november goals

canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
i couldn't think of a catchy title. my head's too full of 'just get through this month' because it's november :dizzy:

anyway, here is my list:

1. squats up to 100. i think it's doable as 90 felt comfortable in my nov 1 workout, and form improvements seem to be fairly reliable now.
2. ohp up to 60. that's ten if i include my deload, but my pre-deload threshold was 55, so also seems doable.
3. bench 75 with good form and a feeling of comfort. i don't feel like pushing it too hard with bench for this month.
4. deadlift up to 145. that's another 15lbs from my current work weight.
5. rows 75.

extras: it's all about the legs.
1. continue doing one set of front squats to match all my warmup sets for the back squat. i'd rather push the form than the weight for this though.
2. glute bridges as another 5x5 lift with every workout. haven't decided my starting weight yet.
3. keep on keepin' on with the negative chins. i'm really starting to feel like always doing them with hands supine isn't helping me much, but haven't quite figured out how to pronate them instead. think perhaps i should though, for shoulder/upper back reasons.
5. i want to do 100 bodyweight squats/day, at least every rest day. i'm just curious to see what will happen if i keep it up for a whole month.



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    hmmm goals.

    Get back to lifting routine after vacation.
    Figure out jog/lift schedule for winter.
    Work on gym decision.
    Weight/Nutrition - vacation then get back to business

    50-75k on novel for NaNoWriMo
    Stories for I Write
    Work on the online catch up task
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    1RM OHP 95lbs.
    Track my calories for this month (OMG, I've been so incredibly bad for months)
    Get back to doing yoga a couple times a week, dropping some pounds.

    Non fitness
    I'm also doing NaNoWriMo, so I'm hoping to not get burnt out from writing so much.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    ooh, NaNoWriMo, good for you two - I did that years ago. Satisfying, but hard work!

    I feel I still don't know enough about what I CAN lift to set specific weight goals, so:

    1) Keep lifting three times a week
    2) Get out on my bike three times - I've been getting lazy as it's got colder
    3) Stretch more. Yoga?
    4) Lose two pounds
    4) Do my Chinese study every week, no more turning up at class without having looked at my books all week
    5) Finish Ulysses before I go to Dublin at the end of the month!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Fitness Goals
    1. To be able to squat my bodyweight and deadlift 1.5X my bodyweight
    2. Incorporate at least 1 ab workout per week
    3. Run 5km per week

    Diet Goals
    1. Pack my lunch daily
    2. Stay within 50 calories of my daily goal
    3. Stay within 5% of my macro goals

    Going to check in once a week (Sundays) to see where I'm at and to keep me honest.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I'm the same as Ariadnula, I have no clue what I can actually lift, maybe by the end of this month I'll hit some maxes.

    1) Lift 3 times a week
    2) Start tracking food again, I've literally not tracked since getting pregnant 17 months ago... so yeah... need to sort that out
    3) Take Katy out in her carrier as the weather gets colder (it's so much easier than the pram and we can go on walks across countryside)
    4) Hit my 12500 steps goal each day (some days I obliterate it at like 20000 and others I barely get to 8000, so I'd like a bit more consistency)

  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    1. Gain 2lb ( more deficit - building muscle) I just want to be careful not to gain too quickly
    2. Run 2x a week
    3. Squat 135# - I've gotten to 125, I really want to put those big plates on the bar!
    4. Work on my flexibility - I'd like to get closer to my splits for aerials - need to seriously stretch every day.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    edited November 2015
    Another one here who, being new to the whole lifting thing, doesn't have any real idea of workable yet challenging goals, but here goes!

    1) Lift 3 times a week
    2) Improve form for OHP in order to lift more than the measly 22.5kg I have managed so far. (currently struggling with old Rotator cuff injuries)
    3) Squat 50kg (???reasonable goal, currently 35kg)
    4) Deadlift 65kg (???reasonable goal, currently 45kg)
    5) Do at least one session of cardio (spinning, bodycombat) a week because I enjoy it.
    6) Don't weigh myself more than once a week. And don't get hung up on what the scales say when I do get on them.
    7) Continue eating mostly healthy, most of the time. (November is my birthday month and the start of festive functions, so there's going to be some give and take here!)
    8) Continue tracking and working to TDEE or -15% (still getting used to the fact I need to eat more than the 1200 calories I have been kidding myself is right for the last umpteen years!)
    9) Drink more water - I have installed an app on my phone which reminds me!
    10) Smile - enjoy the progress, and be proud!

    edited - remembered I wanted to add the following:

    11) Do as many press ups (full, on toes) as possible after (or as part of) each workout day. Currently able to do 12 in one set, followed by 8.
    12) Don't skimp on the abs work.
    13) Don't make excuses!

    I'll check in here every few days to keep myself accountable. Good luck with your own goals, ladies!
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Ok please no one overall lifestyle/ stress/ self care stuff is interfering with gym effort and recovery

    1) I'm going to try to shower more. I'm not dirty or gross or anything, (maybe I lack insight?) but honestly showering is something I usually let slide because I lack time. I just think I would feel better if I did it more, or for longer.
    2) still working on sleep. Maybe this is my month. Gonna have to limit screen time tho. That's gonna be the key
    3) squat - I am hampered by a weak mid back and a weak core. I can feel myself collapse (and have been told by observers) so I'm de-loading and am going to do a lot of core and back stuff and variations like front squat and goblet squat
    4) stretch.
    5) right now my rep max for pull ups is 6. I wonder if by the end of the month I could be at 7 or 8?
    6) my right leg is weaker than my left so I'm adding in single leg exercises.
    7) conditioning. This month I am continuing to build my aerobic base. Lots of long slow distance/ zone 1-2 training.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    I saw this last night and had to admit to myself that I didn't have lifting goals...or fitness goals... aside from getting myself to the gym LOL!

    Bench 105 with power throughout the sets. I'm trying 105 today. It will be interesting.

    Get back to 150 for squats - I'll be there in 2-3 workouts.

    I'll take any kind of progress on OHP. I'm trying 70 lbs on Thursday, so good form and power at that weight would be nice.

    Find some kind of cardio that I enjoy. I like walking, but the weather has been cruddy.

    Stick to my deficit.
    Stick to my deficit.
    Stick to my !&%#! deficit.

  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    1) Eat at what fitbit says is maintenance
    2) Weigh daily
    3) Save binge carnage so I can log it the next day (or the day after that even) when it won't be a trigger, and it is more an exercise in gathering experimental data for calculating what my true maintenance is (FYI after 3 weeks I am showing my maintenance is approximately 5 kcals under what fitbit says so I will say that's pretty effing on target).
    4) continue with my 10 week maintenance experiment

    I am also hoping to increase my lifts, I don't have any specific goals for this month, but I will be retesting my 1RM's in the new year so I hope to see some gains from my maintenance break.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I have seriously been slacking on the workouts recently :(

    No target weights as I am taking a serious deload due to inconsistent lifting the last month or two.

    1) Get back in to the twice a week lifting habit. Continue with twice a week derby and one-two climbing sessions. On the weeks that I can only go to derby once, add a lifting session.

    2) Get 5 pull ups in a row.

    3) Get back in the food tracking habit. No more skipping days. Wine only on the weekend this month

    4) Get down to 112 lbs.
  • denelifet
    denelifet Posts: 27 Member
    ohh I loved reading all these!

    mine would be:

    1) 45 lb dumbbells incline chest press by xmas (just hit 40 lbs last night for 5 reps!!!)
    2) 135 lb squats 3 sets of 10 reps ( I can manage 1 set of 6 reps now)
    3) 100 lb push press (at 85 lbs now)
    4) one da** bodyweight pull-up without assistance....good grief I suck at these....haha!

    and of course....sticking with my diet all week, with one cheat meal on the weekends and trying not to moan, groan and whine during cardio sessions....failing miserable at that last one...LOL
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I have a good reason to set some major goals since I've just booked a trip to Hawaii in mid-January which means beach time in a swimsuit.

    Goals are:
    1. Weigh in every Monday morning and take measurements.
    2. Increase protein intake since I'm on my 6 month of SL.
    3. Training for a half marathon in March means lots of cardio coming up.
    4. WATCH WHAT I EAT. Track track track and stay within my macros. It can be done.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Tried Zumba today for my cardio goal. Now I'm icing my knee. I remember why most cardio programs make me cringe! It was kind of fun, in an "I look incredibly awkward and it made me laugh" way. LOW impact in the future, for me!

    SL has made a HUGE difference in my legs. I noticed in the mirror wall and couldn't believe how muscular they are now. DH made a comment yesterday during bench, that they were "exquisite" when flexed. He's biased, but they do look damn good!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm also going to add 5x5 daily reps of the 'stomach vacuum' movement this month. call me weird, but i just tried it and it's obvious my transverse abdominus has had its feet adhered to the coffee table and a beer welded to each of its fists since high school. time to go all rank on its *kitten* and show it who's boss.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    What on earth is a stomach vacuum? Sounds like something to make yourself sick :smiley:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    My goal is to start lifting in a real gym with racks without
    1 making a fool of myself in front of the guys
    2 workout out how top use new equipment workout hurting myself or breaking anything
    3 increase lifts for bench and oh press
    4 start using barbell for bench and oh press which means I might achieve 3
    5 gain more muscle

    But really if I can do 1 and 2 I'll be a happy girl. Have a session tonight with trainer.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member

    Wow! 'm now trying to do those - while painting my nails. It's reminiscent of pelvic floor exercises :blush:
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    (The nails - blue - are obviously irrelevant, but they do add to the picture of how ridiculous I must look right now...)