November coffee (or tea!) and gratitude list

DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
edited November 2015 in Social Groups
I just had to add the tea lol. I am still flat out hooked on the matcha! I ran out recently and tried substituting other things while waiting for it to arrive and found that I really am hooked on it! lol

This morning I am grateful for the fact that at this point in life we have developed so much resilience. I find that the longer I follow the positive paths, the easier it is to come back after a blow. A few months ago I had a really hard time getting back to journaling after not doing it for oh heck, a year or so! But since, I have been knocked off the path twice and now coming back just feels natural.

And I am grateful, as always, for the support I get from this group. I have never been good at things I have to go to - weight watchers meetings, the gym. But if I can do it at home and at my convenience, it works much better for me. Love the positive energy I get here!


  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Oh no! I was typing alone and not looking back and now I realized I have misspelled coffee!!! Should I start a new thread or will we live with it for a month? lol
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    edited November 2015
    you can edit posts on this part of the site. :-) click on the cowbell and it gives you the option to edit for an hour. Cogwheel not cowbell. Still can't see what I'm typing when in the phone app :-&
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2015
    LOL and here I was looking around for a cowbell ... "Gee I never noticed there was a cowbell" --- !

    Today while walking our dogs I was just appreciating the fact that I *can* walk - it's so tough to make progress if you are limited in your ability to walk or otherwise exercise. So I am grateful that I am in shape to do it.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    My mom turned 95 on Saturday. I'm grateful that she's still in good health, still mobile, still has all her marbles. :)
    She's spunky and has kept her wicked sense of humor. She lives in Illinois in an Assisted Living Facility; I'm grateful that she found such a lovely place to live--just a mile from my sister's house. They take good care of her and since she moved there 3 years ago she's made new friends.

    Go Mom! Here she is with 3 of her 4 grandsons. My sister's boys on the right, my younger son at the left.


  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Beautiful picture, Cris! Happy 95th to your lovely mom. ~ Kathy
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Yes Chris, great pic. Isn't it empowering to know you have such wonderful genes!

    mxchana I agree about the walking! I still have so much to lose (and am NOT wavering in the battle!) and every time I go to Walmart see people younger and thinner riding on the motorized carts and I feel so thankful for my ability to do those 5k steps that I do a day! And I am hoping that once I lose more, I will be able to shoot for that 10k! It's a gift!

    And this morning I am grateful that I am feeling so much better! Onward and upward!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Janet, so glad you are feeling better! Look forward to hearing what the ortho has to day.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    Yes Chris, great pic. Isn't it empowering to know you have such wonderful genes!

    Actually, I don't: my sister and I were adopted.
    But I do often tell mom, now, that I WISH I had her genes!


    I'm glad you're feeling better, Janet! <3

  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    Yes Chris, great pic. Isn't it empowering to know you have such wonderful genes!

    Actually, I don't: my sister and I were adopted.
    But I do often tell mom, now, that I WISH I had her genes!

    But you've got a great role model!

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    This morning I am so so SO grateful that my shoulder pain has pretty much resolved and that the stretching I did last night has made me feel so much better this morning! I hope that I will just be heading into a few weeks of physical therapy and I plan to consider him/her as my personal trainer! So, steaming forward with my goals and am also grateful that in just a couple of days of being back on track I have started on the losing trend again. Onward and downward! lol
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Great news, Janet!! Simply great.

    As for me, I made it to the gym this morning and I am so very grateful to be able to afford to belong to such a nice facility - not just the fitness equipment but a beautiful pool. I just love the feeling of exercising in the water.

    And then there's the saunas - did steam and dry today because I had the luxury of time. Aaaaaahhhhh ...
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Oh I am soooo grateful for yoga! Way back in the 1970s I bought a paperback called Richard Hittleman's Yoga 28 day exercise program. Over the years, I have purchased that little book 3 times!!!! One got lost in moving and one I wore out! It's simple, and it is just so effective! I can't do the whole thing, but day four is a great all over stretch and then I like the breathing exercises and a few other excercises. It has been a staple for me.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2015
    Oh yeah, I own Richard Hittleman's 28 day yoga book! In fact, years ago - decades ago - I faithfully did yoga every day, head stands and all. I still have it - and my copy is pretty much falling apart but ... I have looked at it a few times over the past year and said "I have to get back into this" - well maybe I can get into that asana called "kick self in pants and get going"! Thanks for the reminder.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    It is wonderful how you all are finding old and new ways to increase mobility and comfort. w?Wednesday was terrific because I realized moving around was decreasing my discomfort from hours of sitting at cards. This morning the aching was there, so I'm walking in small increments around the house, and it's as if the joints are getting lubricated.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    I had Richard's book too. I think it finally fell apart. Also did yoga with Lilias Folan when she had a program on PBS. Still do yoga intermittently. I like Yin Yoga a lot. The poses are held 5 minutes. It stretches the denser connective tissue (tendons, ligaments) more.

    I just so love this group!! I think I've found 'my tribe' here!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    DreamOn, glad you are doing so much better.

    Jan, That is a blast from my past. I started out with Lilia's tv yoga classes, when I moved to Cincinnati, I had one of her long time students, turned instructor, as my teacher while I was there. I even taught yoga for a while. I return to it and leave it periodically. I think it is why I am in a good a shape as I am honestly. I am familiar with Richard's book as well, but my go to was Light On Yoga. I have Lilia's yoga for Seniors dvds. I just recently started to work with them again.

    Cris, glad you are getting sorted out, maybe on insulin you can ditch the other pills? I could never shoot myself daily with a needle.

    Also being adopted have you ever thought of getting the medical DNA testing done to see what other surprises Mother Nature has for you?
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am sooooooo grateful that I did not have a rotator cuff tear and can look forward to physical therapy instead of surgery. Having had that surgery before, I KNOW how long it takes to come back from that!

    I can't believe how many of you are familiar with Richard's little book! I am also going to look into your other suggestions! My other favorites were the DVDs from Namaste Yoga that used to be on the fitness channel that I think bit the dust. I love the music and nature settings. but I started back with them after a long break and pulled a muscle. I have to remember that I am not 30 anymore even though I would love to be! (only if I could do it knowing what I know now of course lol)
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    I have to remember that I am not 30 anymore even though I would love to be! (only if I could do it knowing what I know now of course lol)

    Wonderful news, Janet, about your steering clear of surgery. And indeed, I would only go back to my 30's if I could take my "wisdom" - such that it is - with me. Truly said, youth is wasted on the young.

    Grateful today that I ate pizza for dinner (suffering from that dreaded malady LCS - Lazy Cook Syndrome) - and got away with it. I gained not an ounce, undoubtedly due to the wonders of leaf raking. ~ Kathy

  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Janet, That is great news! I had a rotator repair and that was not fun. Recovery took months. I don't remember PT being much fun either. :s

    Kathy, I must remember LCS! That got me my belly laugh for the day. :D

    I am so grateful for our new home! It is so comfortable and convenient. In our other RVs the cupboards were not convenient and I couldn't put things where one would expect to find them. And then to get things out I had to nearly stand on my head or get out the ladder. lol This motorhome feels and works like a real home. B)

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    YAY, janet!!!