Buckle down and push yourself! Good luck! :)
  • natyack
    natyack Posts: 56 Member
    Struggling with shin splints this week so I didn't work out as much as I'd like. Wednesday was also a struggle, I went out for dinner and was STARVING. I wound up giving in to my craving for onion rings and beer. :( I didn't let the decision derail my whole week though, I got right back on the horse the next day and will continue to push through!
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    Good luck mareacuda!
  • erebar
    erebar Posts: 77 Member
    I'm doing pretty well with my eating and working out. A little low on energy. Scale is moving slow but still moving is good I guess. I had a great feeling going thru my closet and getting rid of some clothes that are too big now!
  • istarith
    istarith Posts: 71 Member
    Scale's moving slow, but IT'S HAPPENING! I can feel it! :smiley: I'm teetering between 200-202lbs, which is EXCELLENT from where I started at 206 just twelve days ago! Go me!

    Except maaaan, my boss bought us all a pizza today, and I think you guys have some idea what rough effort it took to just eat a single slice! I'm staying under my calorie limit today!
  • jm70614
    jm70614 Posts: 28 Member
    I have a 10 Mile race this Saturday that I'm completely not prepared for! I'm worried I'll cause a return of shin splints, leading to less running, and therefore more races where I'm not prepared! But I'm also pretty excited since it will be my longest run ever by about a mile.
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    natyack wrote: »
    Struggling with shin splints this week so I didn't work out as much as I'd like. Wednesday was also a struggle, I went out for dinner and was STARVING. I wound up giving in to my craving for onion rings and beer. :( I didn't let the decision derail my whole week though, I got right back on the horse the next day and will continue to push through!

    Good job staying on track afterwards! Sometimes that's exactly where people falter. They see that one bad meal and a full derailment and it's all downhill from there.
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    erebar wrote: »
    I'm doing pretty well with my eating and working out. A little low on energy. Scale is moving slow but still moving is good I guess. I had a great feeling going thru my closet and getting rid of some clothes that are too big now!

    Those little steps like that are a great motivator! I'm always going through my closet trying different things on. And slow movement is better than no movement. Keep up the great work!
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    istarith wrote: »
    Scale's moving slow, but IT'S HAPPENING! I can feel it! :smiley: I'm teetering between 200-202lbs, which is EXCELLENT from where I started at 206 just twelve days ago! Go me!

    Except maaaan, my boss bought us all a pizza today, and I think you guys have some idea what rough effort it took to just eat a single slice! I'm staying under my calorie limit today!

    Pizza and I have a very love/hate relationship. I LOVE pizza. I could eat it all day, every day. But I end up feeling completely dragged down for days. Mostly because I eat like 4 pieces lol. I feel your struggle trying to eat one piece! Good self control though! :smiley:
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    jm70614 wrote: »
    I have a 10 Mile race this Saturday that I'm completely not prepared for! I'm worried I'll cause a return of shin splints, leading to less running, and therefore more races where I'm not prepared! But I'm also pretty excited since it will be my longest run ever by about a mile.

    If you haven't already, maybe try compression socks? I've never used them personally but I know a few runners that do and swear by them. Good luck with your run!
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    fighting off a cold... haven't exercised since last Friday....still on target with eating which is hard- because you naturally want to gravitate towards comfort sick foods..... :D
  • jm70614
    jm70614 Posts: 28 Member
    curves2j wrote: »
    fighting off a cold... haven't exercised since last Friday....still on target with eating which is hard- because you naturally want to gravitate towards comfort sick foods..... :D

    Have you tried some low-carb versions of your comfort food? Zucchini noodles are pretty good and cauliflower rice is delicious and both have just a fraction of the calories of their inspiration. Also there are some amazing low-calorie soups to help your recovery!
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    thanks for the advise jm70614! I did just that last night and just hmm feel much better already today. <3 was stuck in the funk instead of getting creative with it!
  • jm70614
    jm70614 Posts: 28 Member
    Glad you're feeling better curves2j!
  • jm70614
    jm70614 Posts: 28 Member
    My 10 Mile race was so good this weekend! It was raining and cold so I felt pretty beastly just for showing up! I hit my timing goal which felt amazing. I've always been terrible at running and still am one of the slowest people out there but I honestly can't believe how much I've improved since starting to run 6 months ago. 6 months ago, I started C25K and struggled to run 3 minutes and now here I am running long distance (though I still walk lots on long runs like this). I've officially drank the running kool-aid. I, dare I say it, love running!
  • erebar
    erebar Posts: 77 Member
    jm70614 wrote: »
    I have a 10 Mile race this Saturday that I'm completely not prepared for! I'm worried I'll cause a return of shin splints, leading to less running, and therefore more races where I'm not prepared! But I'm also pretty excited since it will be my longest run ever by about a mile.

    How did your race go?
  • aracox
    aracox Posts: 9 Member
    well...I am doing pretty well, but trying not to be bummed about losing zero weight this week. So far, i've lost 5 pounds exactly since 16 October, but the scale did not budge at all this week despite my doing week 3 of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I guess the Halloween candy really did count! I am trying to celebrate my non scale goals: namely, my nutritionist said today that i lost almost a pound of fat this week, but my water levels are back up to a good level (not great last week) so that's why the scale didn't budge. Even more exciting, though, is I can do a military style push up now (two, actually) AND I ran a whole mile this week without stopping!!! My fitness level is definitely why is it that we're so programmed to feel disappointed by a number on the scale?!?