Weight Trending?

Runagain_4 Posts: 97 Member
Is anyone else out there using a weight trend app or programme to record their weight loss?

When I started logging again on MFP 2 months ago (end of August), I decided to try it and I'm amazed at how motivating I find it.

To give you an example of how it works, if I were to rely on my scale weight only, I would have lost ''0'' lbs since the same day last week. However my weight trend shows I've lost 0.83 of a lb.

If I were to compare my scale weight loss since October 1 (one month), it would show a loss of 6 lbs today. But my trending weight is lower and shows a loss of 3.54 lbs this month (almost hitting my target of 1 lb loss per week).

Scale weight loss since August 30 (start date) and today is 9.6 lbs. Trend weight shows 7.8 lbs.

While my total loss may not seem as impressive, the advantage is that I can weigh in 2 lbs heavier tomorrow (accounting for water retention, time of day, a few extra calories, etc.) and STILL see my trend go DOWN.

This has been hugely motivating for me at this point in my life where the scale literally doesn't seem to want to budge. There are many days where I would have been demotivated to continue because I was seeing up to a 3 lb fluctuation upward. This happened in the last week. But the interesting thing is every week my ''high'' weight goes consistently downwards. By seeing the trend move steadily downward I'm so motivated to press on.

Just sharing for those of you who are growing frustrated with the weight you're seeing on the scale. Not trying to sell it, just saying that for me it's helped me to trust in the process rather than focus purely on that result on the scale.

I'm less and less impressed by that number that appears for 5 seconds each day and more and more impressed with the trend number that goes down a fraction of an inch each day as long as I continue to choose my food wisely, log, weigh in and get up and move.


  • edptanner
    edptanner Posts: 52 Member
    Oh! That sounds perfect for me. It is so demoralizing to see an overnight 4 pound gain. How do I do the calculations or find the app, website, program, gadget?
  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    I could not find an app. What is the name of yours?
  • Runagain_4
    Runagain_4 Posts: 97 Member
    I actually use several, which isn't as obsessive as it seems!

    One site (Weight Grapher --> www.weightgrapher.com) doesn't have a mobile app, but I like the information it gives me, i.e. once you've logged for a month, the graph shows your trend line for this month and your trend line for the past month above it (so I can see if my trend is going down consistently). It also places your scale weight for the day either above or below the trend line. In my case, even though my weight fluctuates a lot from day to day, I've only ever gone above my trend weight on 4 days (3 of those after a 4-day indulgent vacation to Amsterdam).

    The second is a mobile app called Happy Scale. You can get it for free, but I upgraded because I thought the extra information it gives me was worth it. This one allows you to break your total weight loss goal into equal milestones, and then displays progress against each milestone. For example, I know that I have completed 66% of my 2nd milestone (I have 5 milestones of approximately 6 lbs each). It tells me how many lbs I have left to go until I reach that milestone. It displays clearly whether my weight's been stable, or how much it's gone down or up in the last '7 days', '30 days', '90 days' and 'all time'. Finally, it forecasts how much I will weigh at given dates in the future (all the way to my final goal weight) based on the amount I've committed to lose per week, then based on my actual current loss rate per week, and based on my actual overall loss rate per week.

    The third is a mobile app I use simply because I can manually enter both my weight and my body fat percentage. It's called PopWeight. Of the three, I find it the least relevant, but I like it because it lets me graph body fat as well, which is useful if your goals aren't purely weight related.

    They're all really simple to use, and once you've logged for 7 days or so it starts to get interesting. If you're a lists person like me, it's fun to pop the information in every day and watch your progress. Happy logging!
  • edptanner
    edptanner Posts: 52 Member
    Perfect. Thanks!