November Goals and 1-15 check in



  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 5, 2015
    Green today? Yes 5/25
    Streak: 5 day
    Exercise today? Yes 4/25

    30 minute easy jog on the treadmill. Rest day tomorrow since I am helping run a swim meet for my son's Y team after work.

    I know for a fact my fitbit isn't reliable for mileage. I never use it for that and that's the reason I'd never buy one. But free from work and a way to earn some extra cash? Sure thing!

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins, glad I'm not alone in losing it. The OT stinks when it's caused by others not doing their jobs. I hope you're not salaried. The extra cash will help with the holidays.

    @bbinoa, glad you're feeling better but poor kiddo...

    @Laughter_Girl, love the apple pie story. I love apples, but have a very mild allergy to them and can only seem to eat certain kinds when they're raw. Cooked apples I have no problem with but I prefer raw ☺. Your hubby can have my portion.

    I'm really tired tonight. The first of many senior year moments for my son. This was the easiest (sports recognition night) mainly because Ben isn't passionate about his fall sport, but he has swam for years and the next season's sport night I'm sure I'll be a mess - my husband and I have invested a lot of time and energy for both of his teams, high school and YMCA. So, not sure if I'm just physically tired or tired because I'm thinking ahead. Regardless, I'm heading to bed...
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 5/25
    Exercise: Yes
    Exercise Goal: 4/24

    I did a light 30 minute jog today.

    @jenthibert I hope you were able to get some good rest this evening.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    11/ 4 & 5
    Green - yes & yes - 4/25
    Exercise - - 5/15
    Streak: 4 days
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Hello! Just checking in. Honestly, I haven't been tracking stuff this week. Between having sick kids (and then my husband had it), work parties (one of my coworkers is retiring and it's been two days full of cookies, cake, pie) and marathon prep (trying to stay sane!) I've just been doing my own thing. Tracking and counting would probably put me over the edge ;-)

    The marathon is Sunday morning. I've been running the gamut of every emotion possible! Mostly, I feel like I did when I was 9 months pregnant, and I "just want this thing over"!!! Of course, woke up this morning w/a sinus thing happening. If someone got me sick...!!! Grrr! I literally walked out of our break room here a few minutes ago b/c I overheard someone discussing a strep throat culture!! Hopefully it's just the weather or something minor and will quickly disappear (we're having this weird streak of 70 plus degree humid days). Sunday is expected to be a high of 55 and sunny- perfect fall running weather!!

    Glad to see everyone is doing well, working hard (sorry about the OT @MelissaPhippsFeagins !) and eating lots of pie @Laughter_Girl!
    @jenthibert - we have a son graduating this year too! Enjoy the last year. We do the happy dance as we count down and get ours out though, lol!!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 6/25
    Exercise: Yes
    Exercise Goal: 5/24

    I did some strength training today. I need some heavier weights, but I have been too cheap to purchase them. My plan is to get some before the end of the year.

    @bbinoa Lysol. Use it as frequently as you need to. Whatever you do, DON'T get sick. I can't wait to hear about how well the marathon goes for you. I know you are going to rock it!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    @Laughter_Girl can I drink it? Lol, kidding! I'm feeling ok now. Have the house to myself this evening so I'm relaxing. My husband also surprised me and bought me a package to the Hershey Spa for the day after the marathon as a reward. I love it! You know how you run for dood? I'll rum for spa days!! I have my motivation! !
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Ugh, food, not dood! :p
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Holy cow I can't type! Run, not rum. Although not a bad idea....
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 6, 2015
    Green today? No 5/25
    Streak: 0 day
    Exercise today? No 4/25

    Rest day and after the way the first swim meet of the year went (I run the timing and computer system for my son's Y and HS teams), comfort food and a couple glasses of wine. Red day but I'm ok with that... Especially at the bottom of glass number 2, lol. Bed soon. My daughter is working tomorrow and there's a rail trail near there. Thought I'd check out my endurance and pace!

    @bbinoa, what does your son plan to do after HS? Ben applied to his preferred college early decision, so we should know by December... He'll be 8 hours away! But I'm so excited for him.
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    @jenthibert I'm not sure what his plans are... school has been a bit of a challenge for him (he has ADHD). He originally planned to join the Army but I think now he's leaning towards trying a few classes at the local community college and working. I'm guessing he needs to get a taste of the real world before he figures it out! Good luck to your son!!!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    bbinoa wrote: »
    @jenthibert I'm not sure what his plans are... school has been a bit of a challenge for him (he has ADHD). He originally planned to join the Army but I think now he's leaning towards trying a few classes at the local community college and working. I'm guessing he needs to get a taste of the real world before he figures it out! Good luck to your son!!!

    In still trying to figure out out and I'm almost 45! A gap year helps lots of kids figure out what they do and don't want. Ben's known for a couple years that he'd like to go into engineering. My daughter has no idea. I think it'll be a different approach for her but it's all good.
  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    Hello. Haven't checked in in a while

    Green: yes

    Exercise: yes

    I just got a Fitbit and it has been motivating me to exercise a lot more.
    Hope everyone had a good day!
  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    @jenthibert I see you have a Fitbit.

    My url is // if you would like to be friends. Has it helped you?
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    rdbasile wrote: »
    @jenthibert I see you have a Fitbit.

    My url is // if you would like to be friends. Has it helped you?

    Hi Rob, I got my fitbit thru a program at work. I actually really like it and it helps me earn cash when I hit the goals of the plan. I've used that cash to hire a coach with a local running club for a few months. Running isn't really my goal but it's definitely helping me increase my endurance.

    I really wish the distance was accurate. I've had it off as much as 2 miles less than what I know I've done. I've just started some challenges, but I don't find them overly motivating - I tend to stick to my plan for the week. They're fun to do with friends though.

    It's fun but I really wish the distance was accurate ☺
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 7, 2015
    Green today? Yes 6/25
    Streak: 1 day
    Exercise today? Yes 5/25

    Much better day today! Got some housework done and some quiet me time along with a 5.6 mile run. Took 56 minutes.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    bbinoa wrote: »
    Holy cow I can't type! Run, not rum. Although not a bad idea....

    I might run for rum...
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    November 5, 6, & 7
    Green - all three 7/25
    Exercise - no, no, yes - 3/15 (OT means I may not make this goal.)

    @jenthibert &@bbinoa enjoy the senior year. I've done it twice. Two more to.go.

    @bbinoa good luck tomorrow. Run like you stole something. (but only at the end)
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    11/ 6 & 7 & 8
    Green - yes & no & no - 5/25
    Exercise - - 6/15
    Streak: 5 days
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 8, 2015
    Green today? Yes 7/25
    Streak: 2 day
    Exercise today? Yes 6/25

    Finished housework, caught up on paperwork and 4.2 miles done in 45 minutes (included a hill workout). Been productive this weekend!

    It's been an inspiring weekend too... Way to go @bbinoa! You should be incredibly proud of yourself! Your hard work definitely showed today.

    I have a friend who competed in an Ironman competition. After 137.5 miles of swimming, biking and running, he ran out of time. But he's going back to give it another shot!

    A friend's daughter's field hockey team won the ACC championship. Go Tarheels!

    And a good friend of my son's started in his first college basketball game and scored! He's a freshman at Eastern Kentucky U.

    This is a rare weekend when Facebook is worthwhile, lol.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    11-7 & 11-8
    Green: Yes & Yes
    Goal: 8/25
    Exercise: Yes
    Exercise Goal: 7/24

    Yesterday I did a little upper body strength training, and today I ran almost 6 miles. It was a good weekend, but it went by way to fast.

    Congrats again @bbinoa!!! I hope you rest comfortably tonight. When is the spa day? You've definitely earned it.