November Goals and 1-15 check in



  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Green - yes 8/25 streak: 8
    Exercise - yes 4/15

    @bbinoa - way to go!!! Enjoy spa day

    @jenthibert - nice run

    Good weekend for me. Got some stuff of the house and into the storage building on Saturday after yoga and went to a Christmas craft event at church with a friend yesterday and then to the gym to lift. Back to overtime today...
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Hi all- thanks for the well wishes pre marathon and the congrats! !! I'm so glad it's done! I'm glad I did it. It was pretty emotional crossing the finish. I let out a big woohoo! Which isn't me at all!!! I didn't love the distance though or how long it takes so I think I'm good w halves from now on! But I can officially say I'm a marathoner and that's cool.

    Today is hershey spa day. Yippee. I'm drinking my coffee and will head to the gym in a few to try work out some of the stiffness on a bike. I'm not doing too bad but I can feel it for sure.

    Oh, and I've decided my next goal is knitting. Hehe.

    @jenthibert what an awesome weekend .... a great run for you and lots of accomplishments for people you know. Nice!

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins hope the OT isn't too bad. Extra money at holiday time is a plus though.

    @Laughter_Girl I'll be cheering you on when you do your first marathon (from the comfort of my recliner!!! ;)
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 9, 2015
    Green today? Yes 8/25
    Streak: 3 days
    Exercise today? No 6/25

    Rest day today with some travel so very few steps. Won't even come close to my goal so it really was a rest day ☺
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Green - yes, Chevy style - 9/25
    Streak 9
    Exercise - 4/15

    I went to an Eagle Scout Court of Honor last night. The reception made me Chevy, but I have had big deficits this week (like 200 + calories left) so no worries about it at all. There is nothing like seeing a young man become an Eagle Scout. Something about them changes when they get that kerchief and medal. Besides the honoree, whose dad is a coworker, there were a couple of kids from my church involved in the ceremony and one whose soccer team I used to coach. :)
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    I think it was green, but honestly, I haven't even been tracking beyond just logging in to keep my 'streak' going. Today was spa day- woohoo! I'm getting around a little better each day too. Yea!

    Trying to decide if I want to keep tracking stuff or not. I'm not planning to go crazy wild eating, but I'm thinking I may need to try to give it a go w/o counting stuff. I think I learned from the marathon to trust my body more, feed it what I need and let it do it's thing. Form follows function. If I'm 10# higher than what a chart says I should be, but I can do a marathon, maybe that charts not so great? I may not be on here as much as I was, perhaps I'll just pop in on occasion. Or not. My type A personality may not let me stop logging :) . I have loved talking to all of you and getting to know you guys though! If anyone wants to connect on Facebook send me a message and I'll give you my info.
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 10, 2015
    Green today? Yes 9/25
    Streak: 4 day
    Exercise today? No 6/25

    Other obligations took over my evening today so no exercise, two days in a row! Been a long time since that's happened. Tomorrow evening looks busy too so I'll get up early in the morning.

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins, those Eagle Scouts are amazing. I've known a few and am always so impressed by their maturity and kindness.

    @bbinoa! Wow! Pop in now and then ☺I know exactly what you mean about the Type A personality. It's all or nothing with me.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    11-9 & 11-10
    Green: Yes & Yes
    Goal: 8/25
    Exercise: No & Yes
    Exercise Goal: 8/24

    Yesterday I didn't have time for exercise, but today I was able to do a little strength training.

    @jenthibert Life happens. Sounds like you'll be right back at it tomorrow. I try not to stay away from exercising for more than two days because it'll be that much harder for me to return to it. :wink:
    @bbinoa It has been great getting to know you on here, and I truly appreciate all the running tips you've given me along the way. I'm sure you have enough discipline, self-control, and confidence to live a healthy lifestyle w/out MFP. I decided when I started this weight loss journey I would just commit to logging/exercising forever. Although I have discovered I have way more discipline than I thought I had, I still have a lot of work to do. Because I have been overweight the majority of my entire life, I don't want to risk gaining any of those 80+ pounds back EVER. Since I'm not on any other social media site though, MFP is a great outlet for me. If you decide to drop us, I totally understand. I actually just appreciate the heads up. I hate it when people abruptly leave and don't say anything. :D Happy knitting!
  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    Green: Yes
    Exercise: No (rest day)
    Exercise: 6/20

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    @bbinoa - what LaughterGirl said

    @Laughter_Girl I know that I have to log and exercise forever. The month of September when everyone was sick and then dealing with Memaw's passing was just a firm reminder. I gained back 7 lbs and I have lost 2.8 of it since I got back on the wagon.

    Green -yes 10/25
    streak: 10 1 of 2 for the month complete
    Exercise - yes 5/15

    I am incredibly hungry today. I think I'll eat, let the chips fall, log the damage and start again tomorrow for streak # 2.

  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 11, 2015
    Green today? Yes 10/25
    Streak: 5 day
    Exercise today? Yes 7/25

    Early morning run in the dark around my neighborhood. I liked not being able to see the hills. 4.36 at a 9:35 pace.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 8/25
    Exercise: Yes
    Exercise Goal: 9/24

    I did an evening run with a group from our local running store. Once a month they have a 3 mile run with pizza at the finish line. That's worth it to me! This was my first time running in the dark. It was really fun though. I told my hubby I would certainly do it again, but I need to purchase some lights and reflective gear for safety.

    @rdbasile Keep up the good work!
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins Sometimes life happens, and there isn't anything we can do about it. All we can do is control what we can. The rest of those pounds you gain will be off in no time. Also, I hate those hungry days. I'm finding that I am having less of those types of days when I eat plenty of fiber and protein.
    @jenthibert You're a fast runner! Good for you for getting it done in the dark. As I mentioned above, I ran in the dark for the very first time this evening, and I really enjoyed it. Once I get the proper equipment, I think I'll be running more in the dark.
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member

    I'm still heeeeere.... hehe. Half logging, half not. Haven't fully figured out what I plan to do (and I feel a little guilty if I'm jumping in here and not tracking) but darn it, I like you guys!! I love catching up and hearing what everyone is up to! :smiley:
    Yesterday I took the dog for a walk- he's 115lbs, so I thought I did pretty well not being dragged down the street by him for a squirrel sighting. My legs are feeling better. I attempted to run which lasted, no lie, 6 steps! Ha! Not there yet. I'm going to use the bikes at the gym here at work over lunch today.

    @jenthibert - wow- you are seriously getting fast! Did you have any idea you would be? This is pretty cool- it's like watching the birth of a runner (I think I've still got whacky marathon brain).
    @Laughter_Girl - I'm also seriously impressed w/the night running. As I've gotten older my night vision is horrible, like can't even see to make it down the front steps. Running at night not an option for me, but that's really cool you can do it.
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins - you have had a crazy few months with everything between work, your family's loss, people being sick. Lots of life happening. I know you'll be back to 'you' soon!
    @rdbasile - nice and consistent work! Great!!!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 12, 2015
    Green today? Yes 11/25
    Streak: 6 day
    Exercise today? Yes 8/25

    30 minute treadmill run. My instructions were to go full out for the last 3 minutes. That's a little scary on a treadmill!

    @Laughter_Girl, I was serious when I said I liked not being able to see the hills. My neighborhood is basically all uphill for a mile. It's not always steep thank goodness, but...

    @bbinoa! So happy to see you visiting. I don't care if you track, lol. I have really bad night vision too, but made out ok using my phone's flashlight. I used to run when my kids were young. I was a little faster than I am now but we lived in Alabama and it was pretty flat. Maine is not flat. I feel slow but that might be because I can walk so fast. I also credit the coaching. I really love the varied workouts.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Green - yes 11/25
    Streak 1
    Exercise - no 5/15
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 12/25
    Exercise: Not today.
    Exercise Goal: 9/24

    So, I forgot to change my goals for a few days, but I got it back on track. I have been green for the entire month thus far. That will probably change this weekend. I'm headed to Toronto for a few days, and I love eating in Toronto. Everything is always sooooo tasty. It was a busy day today so no exercise for me, but I will get it in tomorrow.

    @bbinoa Welcome back!!! I feel like you just left us. :D I agree w/@jenthibert. Who cares if you track?!?!?!?! Just check in with us, and you'll be embraced with open arms. Nice medal by the way. Also, I just bought a nice flashlight to use the next time I'm running in the dark.
    @jenthibert The good thing about those hills is they help to form some great looking legs. I wouldn't want to see the hills either though.
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins Congrats on one streak thus far!!!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    @Laughter_Girl ... hahahahaha... yes, I was gone for so, so long! Actually I guess I'm still 'sort' of tracking, just keeping a mental tally. I kind of know by now most of my regular foods etc. I'm a pretty boring eater. You'll see the same lean cuisine mac n' cheese for lunch for months now. My coworkers would pass out if they saw me w/anything else (stupid, tasty mac n cheese, why do you taunt me!)
    Enjoy Toronto! I was there once years ago and recall that the beers were much stronger than ours. It's a pretty city!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 13, 2015
    Green today? Yes 12/25
    Streak: 7 day
    Exercise today? No 8/25

    Think I may need to go to morning workouts during my son's swim season. Evenings tend to fill up.
  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    Nov. 12
    Green: Yes 10/25
    Exercise today? Yes 7/20

    I only exercised twice this week so far. I will lift 3 days and do cardio 3 to 5 days a week.

    @bbinoa Congrats on the marathon. That's quite an accomplishment!
    @Laughter_Girl Nice streak you've been on. Way to go! Running in the dark sounds fun.
    @jenthibert Nice pace!
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins Watching that ceremony must have been interesting. Great organization. I was a cub scout as a child. Wish I had have stuck with it.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    11-13 & 11-14
    Green: No & No
    Goal: 12/25
    Exercise: Yes & No
    Exercise Goal: 10/24

    All I can say is I've been eating continuously. I told my hubby I'll be on an all veggie diet next week to make up for what I've been eating. Ha, ha, ha, ha. One more day of good food, and after that, it's back to normal.

    Tomorrow I have another race, which I am looking forward to. It's my first 8K. As soon as I'm done, I'm going to my favorite restaurant for brunch. Yeah!! I definitely workout for food. :)

    I'll check in with everyone tomorrow.
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    November 14, 2015
    Green today? Yes 13/25
    Streak: 8 day
    Exercise today? Yes 9/25

    Speed workout so I warmed up then 2 minutes fast run , 3 minutes slow jog, 2 minutes faster, 3 slow, etc. Done 7 times with the last 2 minute section full out. Total of 40 minutes.