How often do you eat?



  • WhatLouAte
    WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
    I have a BPC in the morning, something for lunch at 12 ish and then dinner around 7ish.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    BPC for breakfast and at 3:30, then dinner at 6ish.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    Just starting week four and I've noticed my appetite is waaaay down. Before keto, I couldn't make it 2 hours without something to nosh on lest mammoth headaches set in. Now, breakfast and dinner are my meals- not really needing snacks. BPT in the afternoons is really nice on these cold days. Haven't had a migraine in weeks! The neurologic protection keto gives is awesome!
  • CoffeeSalty
    CoffeeSalty Posts: 38 Member
    Interesting thread as I just posted this question in my feed. Wall. Whichever it's called lol. I think I'm going to start doing this as BPC's usually hold me pretty good especially if I'm focused on a project.
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Coffee for breakfast, lunch around 1:30, dinner around 6/7, and that's it.